Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Necropolis Special Session: Plague Tree 2



Zhaji's notes

Vandis, planning on casting a burst spell told Brianna to move away.
Mambo swung her great-hammer at the plague harpies with mighty blows (x,x,x), killing two.
Brianna flew away from Vandis and started singing a bolstering tune.
Vandis moved near a group of Harpies and cast Word of Chaos, deafening and stunning them.
Harpies shot arrows at Mambo, hitting twice.

Mambo killed the remaining two plague harpies near her.
Brianna, still invisible, flew into an opening in the giant tree.
Zhaji, also invisible, and able to see invisible, followed her in.
Vandis drew his sword and attacked the harpies near him, killing one.
The harpies shot arrows at Vandis, missing.

Mambo joined the group inside.
Zhaji, able to see the final skirmish because the tree was mostly hollowed out, moved next to the plague harpies, turned into an iron golem, and slammed a harpy, killing it.
Vandis attacked and destroyed the remaining harpy.

The party regrouped on the top story within the tree.
Zhaji cast Greater Invisibility on both Mambo and Vandis.

The party flew down to the next level through a hole in the floor. A fowl din came from the next room. Brianna stopped singing. A periodic clink, like a hammer on an anvil, could be heard from far away.

The party moved to the next room. Cages of birds, arrow hawks, lay about the room. The birds chirped away. Zhaji, in spite of having Tongues up, could not understand any intelligent speech. She commented that they seemed to be ordinary birds.

The party flew down to the next level through a hole in the floor. The hammering seemed close. Mambo opened the door.

A marrash, an upright winged hyena-humanoid, was hammering at a forge. Upon seeing the party, it started Blinking.
Mambo moved to attack, but her great-hammer swished through its blinking body.
Zhaji cast Flesh to Stone at the creature, but fired as it blinked out.

The creature turned to flee, and Mambo struck it from behind. It flew to the outer wall and blinked out. Zhaji asked if she should go after it. Brianna said everyone could go if Zhaji popped a hole in the wall. Zhaji cast Disintegrate on the wall, popping a large hole in it. She flew out to see where the creature went.

The creature flew up the side of the tree and over the top. Zhaji reported this to the others. Everybody flew up the side of the tree.

The marrash was on the far side of the treetop. Four plague harpies, those that Vandis had turned, were also on the treetop.
Vandis cast Spiritual Weapon on the marrash, which missed.
Zhaji flew to the far side of the treetop.

The marrash cast Shield of Faith on itself.
Angel recast Haste on Mambo.
Mambo closed on the plague harpies.
Vandis cast Silence near the marrash. His Spiritual Weapon attacked (ooo).
Zhaji cast Disintegrate at the marrash, caught it blinking it, and vaporized it.

Mambo swung her great-hammer at the plague harpies with powerful blows (xx, xx, x), killing two.
Vandis closed on the harpies and swung his longsword with a powerful blow (x, x), killing one.
Mambo finished off the last harpy.

Zhaji's invisibility wore off while the party quickly collected the marrash's fallen equipment. She used her ring to turn invisible again. The party flew back down the side of the tree and in through Zhaji's instant doorway.

The party flew down to the next level. The large open area contained swarms of plague rats and a plague spewer.
Zhaji, turning visible, cast Polymorph Any Object on the spewer, turning it into a wobbly glass disc.
Vandis redirected his Spiritual Weapon at the glass disc. The sword quickly shattered the disc.
Mambo headed down to the next level.

Zhaji cast a sculpted Fireball, tailoring the area to cover all the swarms of rats, but none of the party. Crispy rat corpses littered the floor.

The rest of the party followed Mambo to the next level. Zhaji delayed to cast Greater Invisibility on herself.

A large pile of bones sat in the huge room below. Vandis and Brianna noticed that the bones moved.
Brianna pulled out her Sword Lamnion.
Vandis cast Know Vulnerabilities on the bone-pile, making an audible noise of shock. With limited time, Vandis said it was a big powerful undead creature.
The pile moved and attacked Mambo from 20' away with a mass of bones. The slam left a mark!
Zhaji, worried about the creature's long reach, pulled her Cube of Force from her Handy Haversack and activated it to keep out non-living matter.
Mambo advanced on the bone-pile, which slammed her great-hammer as she approached. The hammer was badly damaged, so Mambo bit the bone-pile. Mambo started raging.

Brianna activated her sword, causing a Mordenkainen's Sword to start attacking the bone-pile, doing minor damage.
Vandis directed his Spiritual Weapon at the bone-pile, but the bone-pile's spell resistance defeated the spell. Vandis then moved toward Mambo, getting slammed hard by the bone-pile as he advanced. The slam trigger Vandis' Stalwart Pact.
The bone-pile attacked Mambo (x,x,x,x), walloping her badly and triggering the Stalwart Pact on her as well.
Angel cast CMW on Mambo.

Brianna's sword continued attacking the bone-pile.
Brianna pulled out a Flame Strike scroll and cast it at the bone-pile. The creature's spell resistance blocked the attack.
Zhaji cast two Walls of Force, one of them quickened, to separate the creature from the party.
Vandis cast CCW on Mambo.

Brianna's sword continued attacking.
Brianna and Vandis cast cures.
After warning the others, Zhaji cast MS VII to summon a huge earth elemental. She directed it, speaking Terran, to standby until she told it to attack. She then cast another.

