Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Necropolis Special Session: Plague Tree 1



Zhaji's notes


Kress is called away. The others returned to the pylon. A dark shadow fell upon it, followed by strange noises. Plague-rats swarmed up the stairs and in through arrow slits. Undead plague-harpies entered the area as well.

Brianna started singing and called her weapon to her hand.
Angel cast Haste on Mambo.
Vandis turned one harpy.
A harpie shot arrows at Zhaji (xxxo); Zhaji resisted the disease.
Brianna cast an Ice Storm on a group of harpies.
Mambo interposed herself between the harpies and Zhaji and breathed acid at the harpy that shot Zhaji.
The rat swarms advanced.
Two harpies shot arrows at Vandis (ooox), (oooo); one shot at Brianna (xooo).
Zhaji cast Fly, flew behind Vandis, and cast a quickened Wall of Force.
Harpies shot at Brianna (xoxo) and Mambo (xooo).

Vandis cast Chain Lightning on three harpies.
A swarm of rats covered Brianna.
A harpy shot arrows at Mambo (xxo).
Brianna cast Flame Strike on three groups of rats and Mambo. The rats burned crisply, Mambo only a bit.
Mambo raged and attacked a harpy with her great-hammer (xxxx), destroying it.
Zhaji cast a chained Flesh to Stone on a group of harpies, affecting none. She then cast a quickened sculpted fireball on the remaining rats and a few wounded harpies, destroying all.
Harpies behind the Wall of Force exited the pylon.
The remaining harpies in the pylon shot arrows at Mambo, hitting once.

Vandis attempted to turn more harpies, affecting one.
More harpies shot arrows, missing.
The virulent disease reduced Brianna's dexterity and constitution.
Brianna cast Remove Disease on Zhaji.
Mambo clobbered another harpy, destroying it.
Zhaji cast another Wall of Force, leaving only one small battlefront.
Two harpies shot arrows at Mambo, hitting only once.

Vandis turned the two remaining harpies in the corner of the tower.
Brianna cast Panacea to cure her wounds and disease.
Mambo clobbered a turned harpy, destroying it.
Zhaji started casting a Monster Summoning VII.
The last harpy in the pylon flew away.

Vandis moved to Brianna and cast Heal on her, removing her ability damage.
Brianna started singing.
Zhaji's summoned huge earth elemental appeared in the stone corner of the pylon; Zhaji instructed the elemental in Terran to stay put and attack any harpies that fly past it. Zhaji then cast Shapechange, sharing it with Nevermore. Zhaji turned into a celestial lion, curing most of her wounds.
Some harpies, having traveled around the pylon, appeared at the entrance. One shot arrows at Mambo (xoo).

Vandis moved to that corner and turned the nearest harpy.
Mambo moved to the harpy and smacked it with her hammer.
Zhaji moved to see. She instructed the earth elemental to strike the one outside. She then cast Baleful Polymorph on the turned harpy, but didn't affect it.
Two more harpies moved into the entrance by Mambo.
Brianna flung a sling stone at a harpy, hitting in spite of the crowd.
The turned harpy flew away.

Vandis turned the remaining two harpies, but Mambo clobbered them both before they could flee.

Brianna commented that the creatures climbed up the walls and flew in the windows and then asked what's going on outside? Outside the window by Vandis, the party could see a great floating petrified tree. Zhaji cast Fly on Brianna. Vandis said that the tree looked like a threat. The party decided to investigate. As the party flew toward the tree, Zhaji cast Bear's Endurance, Resist Fire, and Resist Lightning on herself.

A concealed harpy fired its bow at Vandis (*). Six moved within sight.
Vandis cast Cloak of Chaos.
Mambo advanced on a harpy, power attacked, and missed.
Zhaji cast a quickened Greater Invisibility on herself, shifted to a juvenile Red Dragon, flew forward and breathed a cone of fire on some harpies, wounding three.
Brianna used a Wand to turn Invisible.

