Veracity's notesThen we begin to mount the spiral staircase up towards a room. Veracity has a "sense" that the room is going to be occupied. She suggests someone invisible go on ahead and scout for us. Hazen valiantly (or foolishly) volunteers. "I will go!" ("Hazen rushes in where demons fear to tread!") We await his death or his return. It is about 11:40 AM at this time of day in the castle. Hazen enters the room invisible - partial round - and encounters a bunch o'ghoul-like critters (warped human-like figures, whose skin is scaly and tough. They have fearsome teeth, claw-like nails on their hands and feet, and foot long tongues that dangle from their mouths. Their tongues fade into smoky incorporeality at the tips). Hazen says loudly, from upstairs, "There's a Drow Cleric or Figher guy and 3 nasty looking ghoul-like things." Veracity, very bravely, but not very cautiously, Flies up the stairs to Hazen's aid, and is hit for only 7pnts (cause of Stoneskin) by the Great Sword of the Cleric - whose bedroom window we broke into. Tebryn delays until the fighters go past him. Igor runs up the stairs to MY aid. :-) My handsome partner in battle! Veracity: "Way to go SugarCrunchyBear!" Kress lines up with Ghoul One. Ghoul One's whole body "Spring Attacks" - going after Igor, but misses with his claws, then Springs back. Another one goes after Kress, moves to flank, Springs up and back. Khumarr is our main opponent's name. Kress and Igor [are flanking - Khumarr?] They are both close enough to strike. Kress and Igor both still look like Zombies - but Igor appears to be the Taller/more-threatening Zombie. And Igor is having "Sword Lust" with Khumarr's Great Sword. So Igor is the main target. This is an ostentatious hall - we are in. There are comfy chairs. Rich silver implements gleam from an underdark mahogany table. Our main opponent is wearing "Demon Armor" - fashioned to make the wearer appear to be a demon. Brianna's singing kicks in. Veracity's Haste expires. Veracity does 43 points of damage to Khumarr with Dark Bolts - enhanced by the Evil Atmosphere. He makes his fortitude save, however, and is not stunned. Igor strikes and finishes him off! (After Veracity "softened him up." ;-) Veracity: "Good work, Igor!"
Igor: "Thanks, looking forward to the handshake...
Veracity, "You'll have to consult Yol about that - she seems really
eager to spread disease..."
We have the 3 ghoul-like guys left. Yol has not yet rebuked
them. Veracity asks if Yol can "spread disease" to them.
"They look like they already HAVE disease, " Yol says, admiringly.
By and by a ghoul tries to grapple Kress and fails. Kress is now
surrounded by 3 ghouls. One of them does a Critical Hit on Kress. Front
and rear claws are hitting... But he's still not "grabbed/grappled."
Yol succeeds in turning one of the ghouls. These ghouls are special and
can not be flanked.
Tebryn casts an ineffective Chain Lightening. He stomps his foot in
Tebryn moves up closer. Brianna is projecting her singing voice from the
stairwell... it echoes beautifully... really boosts our morale!
Veracity asks Igor if he needs help, but he says, "I can handle it."
Igor prepares for "a really BIG Power Attack!" And doesn't even care if
he allows an attack of opportunity on himself as he moves into position,
but misses... :-(
Yol does a Mass Cure Light Wounds against friends and foes. Harms Undead
and Heals the Living. Everyone one within 30 feet of Yol is
impacted. The Ghoul-like critters get Will Saves.
Veracity gets - Healing of 18 points from Yol's Cure Light - Radius Ð as
Yol blasts through Veracity's spell resistance to heal her.
Tebryn prepares for some Disintegrating Fun! >;-}
Hazen calls to Veracity for help. She responds ASAP, going in
Veracity flies down and whacks the remaining (hurting) Ghoul-Thingy in a
single swipe - deals the FINAL blow. Brianna runs up and sees Veracity
standing over the dead body.
Yol thinks Hazen and Kress are diseased.
Igor, to Yol: "Then you better suck out their wounds."
Veracity, to Yol: "Or you could 'shake their hands...?"
All agree Yol should be catching the disease - not curing it. But Yol
decides to be contrary!
We find: [Tebryn and Igor fill in the loot] Igor searches
bodies. Veracity is attracted to the Silver Implements. Tebryn reports
that the armor and the sword are Evil. Veracity says, "Go for it, Igor,
you are getting more evil all the time! .;-)"
We are in the mopping up phase. We pause here, before opening any more
Igor eggs Yol on: "Interrogate the body of the Cleric/Fighter guy! Do a
Veracity says, "Well, I used up all my Veils for today, but tomorrow we
can Veil as Khumarr and his Ghouls."
Veracity is of the opinion that the room upstairs is occupied. She
whispers this to her companions.
Hazen turns invisible and goes up to scout. He spots 3 ghoul-type
creatures. They are each 10 feet from the stairs. They look right at
The ghouls look similar to a common ghoul: warped humanoid creature with
bestial features. Clawed fingers. A foot long tongue dangles from its
mouth, fading into smoky incorporeality at its tip.
Ostentatiously decorated room. Comfortable looking chairs and mahogany
tables with silver implements.
A male drow is standing there, bearing the holy symbol of
Kiaransalee. He is wearing demon armor. He is raising his
greatsword. He squints in Hazen's direction.
Hazen 24
Brianna 22
Veracity 19
Tebryn 19
Igor 17
Kress 16
Yol 13
Hazen flies up to the ceiling and calls out "There is a male drow cleric
and three nasty looking ghouls here!"
Hazen flies down invisibly and strikes at Khumarr. He hits for 45 - 5
Hazen moves up behind Abyssal Ghoul 1. It claws at him for 9 points. He
fails his save and has a twinge. He stabs it for 9 points.
Brianna moves up near the top of the stairs and continues singing.
Igor moves 30 feet to stand behind Abyssal Ghouls 1 and 3. Abyssal Ghoul
3 hits him for 9. He strikes powerfully at it, missing.
Abyssal Ghoul 1 steps five feet next to Kress and hits & misses with
front claws and hits and misses with rear claws.
Hazen hits Abyssal Ghoul 3 for 11 points.
We finish off the cowering Abyssal Ghoul 2.
Yol casts remove disease on both Hazen and Kress.
We search Khumarr. We take his demon armor, his greatsword, and
his gauntlets. The armor and the sword are evil.
Veracity searches the room. She removes the silver implements from the
Silver Tray 30 gp
Silver Bowl 70 gp
Silver Goblet 80 gp
Silver Brazier 140 gp
We determine to interrogate the body.
Copyright © 2005 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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