Mambo and Vandis were anxious for Zhaji to drop her Walls of Force. Zhaji said, "One more", and cast a third huge earth elemental. She delayed a bit longer to let Brianna into the protection of her Cube of Force.
Brianna's sword continued attacking while Zhaji was readying.

Zhaji verified that everyone was ready, directed her elementals to attack the bone-pile, and dropped the Walls of Force.

Mambo attacked the bone-pile with powerful swings of her great-axe (xooo).
The bone-pile attacked Mambo (xxxx).
Vandis and Angel cast cures on Mambo.
The three earth elementals attacked (xx, xx, xo), but DR drastically reduced their damage.

Mambo attacked the bone-pile with more controlled swings (xxxx).
The bone-pile attacked Mambo (xxx*).
Vandis and Angel cast more cures on Mambo.
The elementals attacked (xx, xx, xx), destroying the bone-pile.
Zhaji dismissed the elementals.

There was a runed mithral sword in the bone pile. Brianna recognized the symbols; it read, "One Thousand Broken Dreams" and was a drow-bane sword.

Mambo's notes

Welcome to Gametable v1.2-pre5.
Mambo: We determine who is up or not
Mambo: to be or not to be at the top of the round
Mambo: Vandis casts cloak of chaos.
Mambo: Mambo down 5. Vandis 34. Zhaji down 6.
Mambo rolls Hit with Great-Axe 1 (d20 + 31): [6 + 31] = 37
Mambo rolls Damage Great-Axe (3d6 + 20): [(3 + 1 + 6) + 20] = 30
Mambo rolls Hit with Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [8 + 27] = 35
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(2 + 1 + 2) + 16] = 21
Mambo rolls Hit Greathammer 1 Raging (d20 + 27): [9 + 27] = 36
Mambo rolls Hit with Great-Axe 1 (d20 + 31): [2 + 31] = 33
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(2 + 4 + 1) + 16] = 23
Mambo rolls 2d6: [1 + 2] = 3
Mambo rolls Hit with Greathammer 2 (d20 + 22): [8 + 22] = 30
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer (3d6 + 16): [(5 + 6 + 5) + 16] = 32
Mambo rolls 2d6: [1 + 6] = 7
Mambo: Mambo cleaves to destroy two of the Harpys.
Mambo: Zhaji turns back into herself and flies over to a platform in middle of tree or not
Mambo: Perhaps not
Mambo: the poor tree is black and blue
Mambo: Zhaji just turns back into herself
Mambo: Brianna flies and continues to sing. Rich melodious voice that continues. +2/+2
Mambo: 5, 6 and 7 Harpy are deafened and stunned from Vandis' spell
Mambo: B1 Harpy goes next. Shoots at Mambo
Mambo: hits for 11
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [16 + 24] = 40
Mambo: B1 - miss, miss Mambo
Mambo: B2 hits next for 4 pnts
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [13 + 24] = 37
Mambo: No poison. Second and third miss Mambo
Mambo rolls Hit with Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [8 + 27] = 35
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(3 + 2 + 4) + 16 + (6 + 5)] = 36
Mambo rolls Hit with Greathammer 1 (d20 + 27): [12 + 27] = 39
Mambo rolls Damage Greathammer vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(1 + 4 + 3) + 16 + (1 + 1)] = 26
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Attack #1 (d20 + 21): [5 + 21] = 26
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Attack #2 (d20 + 16): [20 + 16] = 36
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Attack #3 (d20 + 11): [3 + 11] = 14
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Critical Damage (2d6 + 4 + d6): [(3 + 3) + 4 + 4] = 14
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Critical Sneak Damage (2d6 + 4 + d6 + 2d6): [(4 + 4) + 4 + 1 + (2 + 6)] = 21
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Damage (d6 + 2 + d6): [2 + 2 + 3] = 7
Brianna rolls Brianna Rapier Sneak Damage (d6 + 2 + d6 + 2d6): [3 + 2 + 3 + (5 + 6)] = 19
Mambo: Mambo takes a 5ft step and destroys, cleave, the harpys who shot arrows at her.
Vandis rolls Atk:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 25): [10 + 25] = 35
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [20 + 26] = 46
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [13 + 26] = 39
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [7 + 11] = 18
Vandis rolls Atk:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 25): [2 + 25] = 27
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [1 + 26] = 27
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 3rd (d20 + 21): [14 + 21] = 35
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [6 + 11] = 17
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 3rd (d20 + 21): [19 + 21] = 40
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [5 + 11] = 16
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 4th (d20 + 16): [15 + 16] = 31
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [3 + 11] = 14
Mambo: Zhaji and Brianna explore the hole down the core of the tree. Vandis battles the Harpys.
Mambo: the ceiling is 20 ft tall
Mambo: Mambo goes over with her friends.
Mambo: Zhaji flies over to Vandis and turns into an Iron Golem and pounds the Harpys.
Zhaji rolls d20 + 23: [(8) + 23] = 31
Mambo: Zhaji does a slam attack
Zhaji rolls 2d10 + 11: [8 + 3 + 11] = 22
Mambo: She chooses to be a golem with very long arms, reach
Mambo: Greater invis golem.
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [14 + 26] = 40
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [7 + 11] = 18
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [8 + 26] = 34
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [3 + 11] = 14
Mambo: Vandis whacks at remaining Harpy
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 3rd (d20 + 21): [17 + 21] = 38
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [1 + 11] = 12
Mambo: Finishes it off
Mambo: We stay in round, though not in part
Mambo: Zhaji turns back into herself but is invisible. Vandis too. Brianna too.