Mambo's notes

Welcome to Gametable v1.2-pre5.
Mambo: Brianna think there may be treasure back at Pylon tower rooms.
Mambo: As we prepare to leave the Pylon, lights dim, murky shadow, sound like rain, multitude of tiny feet, noxious sound.
Brianna rolls d20 + 3: [18 + 3] = 21
Vandis rolls Ability:Wisdom (d20 + 6): [8 + 6] = 14
Zhaji rolls d20: [6] = 6
Mambo: roll d20
Mambo rolls d20: [10] = 10
Mambo: +2 + 1
Mambo: Mambo is flatfooted
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + 6): [11 + 6] = 17
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [7 + 5] = 12
Vandis rolls Initiative (d20 + 6): [11 + 6] = 17
Zhaji rolls d20: [1] = 1
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [1 + 5] = 6
Brianna rolls d20: [13] = 13
Brianna rolls d20: [15] = 15
Brianna rolls d20: [15] = 15
Brianna rolls d20: [19] = 19
Mambo rolls d20: [15] = 15
Mambo: Coming up the stairs is --
Mambo: Plague rats attack
Mambo: Two swarms so far
Mambo: 16 Heroes Feast hps
Mambo: Feral, undead harpies hate us as they arrive on the scene.
Brianna: word of the day: feral hate
Vandis: 2994.
Vandis: N566
Mambo: Angel Hastes Mambo right away.
Mambo: 15 rounds
Vandis rolls d20 + 4: [(18) + 4] = 22
Vandis rolls 2d6 + 17: [1 + 5 + 17] = 23
Mambo: Plague harpies are firing crossbow bolts
Mambo: sorry - composite long bow
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [9 + 14] = 23
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [13 + 14] = 27
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [20 + 14] = 34
Mambo: +2/2 song by now
Mambo: Harpies are flying. Rats are not.
Mambo: Brianna is not flying as others are. Mambo offers to carry Brianna.
Mambo: Brianna does Ice Storm
Brianna rolls 3d6 + 2d6: [1 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 4] = 17
Mambo: Zhaji hit by Plague Harpie arrow for triple damage
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [17 + 14] = 31
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [2 + 14] = 16
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [11 + 14] = 25
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [3 + 14] = 17
Mambo: Zhaji is still standing and feels sick to her stomach.
Mambo: 5ft altitude
Mambo: Mambo
Brianna: 68 damage
Brianna: DC 29 reflex
Mambo rolls 6d8: [4 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 6 + 1] = 30
Mambo: Mambo interposes for her best girlfriend, Zhaji and breathes on harpie 10 for 30 points
Mambo: Harpie 9 misses arrows at Mambo
Mambo: Plague harpie 7 hits Vandis with arrows
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [9 + 17] = 26
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [2 + 14] = 16
Zhaji rolls Save (Fortitude) (d20 + 14): [9 + 14] = 23
Mambo: all the ladies run to Vandis for protection
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [4 + 17] = 21
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [4 + 17] = 21
Brianna: wall of farce
Mambo: yellow line
Mambo: AC 34 for 11 points off Heros Feast , down to 4
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20): [5] = 5
Mambo: miss, miss
Mambo: Angel Delays
Mambo: Vandis considers chain lightening
Vandis rolls 19d6: [3 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 6] = 68
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [13 + 17] = 30
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [4 + 24] = 28
Mambo: Mambo hit with arrow for 4. Hit again 6 points. Miss.
Mambo: Mambo down 6 real points
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [14 + 24] = 38
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [12 + 17] = 29
Mambo: Brianna does flame strike.
Brianna rolls 15d6: [2 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 6] = 54