Mambo: Zhaji talks to Mambo
Mambo: What happen to you Zhaji? Where you go?
Mambo: Z - we are all invisible except you and your bat.
Mambo: Zhaji - I can make you invisible and you will still be able to fight
Mambo: Z - Unless you think that's cheating?
Mambo: M - oooo, maybe. What should me do?
Mambo: Brianna is still singing.
Mambo: Mambo leaves BB out with Nevermore - where-ever that is.
Mambo: Mambo is invisible
Mambo: Brown = door. Blue = open. Black = wall of hollow tree
Mambo: Sounds and guano stench.
Mambo: Nope. Just burlap sacks.
Mambo: Greater invis by Zhaji on Mambo and Vandis
Brianna rolls Brianna Listen (d20 + 9): [8 + 9] = 17
Mambo: Take quick glance at sacks. Colorful feathers taken from various creatures.
Vandis rolls Sk:Listen (d20 + 9): [7 + 9] = 16
Mambo rolls Listen (d20 + 12): [4 + 12] = 16
Mambo: Me open door.
Mambo: hear noise now and pungent stench of guano.
Mambo: Crude wooden cages holding small colorful creatures - feathers like those in sacks.
Mambo: 4 Arrowhawk chicks
Mambo: Not in great shape
Brianna rolls Brianna Listen (d20 + 9): [14 + 9] = 23
Mambo rolls Listen (d20 + 12): [3 + 12] = 15
Vandis rolls Sk:Listen (d20 + 9): [18 + 9] = 27
Zhaji rolls Skill (Listen) (d20 + 1 + 2): [9 + 1 + 2] = 12
Mambo: Those of us who can hear - hear occasional hammering from below.
Mambo: Mambo reports what hears to others
Mambo: Brianna stops singing, "Chic, Chic, Chicky, lay a little egg for me." ;-)
Mambo: Mambo - you want eggs from Hawksbrids, Brianna?
Mambo: B - no, I don't think so.
Brianna rolls Brianna Knowledge (Nature) (d20 + 12): [15 + 12] = 27
Mambo rolls Know Nature (d20 + 11): [5 + 11] = 16
Mambo: We talk about the birds. Brianna knows they are used for feathers for arrows.
Mambo: They are just birds.
Mambo: We go down another level. Mambo leads
Mambo: Brie is regular invis. Rest of us are Greater invis
Mambo: This room - stench of corruption and death. Bound and bloated corpse of Ogre. Small shafts protruding from skin, like pins in a pincushion. It is rotting and stretched.
Mambo: Zhaji detects no magic in this room. Brianna suggests disentegrating the rotting corpse. Zhaji does so.
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + 6): [1 + 6] = 7
Mambo: Mambo goes through door first
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [17 + 5] = 22
Mambo rolls Initiative (d20 + 3): [5 + 3] = 8
Mambo rolls Angel - Initiative (d20 + 4): [18 + 4] = 22
Mambo: Kizhaam snniffs us
Brianna rolls Brianna Knowledge (The Planes) (d20 + 8): [9 + 8] = 17
Mambo: large hearth, anvil, pair of buckets, coar filled stone bin, partially carved out of floor. Strange harpy like creature with hyena head and harpy wings.
Vandis rolls Sk:Knowledge (The Planes) (d20 + 12): [3 + 12] = 15
Brianna: marrash
Mambo: Marrash is the type of creature says Vandis and Brianna
Mambo: It has tongs and is pounding with hammer on anvil, but drops hammer
Mambo: It starts to fade in and out.
Mambo: Angel Hastes Mambo.
Mambo: Mambo runs over and tries to hit the creature
Mambo: It tries to claw Mambo
Mambo: It misses Mambo
Mambo: Brianna starts singing about - victory before she moves - then moves just outside door.
Mambo: Kizhaam actually did not claw at Mambo
Mambo: Cause of Mambo being greater invis
Mambo: Vandis flies in and hovers
Mambo: Creature has hawk-feet
Mambo: Zhaji flies in and tries flesh to stone
Mambo: Targeted spells have 50% mischance
Zhaji rolls d20: [6] = 6
Brianna rolls d2: [2] = 2
Mambo: Misses.
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1 to Hit (d20 + 27): [5 + 27] = 32
Mambo rolls Percentile dice (d100): [60] = 60
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(1 + 6 + 1) + 16 + (1 + 2)] = 27
Mambo: Mambo gets attack of opportunity and hits for 29
Mambo: Then creature escapes through the opening. Flies away.
Mambo: Kiz is flying away
Mambo: It is a Marrash
Mambo: Mambo is still hasted
Mambo: Mambo delays.
Mambo: Brianna suggests Zhaji disintegrate hole in tree so we can pursue Kiz.
Mambo: Zhaji winds up.
Mambo: Vandis delays.
Mambo: Zhaji disentegrate the wall, or tries to.
Mambo: 1 ft cube.
Brianna: 10' cube
Mambo: DM rolls % thickness
Vandis rolls 2d8: [3 + 5] = 8
Mambo: Zhaji?
Mambo: Zhaji?
Mambo: 10' cube is made into trunk wall
Mambo: zhaji can see Kiz flying away. Zhaji moves outside hole
Mambo: Kiz looks at hole in horror
Mambo: Kiz starts buffing himself up with spells.
Mambo: Actually, after went through wallflew up to top of tree.
Mambo: Zhaji wants to move towards him, but not really close
Mambo: not to give him full round of melee attack, except he has bow, so may not matter
Mambo: Zhaji hears some mumbling.
Mambo: Mambo flies after Zhaji. (Mambo is hasted)
Mambo: 6th level is 70 feet up
Mambo: Brianna keeps singing and delays until Vandis goes.
Mambo: "Kill the Marrash. Kill the Marrash."
Mambo: Vandis flies out.
Mambo: Vandis flies up, up, up, and a-waaaaaay!
Mambo: Vandis no longer visible to us, as if he would be, being greater invis
Mambo: Brianna flew up as far as she could
Mambo: Followed Vandis
Mambo: Zhaji is flying up now.
Mambo: Mambo flies up -
Mambo: up 70ft?
Mambo: altitude, relative to L3 is 75ft
Mambo: Mambo can see into 6th level and see plague Harpys there and communicate that to her friends
Mambo: Kizhamm is still buffing?
Brianna: Kizhaam
Mambo: Vandis flies up and over battlement
Mambo: Plague Harpys fire their blows at him.
Brianna: flire their bows!
Mambo: bows
Mambo: Number 3 misses, misses, except can't see him anyway. So just stand ready
Mambo: Vandis hovers and observes.
Mambo: Vandis picks lint off his armor
Mambo: Vandis casts a spiritual weapon
Mambo: it comes into being and takes an attack against the marraash, Kizm.
Mambo: It will hit even if Kizm is blinking.
Mambo: Misses.
Mambo: Brianna moves up and pulls out sword of Lamion to use next time.
Mambo: Zhaji turns into a dragon again.
Mambo: this time it is a Red (EVIL) dragon. And she breathes a cone of fire.
Mambo: Polish Proverb - if something works, do it again. If something doesn't work, do it again.
Mambo: Stone columns with stone carved perches. Sticks and twines hang from perches.
Mambo: Actually have to fly up higher to get over to creatures.
Mambo: Vandis at altitude 100 to climb over battlement carvings too.
Mambo: Brianna not able to draw item yet.
Mambo: Takes time to get her feather pen and ink and paper out of her backpack
Mambo: Kizm casts a spell.
Zhaji rolls Skill (Spellcraft) (d20 + 25): [16 + 25] = 41
Vandis rolls Sk:Spellcraft (d20 + 24): [3 + 24] = 27
Brianna rolls Brianna Spellcraft (d20 + 15): [2 + 15] = 17
Mambo: Shield of Faith
Mambo: up 25 and over battlement for Mambo, hasted by Angel.
Mambo: close with Harpy 2, but it is down 20ft from me.
Mambo: Mambo moves another 5ft to be able to cleave Harpy 2 and 12 in her next turn
Mambo: Vandis flies in and drops to right height (85) to be in better position next time. MIght cast a spell too.
Mambo: Casts Silence
Mambo: at ground by Kizm
Mambo: 20ft radius.
Mambo: Pink radius of silence
Mambo: Spritual Weapon attacks, miss, miss, miss
Mambo: Brianna delays until Mambo goes
Mambo: Zhaji casts disentegrate on Kizm
Zhaji rolls d20: [17] = 17
Zhaji rolls d20: [17] = 17
Mambo: Hits for touch 31+
Mambo: Save DC 28 Fort
Mambo: He fails.
Zhaji rolls 36d6: [3 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 6] = 127
Mambo: Damage = 36 d6. 127 He's disintegrated
Mambo: Falling to the ground are a composite longbow, etc.
Mambo: ring quivers, etc
Mambo: Doesn't he have a twin brother?
Mambo: We can't stop here.
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1 to Hit (d20 + 27): [12 + 27] = 39
Mambo: 39 + 4 - 15
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage (3d6 + 16): [(5 + 6 + 4) + 16] = 31
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(1 + 1 + 4) + 16 + (1 + 4)] = 27
Mambo: 59 points of damage
Mambo rolls Greathammer 2 to Hit (d20 + 22): [6 + 22] = 28
Mambo: 28 + 4 - 15
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(1 + 3 + 3) + 16 + (4 + 5)] = 32
Mambo: 64
Mambo rolls Greathammer 2 to Hit (d20 + 22): [7 + 22] = 29
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(6 + 3 + 1) + 16 + (2 + 2)] = 30
Mambo: 62 on Harpy 12 now
Mambo rolls Greathammer 3 to Hit (d20 + 17): [12 + 17] = 29
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(4 + 5 + 4) + 16 + (4 + 4)] = 37
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1 to Hit (d20 + 27): [11 + 27] = 38
Mambo: hit 69
Mambo rolls Greathammer Damage vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(2 + 3 + 5) + 16 + (1 + 5)] = 32
Mambo: 5ft step to harpy 1, hit for 64 damage
Mambo: Brianna moves up and keeps singing with special encouraging words for Mambo.
Mambo: Plague Harpie attempts to sense Mambo. Does not.
Mambo: Vandis goes next. He redirects Spiritual Hammer at harpy 3
Mambo: He flies over and drops down.
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [4 + 26] = 30
Vandis rolls Atk:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 25): [4 + 25] = 29
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [1 + 11] = 12
Mambo: He attacks Plague harpy1 and hopes to cleave to 3. Hits for 29 and destroys harpy 1 and cleaves to Harpy 3
Mambo: if he actually has Cleave
Vandis rolls Atk HF:Sword 1st/2nd (d20 + 26): [3 + 26] = 29
Vandis rolls Dmg:Sword (d8 + 11): [2 + 11] = 13
Mambo: Has Great Cleave - can cleave all around him in a round, not just two creatures
Mambo: Does 30 damage to Harpy 3
Mambo: Didn't actually move the Spiritual Weapon which is still fighting the air around it.
Mambo: Zhaji watches.
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit (d20 + 31): [1 + 31] = 32
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 2 to Hit (d20 + 26): [6 + 26] = 32
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 3 to hit (d20 + 21): [15 + 21] = 36
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit (d20 + 31): [13 + 31] = 44
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 6 + 1) + 20] = 33
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage (3d6 + 20): [(1 + 5 + 5) + 20] = 31
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage (3d6 + 20): [(6 + 2 + 6) + 20] = 34
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage (3d6 + 20): [(3 + 1 + 6) + 20] = 30
Mambo: Mambo hits Harpy 3 4 times and pulverizes it, after Vandis softened it up.
Mambo: We fly down to check out other levels after gathering up Kizm's stuff.
Mambo: A bunch of arrows in quiver, not magical, but are poisoned with disease.
Mambo: He had 1 other interesting arrow.
Vandis: Taklif Arrow
Mambo: Any creature hit by this must save or contract plague then die instantly in later round and rises as a Marrash 1d6 days later.
Mambo: We are back on 3rd level
Mambo: Brianna is singing triumphantly
Mambo: Cloak of Chaos is down
Mambo: Mambo is still hasted
Mambo: Spiritual weapon still with Vandis
Mambo: Cutting his hair, shaving his chin
Mambo: Greater Invis still up
Mambo: 1 round per level - 18 rounds
Mambo: 10 rounds have passed. Expired on Zhaji
Mambo: Greater Ivis down. Zhaji has to cast it again if she wants it.
Mambo: Invisibility
Mambo: Went out after we destroyed Kazim and plague harpies
Mambo: Brianna?
Mambo: Mambo leads the way down to Level 2. Zhaji uses regular invisibility from her ring
Mambo: Room is named Contagion's source. Creature is narled with lumps of disease and broken arrow shafts. 30 ft tall chamber
Mambo: gnarled?
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + 6): [20 + 6] = 26