Mambo rolls Save Reflex (d20 + 15): [10 + 15] = 25
Brianna rolls Brianna Reflex Save (d20 + 20): [17 + 20] = 37
Mambo: half is fire, half is divine, half of that mambo takes in damage - half 27 is 13
Mambo: Mambo rages instantly takes a 5ft step and attack harpy 10
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [8 + 27] = 35
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(4 + 6 + 3) + 20] = 33
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 2 (d20 + 22): [18 + 22] = 40
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 3 (d20 + 17): [10 + 17] = 27
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [13 + 27] = 40
Mambo rolls Damage with Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(3 + 3 + 3) + 16] = 25
Mambo rolls Damage with Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(5 + 1 + 1) + 16] = 23
Mambo rolls Damage with Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(5 + 3 + 6) + 16] = 30
Mambo: Mambo kills it with 4th hit of greathammer
Brianna rolls Brianna Fortitude Save (d20 + 17): [14 + 17] = 31
Mambo: Plague rats go after Brianna again.
Mambo: Brianna is a good dancer.
Mambo: Other Harpies target the human - Vandis.
Mambo: or the Human Zhaji
Mambo: Zhaji does a chained flesh to stone on 3 of the Flying HarpYs.
Zhaji rolls Spell (Fireball) (10d6): [2 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 6] = 42
Mambo: Harpy 11 shoots arrows at Mambo?
Mambo: Hits, not threat (DR 1 on past hits) 4 less hps
Mambo: 4 pnts damage.
Mambo rolls Save Raging Fortitude (d20 + 26): [13 + 26] = 39
Mambo: miss, miss
Vandis rolls d20 + 4: [(12) + 4] = 16
Vandis rolls 2d6 + 17: [3 + 3 + 17] = 23
Mambo: harpy 10/1 fires at mambo, miss, miss, miss
Mambo has joined the session
Mambo: Dex and Con down twice from diease on Brianna. She needs to remove disease.
Mambo: boo
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [3 + 27] = 30
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 2 (d20 + 22): [12 + 22] = 34
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 3 (d20 + 17): [19 + 17] = 36
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [6 + 27] = 33
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 1 + 1) + 20] = 28
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(3 + 3 + 4) + 20] = 30
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 1 + 6) + 20] = 33
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 2 + 5) + 20] = 33
Mambo: mambo continues beating on Plague Harpy10/1 beating it into a pulp.
Mambo: Brianna bravely cure disease on zhaji instead of herself.
Mambo: Brianna - will she live?
Mambo: Zhaji puts up a wall of force
Mambo: Zhaji puts up wall of force so HarpYs can only enter by mambo!
Mambo: harpy 11 shoots arrows at mambo
Mambo: Hits, for 4. Fort
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [15 + 24] = 39
Mambo: miss, miss
Mambo: Mambo bares her fangs.
Vandis rolls 2d6 + 17: [6 + 5 + 17] = 28
Mambo: Vandis turns the rest of the HarpYs in the room.
Mambo: Brianna casts panacea for hit points and cure disease
Brianna rolls d8 + 11: [8 + 11] = 19
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [4 + 27] = 31
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 2 (d20 + 22): [13 + 22] = 35
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 3 (d20 + 17): [11 + 17] = 28
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [5 + 27] = 32
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(4 + 6 + 1) + 20] = 31
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(1 + 1 + 1) + 20] = 23
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 3 + 2) + 20] = 31
Mambo rolls Damage Raging Greathammer (3d6 + 20): [(5 + 4 + 2) + 20] = 31
Mambo: mambo makes pulp of Harpy 11.