Mambo: bloated, hideous disease ridden creature
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [8 + 5] = 13
Mambo: Plague rats around it
Mambo rolls Initiative (d20 + 3): [3 + 3] = 6
Mambo rolls Angel - Initiative (d20 + 4): [2 + 4] = 6
Mambo: Mambo still hasted. She and Angel roll 6 on initiative
Mambo: We are all at altitude 20 relative to this floor
Mambo: Except Mambo who is at 18 altitude
Mambo: Angel radiates warmth
Mambo: Brianna spends her action to move to watch. She is still singing.
Mambo: The swarms of rats smells us and move in our direction
Mambo: There is a concentration of heat where Mambo is.
Mambo: Plague Spewer is 22 t tall.
Mambo: It is Huge
Mambo: Contorted. Not cuddly!
Mambo: Zhaji - Polymorph Any Object on Plague Spewer.
Mambo: Zhaji wants to turn it into a ball of glass.
Mambo: Bubble glass - oval disc
Mambo: It happens. Wobbly glass disc, bubble glass
Mambo: Vandis whacks at glass disc with his spiritual weapon
Mambo: 14 damage
Mambo: It shatters easily and is destroyed.
Mambo: Mambo flies out of the way and starts down to level 1
Mambo: Rats sense me going down and begin to follow
Mambo: Angel delays
Mambo: Brianna follows Vandis and delays
Mambo: Zhaji moves and casts fireball at the plague rats, sculpted fireball
Zhaji rolls Spell (Fireball) (10d6): [5 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 2] = 38
Mambo: Cooks the critters before they can follow Mambo
Mambo: Let's all move to 1st level and see if there is anything interesting there?
Mambo: Greater Invis still up. Spiritual Hammer still up.
Mambo: Floor is extremely rough.
Mambo: Zhaji casts greater invis on herself again.
Mambo: This dark chamber, vast area 60ft high, only accessibly from hold above in tree, glyphs and symbols carved in walls of chamber
Mambo: Massive pile (20+ ft high) bones of creatures, especially rats. Sword hilt set with moonstones.
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + 6): [19 + 6] = 25
Mambo: from hole in tree above
Mambo: Strange pyramid of unknown material in the middle
Mambo rolls Angel - Initiative (d20 + 4): [5 + 4] = 9
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [14 + 5] = 19
Mambo rolls Intimidate (d20 + 18): [10 + 18] = 28
Mambo rolls Initiative (d20 + 3): [7 + 3] = 10
Mambo: Brianna is at the top of the order for initiative
Mambo: We see no obvious creatures
Brianna rolls Brianna Spot (d20 + 12): [14 + 12] = 26
Mambo rolls Spot (d20 + 10): [1 + 10] = 11
Vandis rolls Sk:Spot (d20 + 9): [16 + 9] = 25
Mambo: Mambo is oblivious
Zhaji rolls Skill (Spot) (d20 + 1 + 2): [7 + 1 + 2] = 10
Mambo: Brianna, Vandis are good enough to spot
Mambo rolls Angel Spot (d20 + 4): [2 + 4] = 6
Mambo: Mambo and Zhaji and Mambo's Angel are flatfooted
Mambo: Vandis and Brianna realize that pile of bones is really a creature.
Mambo: A Necronaut.
Mambo: Brianna pulls out Sword of Lamnian
Mambo: A cocktail sword.
Mambo: Vandis says, Oh, that looks bad. He casts "Know Vulnerabilites."
Mambo: He has undead traits and extra toughness. Vulnerable to necromantic effects. Immune to innumberable stuff.
Mambo: Vandis says something about a big, tough undead.
Vandis rolls d20: [17] = 17
Mambo: OOOOOOPS! HE CASTS KNOW Abilities. he knows all about it.
Mambo: He knows it is a big, tough undead.
Mambo: necronaut goes. He can pinpoint any of us.
Mambo: "Bones" the Necronaut shambles over to Mambo.
Mambo: has 2ft reach
Mambo: 20 ft reach
Mambo: Hits Mambo for average damage of 36 points
Brianna rolls d20: [13] = 13
Mambo: Brianna activates Sword of Lamion and takes a hit.
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [10 + 31] = 41
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(5 + 1 + 5 + 4) + 3] = 18
Mambo: Zhaji up next. What will she do? Disintegrate? Turn to Stone? Polymorph?
Mambo: She pulls out a Cube of Force to protect herself?
Mambo: Keeps out nonliving matter
Mambo: Activates with 2 charages
Mambo: Mambo closes with Bones and takes an attack with greathammer
Mambo: "Bones" gets an attack of opportunity against Mambo.
Mambo: "Bones" tries to sunder Mambo
Mambo: Instant Rage
Mambo: Won't rage yet then
Mambo: It hits 66
Mambo: "Bones" was 53
Mambo: not 66
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1 to Hit (d20 + 27): [2 + 27] = 29
Mambo: 29 + 4 is mine. I lose
Vandis rolls 4d6 + 20: [6 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 20] = 33
Mambo: Damages my weapon, greathammer for 33
Mambo: Each + 1 enhancement adds 10
Mambo: so it is 20 + 10 = 30
Mambo: +2 hardness is 7 hardness, taken 26 hp of damage
Mambo: Mambo drops her weapon and goes over and claw, claw bites
Mambo: Instant Rage and bite
Mambo rolls Bite to hit (d20 + 26): [4 + 26] = 30
Mambo rolls Bite to Hit Raging (d20 + 28): [18 + 28] = 46
Mambo rolls Bite Damage Raging (d6 + 13): [1 + 13] = 14
Mambo: Mambo bites "Bones" for 16 points
Mambo: It is at 95% vitality, discerned by Angel.
Mambo: Vandis directs his spiritual weapon at "Bones"
Mambo: (It has 40 hit dice)
Mambo: Vandis does Life's Grace.
Mambo: Say a brief prayer and touch holy symbol to creature - become immune to death stuff
Mambo: Actually Vandis thinks again.
Mambo: Vandis, instead, will
Mambo: Vandis moves behind Mambo. "Bones" has combat reflexes and gets attack of opportunity.
Mambo: Critical against Vandis for 73 points damage
Mambo: less 5 for DR
Mambo: Vandis has Light Fortification, but it was still a critical.
Mambo: Subject to death by massive damage
Mambo: Vandis cures himself this round for
Mambo: Vandis makes his Fort save and does not die.
Mambo: He does Stalwark pact - temp hit points and improved saves for 19 rounds
Mambo: Then Vandis moves up next to Mambo, next to "Bones"
Mambo: Vandis gets 35 hit points