Mambo: Zhaji shape changes and conjures an Earth Elemental to battle harPys and help Mambo - who doesn't feel like she needs help
Mambo: Zhaji Celestial Lion
Mambo: Nevermore becomes a porcupine
Mambo: Nevermore becomes a parrot
Mambo: Brianna sings again
Mambo: Moves closer to Vandis
Mambo: Draws a picture of a bow
Mambo: Pets the lion
Mambo: She hugs Vandis and pets the lion
Mambo: Or perhaps later
Mambo: Brianna draws her sling and pebbles
Mambo: We all delay and wait for the HarpYs.
Mambo: Hits Mambo, 5,
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [16 + 24] = 40
Mambo: miss, miss
Mambo: Vandis turns Harpy 3 in vengeance for scratching mambo with an arrow.
Mambo: Go Vandis!
Mambo: Brianna ---?
Mambo: keeps singing and watches.
Mambo: comnposes a new song of the bravery of us all
Mambo rolls Hit Raging Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [18 + 27] = 45
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer Raging (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(2 + 5 + 4) + 16 + (3 + 6)] = 36
Mambo: 48 damage on Harpy 3
Zhaji rolls d20: [14] = 14
Zhaji rolls 2d10 + 9: [1 + 10 + 9] = 20
Mambo: harpy 5 is clawing mambo, hits, 3 points
Mambo rolls Hit Greathammer 1 Raging (d20 + 27): [1 + 27] = 28
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer Raging (3d6 + 20): [(2 + 2 + 1) + 20] = 25
Mambo: 37 damage from mambo's attack of op
Mambo: He misses, misses Mambo
Brianna rolls d20 + 20: [8 + 20] = 28
Brianna rolls d5: [3] = 3
Mambo: Brianna is slinging and singing - and swinging?
Brianna rolls d6 + 1 + 2: [3 + 1 + 2] = 6
Brianna rolls d20 + 15: [9 + 15] = 24
Brianna rolls d5: [1] = 1
Mambo: slinging again
Mambo: Hits Zhaji or Nevermore?
Brianna rolls d6 + 1 + 2: [1 + 1 + 2] = 4
Mambo: just misses
Mambo: she drops her stone
Brianna rolls d20 + 10: [13 + 10] = 23
Brianna rolls d5: [1] = 1
Brianna rolls d6 + 1 + 2: [5 + 1 + 2] = 8
Vandis rolls 2d6 + 17: [2 + 5 + 17] = 24
Mambo: Vandis turns 4 and 5 - both!
Mambo rolls Hit Greathammer 1 Raging (d20 + 27): [1 + 27] = 28
Mambo rolls Hit Great-Axe 2 Raging (d20 + 28): [14 + 28] = 42
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer Raging vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(5 + 1 + 4) + 16 + (1 + 4)] = 31
Mambo rolls Hit Great-Axe 2 Raging (d20 + 28): [17 + 28] = 45
Mambo rolls Hit Greathammer 2 Raging (d20 + 22): [11 + 22] = 33
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer Raging vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(2 + 5 + 1) + 16 + (5 + 4)] = 33
Mambo: Mambo cleaves and kills both Harpy 4 and 5.
Mambo: Brianna suggests we look outside and see what is going on.
Mambo: Mambo is standing by a window.
Mambo: Mambo looks outside
Mambo: Sees nothing in that direction.
Mambo: Vandis flies over and looks outside. he calls us over
Mambo: We look outside with Vandis and see =
Mambo: a great floating, petrified tree
Mambo: Bark and branches, no leaves
Mambo: harpys flying away
Mambo: base is caped by 80ft stony roots
Mambo: tree itself is 160 ft high to where trunk is broken off
Mambo: limbs broken off over the years - rough surface conducive to climbing.
Mambo: Floating Vertical
Mambo: Zhaji casts Fly on Brianna
Mambo: Tree is 200 ft away
Mambo: very bottom of roots are dragging on the ground
Mambo: base of tree is 80 ft off the ground
Mambo: Brianna _ Well, that's un-natural
Mambo: The tactical for the tree is divided into 6 levels - we can access 5th from this height of Pylon
Mambo: Vandis - this looks like an immediate threat to the area. We must investigate immediately
Mambo: Angel 1 cure on Mambo
Mambo rolls Angel Cure Moderate (2d8 + 15): [(5 + 5) + 15] = 25
Mambo: Angel cures Mambo for 25. Down 5 now