Mambo: 316, down 54 points, Mambo
Mambo: raging
Mambo: Vandis fails to penetrate creature's spell resistence with Spiritual Weapon so it blinks out.
Mambo: "Bones" attacks 4 times on Mambo
Mambo: 31 points, 36, 34, 37 points
Mambo: Mambo has stalawart pact too. Gain 35 temp hit points and DR 5/magic
Mambo: Down 192.
Mambo rolls Angel Cure Moderate (2d8 + 15): [(1 + 2) + 15] = 18
Mambo: Angel cures Mambo for 13
Mambo: 5 less on Mambo and less on weapon too.
Mambo: down 139.
Brianna rolls Brianna Spellcraft (d20 + 15): [18 + 15] = 33
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [6 + 31] = 37
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(2 + 1 + 6 + 2) + 3] = 14
Mambo: Brianna hits again with Sword of Lamnion
Mambo: Sword damaged for 14. Damaged "Bones"
Mambo: Brianna pulls out scroll and reads Flame Strike.
Brianna rolls d20: [5] = 5
Mambo: Zhaji is up. She casts wall of force between Mambo and bone Creature
Mambo: Then follows with Quicken wall of force to seal it.
Mambo: Gives us time
Mambo: When battle began, sword that was sticking out got sucked back into the depths of the bone creature.
Mambo: Wall of Force lasts 18 rounds
Mambo: Rage lasts 15 rounds?
Mambo: 14 rounds
Mambo: We talk with Zhaji to find out what is going on. Mambo delays
Mambo: Vandis considers Delay Death Spell
Mambo: Subject is unable to die from hp damage. Extended without limit
Mambo: Vandis casts cures first
Mambo: 38 points of cures on Mambo from Vandis. Down 101 now.
Mambo: Mambo - thank you, you good person! Me like you. Too bad you not tall as Tigerkitty
Zhaji rolls d20: [17] = 17
Mambo rolls Angel Cure Moderate (2d8 + 10): [(5 + 7) + 10] = 22
Mambo: Angel Cures Moderate (3rd one out of 9) for 22
Mambo: Vandis has armband of maz healing, so Vandis's cure was 52.
Mambo: max healing
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [7 + 31] = 38
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(4 + 1 + 3 + 2) + 3] = 13
Mambo: 101 - 52 - 22 can't be 65!
Mambo: Okay, let's say down 65, Mambo somehow.
Mambo: Brianna up next
Mambo: Mambo has delayed
Mambo: Brianna can cure Vandis while he cures Mambo
Brianna rolls 3d8 + 15: [4 + 7 + 5 + 15] = 31
Mambo: Vandis feels betterish
Mambo: He is at 85% vitality
Mambo: Brianna readies another one
Mambo: Zhaji asks if Brianna thinks big tree is made of stone.
Mambo: Zhaji says "don't be alarmed by army of Earth Elementals I am about to create!"
Mambo: Vandis swaps spells and can recover later with pearl if need be.
Mambo: Vandis does 50 points of cures on Mambo.
Mambo: Down 15 now, Mambo.
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [11 + 31] = 42
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(6 + 6 + 6 + 5) + 3] = 26
Brianna rolls 3d6 + 15: [3 + 5 + 2 + 15] = 25
Mambo: Sword of Lamnion attacks again for 26. Brianna cures Vandis for 25.
Mambo: Brianna retreats with move action
Mambo: Zhaji has tongues up all the time and talks to the Huge Earth Elemental she has created.
Mambo: Vandis and Mambo ask Zhaji to drop the wall. As a standard action.
Mambo: Can't yet.
Mambo: Mambo has Greate-axe
Mambo: in hand
Mambo: Mambo delays, waits for wall to lift
Mambo: Vandis casts standard cure moderate on Mambo for 16
Mambo: Mambo at full raging power. 316
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [9 + 31] = 40
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(2 + 3 + 2 + 5) + 3] = 15
Mambo: Angel delays (has 6 more cures)
Mambo: Brianna hits again with Lamnion and cheers and sings again.
Mambo: Zhaji - another Huge Earth Elemental appears. Zhaji speaks to it in Terran.
Mambo: Zhaji tells us she wants to create one more, instead of dropping wall yet
Mambo: Mambo continues to wait.
Mambo: Vandis casts delay death on Mambo this time
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [11 + 31] = 42
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(1 + 5 + 4 + 5) + 3] = 18
Mambo: Mambo can fight and fight and fight and die later
Mambo: Lamnion keeps hitting "Bones"
Mambo: How many rounds so far
Mambo: Zhaji lowers force field and lets in Brianna and raises it again
Mambo: Zhaji orders Earth Elementals to attack and takes walls down in next round.
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [11 + 31] = 42
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(5 + 1 + 1 + 3) + 3] = 13
Mambo: One more Lamnion attack
Mambo: Zhaji gives the orders this round and removes the walls
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit Raging (d20 + 33): [13 + 33] = 46
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage Raging (3d6 + 24): [(3 + 2 + 2) + 24] = 31
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 2 to Hit Raging (d20 + 28): [7 + 28] = 35
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 3 to Hit Raging (d20 + 23): [13 + 23] = 36
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit (d20 + 31): [1 + 31] = 32
Mambo: Mambo hits once, then miss, miss, miss
Mambo: "Bones" the Neconaut gets to go - against Mambo.
Vandis rolls 16d6 + 80: [5 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 80] = 127
Mambo: 4 hits on Mambo by "Bones"
Mambo: 127 points less 4 = 123
Mambo: Vandis goes next and cures Mambo - for maximized critical - for 51
Mambo rolls Angel Cure Moderate (2d8 + 10): [(6 + 6) + 10] = 22
Mambo: Angle cures Mambo for 22.
Mambo: Brianna cheers and sings
Mambo: Zhaji's Earth Elementals go next. Zhaji asks Brianna if she has any popcorn. Brianna has other good snacks.
Mambo: Three Earth Elementals can take 5ft steps and attack this round.
Mambo: 2 slam attacks at +19.
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [20 + 19] = 39
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [20 + 19] = 39
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(3 + 4) + 9] = 16