Mambo: How many rounds passed - 8
Mambo: Loses modifiers for duration of current encounter
Mambo: mambo stops raging
Mambo: weakened for duration of encounter - which is over anyway
Mambo: chaos cloak - Vandis and friends
Mambo: Spell not item. limitted duration
Mambo: we go after tree before searching Harpys
Mambo: Vandis also has Mass Death Ward
Mambo: spell, not worth it yet
Mambo: At round 14 we get to the tree, flying.
Brianna rolls Brianna Spot (d20 + 12): [3 + 12] = 15
Mambo: There is a single harpy siting the tree with a bow aimed at us
Mambo rolls Spot (d20 + 10): [8 + 10] = 18
Zhaji rolls Skill (Spot) (d20 + 1 + 2): [14 + 1 + 2] = 17
Vandis rolls d20: [19] = 19
Vandis rolls Sk:Spot (d20 + 9): [12 + 9] = 21
Mambo rolls BB - Spot (d20 + 8): [16 + 8] = 24
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + 6): [1 + 6] = 7
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [10 + 5] = 15
Mambo rolls BB - Initiative (d20 + 2): [19 + 2] = 21
Vandis rolls Initiative (d20 + 6): [16 + 6] = 22
Zhaji rolls d20: [16] = 16
Mambo rolls Initiative (d20): [13] = 13
Mambo rolls Angel - Charisma (d20): [5] = 5
Zhaji rolls d20: [6] = 6
Mambo rolls Angel Spot (d20 + 4): [4 + 4] = 8
Mambo rolls BB - Reflex (d20): [16] = 16
Mambo: harpy fire flaming arrow at Vandis, critical
Mambo: for 14 points of base plus 9 is 23 plus 12 for favored enemy
Mambo: not flaming
Mambo: Other harpys appear and attack us with arrows
Brianna: one harpy, multiple harpies
Mambo: Zhaji aks and is told that invisibility works against undead.
Mambo: She and Vandis go invisible
Mambo: eventually, not yet
Mambo rolls Angel - Intelligence (d20 + 4): [7 + 4] = 11
Mambo: Vandis says "dang" I an't got no more "Turns" so I'm gonna do a cloak of chaos
Mambo: that causes = penalties to lawful PCs who attack us. +4 resistance saves, +4 AC,
Mambo: spell resistence 25
Mambo: lawful creature have to save or become confused if hit one of us
Mambo: Angel Hastes Mambo, 15 rounds
Mambo rolls Hit with Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [1 + 27] = 28
Mambo: AC 8 - misses
Mambo: Zhaji does Quickened Greater Invisibility
Mambo: has Shapechange up and as free action? changes shape?
Mambo: Zhaji changes into an ancient red dragon 36 hit dice
Mambo: move and breath fire at harpys
Mambo: move action, breath as standard action
Mambo: mambo takes fire damage with appreciation
Mambo: Shape change 3 hours
Mambo: perhaps changed to 1 min per level latet, DM to look at
Mambo: Moves and breathes in cone
Mambo: Gargantuan Red Dragon
Mambo: Red Dragons are Evil!!
Mambo: mambo looks horrified
Zhaji rolls 20d10: [3 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 10 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 9] = 105
Mambo: She breathes cone of fire on 1, 2, 3, and 7
Mambo: mambo gets no fire damage
Mambo: Brianna is next
Mambo: harpy B4 shoots arrows at Mambo - miss, miss, miss
Mambo: We pause here
Mambo: talk spells online on Vita
Mambo: about polymorph
Mambo: later - after plays out
Mambo: Anthony has newest version of 3.5 on polymorph
Zhaji rolls 14d10: [1 + 2 + 3 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 2] = 67
Mambo: 67 was not enough to kill them. She was 25 hd dragon
Mambo: The assumed form can not have more than caster level in hit dice
Mambo: Has to be juvenile
Mambo: has to reroll
Zhaji rolls 8d10: [7 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 8 + 5 + 8] = 47
Mambo: check on natural spell like abilities
Mambo: Might have fly by and snatch
Mambo: cone length changes

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Copyright © 2008 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
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