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(2 + 6) + 9] = 17
Mambo: "Bones" gets 15 points less from each Earth Elemental.
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [20 + 19] = 39
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [16 + 19] = 35
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(2 + 10) + 9] = 21
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(8 + 9) + 9] = 26
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [2 + 19] = 21
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [19 + 19] = 38
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(5 + 10) + 9] = 24
Mambo: "Bones" is finally at half vitality
Mambo: Zhaji decides to do something this round?
Mambo: She tells Earth Elementals to Power Attack?
Mambo: Nope.
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [9 + 31] = 40
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(5 + 6 + 1 + 1) + 3] = 16
Mambo: Lamnion hits again.
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit Raging (d20 + 33): [9 + 33] = 42
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit Raging (d20 + 33): [13 + 33] = 46
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 1 to Hit Raging (d20 + 33): [10 + 33] = 43
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 2 to Hit (d20 + 26): [3 + 26] = 29
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 2 to Hit Raging (d20 + 28): [19 + 28] = 47
Mambo rolls Great-Axe 3 to Hit Raging (d20 + 23): [19 + 23] = 42
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage Raging (3d6 + 24): [(4 + 5 + 1) + 24] = 34
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage Raging (3d6 + 24): [(4 + 1 + 4) + 24] = 33
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage Raging (3d6 + 24): [(2 + 5 + 2) + 24] = 33
Mambo rolls Great-Axe Damage Raging (3d6 + 24): [(6 + 6 + 5) + 24] = 41
Mambo: Mambo hits for Lots! this time. Takes it down to 10% vitality
Mambo: It hits Mambo
Mambo: all 4 hits, and one is critical
Vandis rolls 4d6 + 20: [1 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 20] = 33
Vandis rolls 4d6 + 20: [6 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 20] = 34
Vandis rolls 4d6 + 20: [6 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 20] = 43
Vandis rolls 8d6 + 40: [2 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 40] = 74
Mambo: down 230 - Mambo
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [3 + 24] = 27
Mambo rolls Save Raging Fortitude (d20 + 26): [16 + 26] = 42
Mambo: Mambo saves and does not go unconsious
Mambo: Vandis cures for 40 points
Mambo rolls Angel Cure Moderate (2d8 + 10): [(1 + 5) + 10] = 16
Mambo: Angel cures for 16, on Mambo
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Attack (d20 + 31): [3 + 31] = 34
Brianna rolls Sword of Lamnion Damage (4d6 + 3): [(5 + 6 + 2 + 6) + 3] = 22
Mambo: Lamnion hits for 22 points. "Bones" is below 5% vitality.
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [16 + 19] = 35
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [9 + 19] = 28
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [13 + 19] = 32
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [16 + 19] = 35
Mambo: Earth Elementals hitting "Bones."
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [10 + 19] = 29
Zhaji rolls EE slam (d20 + 19): [18 + 19] = 37
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(9 + 9) + 9] = 27
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(8 + 5) + 9] = 22
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(1 + 5) + 9] = 15
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(7 + 10) + 9] = 26
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(6 + 3) + 9] = 18
Zhaji rolls EE slam damage (2d10 + 9): [(6 + 8) + 9] = 23
Brianna rolls Brianna Bardic Knowledge (d20 + 14): [12 + 14] = 26
Mambo: We find mithral sword. Brianna knows what Rhunes mean. This sword is call "One Thousand Broken Dreams."
Mambo: +3 Holy Mithral Drow Bane Long Sword.
Brianna: +3 holy mithril drow-bane longsword
Mambo: We recover equipment from Plague Harpys.
Mambo: Takes a day or two to understand all this equipment recovered.
Mambo: The tree, we are unable to destroy and it just floats, empty.
Mambo: Tree history - was once, many eons ago, an extraplanar elder treeant of great power
Brianna: extra-planar elder treant
Vandis: The Plague Tree came into being from the petrified remains of an arakhor--an extraplanar, elder treant of great power--summoned by the elves of Aryvandaar into their sylvan realm in a bygone age. The few arakhors called to the Realms served as power- ful guardians and wise sages to their elven summoners, and this particular arakhor fell victim to the corruption that eventually overcame Aryvandaar, becoming a potent force against the other elven kingdoms. During the Fifth
Vandis: Crown War, high mages of the Elven Court overcame the arakhor and magically petrified it, leaving its stony corpse where it stood among the forests of old Thearnytaar. Long afterward, the archwizard that became the Keeper of the Thaal stumbled upon this petrified forest-giant in a primeval woodland. A tribe of harpies
Vandis: had hollowed its interior into chambers and occupied it as their aerie-fortress.
Mambo: another came along and turned harpies into undead and moved it around, apparently.
Mambo rolls Claw 2 to Hit (d20 + 24): [12 + 24] = 36
Mambo rolls Claw 2 to Hit (d20 + 24): [14 + 24] = 38
Mambo: Mambo gives Zhaji a big bear hug and roars with gratitude
Mambo: Brianna considers learning longbow so can use the Human Bane one we found
Mambo: Mambo picks up her greathammer and polishes it until it shines again
Mambo: Mambo has to get greathammer repaired
Mambo: findout how and do next game

XP & treasure report

Brianna +3995 174,765 21,765 (-3765)
Mambo: +2982 174,876 3,876
Vandis +2982 187,866 16,866
Zhaji +3995 165,787 12,787

Party Income: 119,083 gp
Party Expense: 500 gp

Income per PC: 29,645


Purse: 60,735
Income: +29,645 -> 90,380
ring of blinking -13,500 -> 76,880
shirt of angels -15,000 -> 61,880
bracers of lightning -11,000 -> 50,880


Purse: 48,550
Income: +29,645 -> 78,195
+3 human bane longbow -16,250 -> 61,945
+3 ring of protection -9,000 -> 52,945
lesser fiendslayer weapon crystal -3,000 -> 49,945
quiver of Ehlonna -1,800 -> 48,145
meteoric knife -2,802 -> 45,343
javelin of lightning: 3 @ 1,500 = -4,500 -> 40,843
100 regular arrows -5 -> 40,838
60 cold iron arrows -6 -> 40,832
60 silver arrows -9 -> 40,823
bracers of the blinding strike -5,000 -> 35,823
veil of allure -14,000 -> 21,823
+3 ring of protection => Kress + 9,000 -> 30,823


Purse: 75,970
Income: +29,645 -> 105,615
artificer's monocle -1,500 -> 104,115
healing belt -750 -> 103,365
third eye penetrate -8,000 -> 95,365
daylight pellets: 5 @ 150 = -750 -> 94,615
horn of plenty -12,000 -> 82,615


Purse: 43,548
Income: +29,645 -> 73,193
+3 holy drow bane longsword -36,507 -> 36,686
bolt shirt -5,000 -> 31,686
horn of plenty -12,000 -> 19,686


Purse: 47,980

+3 ring of protection -9,000 -> 38,980

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Copyright © 2008 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
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