Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Tarrastra Adventure 85



Nessey's notes

Nessey: The Wizard locked the door for a few moments which outraged Yoshi.
Nessey: Then the Wizard opened the door and Yoshi attacked the Wizard.
Nessey: He appears in all respects the paradigm of Wizards. He has pointed nose and crooked smile and pointed hat with floppy brim.
Nessey: Presumable he has long grey hair and beard.
Nessey: Carric is dimly conscious of being asked to copy his face.
Nessey: He is also dimly aware that Yoshi has burst into the room.
Nessey: Host/Wiz says Why are you doing this, young sir?
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Full 1 (d20 + 9): [4 + 9] = 13
Nessey: Yoshi - I do not take kindly to people taking adventage of my friends.
Nessey: Wiz- Giving them good food and beverages? I see your point. (sarcastic)
Nessey: Yoshi fails his sense motive.
Nessey: We renew our initiatives.
Nessey: Nessey, Yoshi, Mavis in that order for conscious party members.
Mavis: Nessey 23, Yoshi 19, Mavis 18
Nessey: could you draw the hallway I am in?
Yoshi rolls Atk:Grapple (d20 + 8): [15 + 8] = 23
Nessey: Grapple checks must happen.
Nessey: We wipe the slate clean and restart where Chamferton opens the door.
Nessey: Nessey is called and runs back to flank Yoshi.
Nessey: Yoshi says Our host has molested our friends.
Nessey: Nessey - Sexually? Oh, my, do you think they might be pregnant?
Nessey: Yoshi tumbles into the room.
Nessey: Mavis _ I think Yoshi is overstating things here.
Nessey: Yoshi - I heard him talk about stealing their faces.
Nessey: Mavis enters and says Carric and Caelesti seem to have faces, but are unconscious.
Nessey: Yoshi - he made them unconscious so he could copy their faces.
Nessey: Nessey - you are assuming guilt without evidence, Yoshi.
Nessey: Host floats up in the air and looks down with a stern face.
Nessey: Host - I have done nothing to harm your friends.
Nessey: Yoshi - Why did you ask them over and over to donate their faces? If I go out and look in the lake will I find their faces?
Nessey: Wiz - no, certainly not.
Nessey: Yoshi - why did you ply them with wine.
Nessey rolls d100: [71] = 71
Carric: Chamferton
Nessey: After bantering with Yoshi, Nessey decides to bar the door so Wizard can not summon help. She decides that Yoshi must be right that the Wiz has an evil air about him.
Nessey: She had previously asked persmission to remove her mistress, Caelesti.
Nessey: Nessey lets Mavis in and then closes and bars the door.
Mavis rolls d20: [17] = 17
Nessey: Chamferton tells Mavis to stop her fellow pawns from acting rashly.
Nessey: Mavis asks about wine in the Shadow Marshes.
Nessey: Nessey says it did not have same effect and Mavis knows our masters have hired us to protect them.
Nessey: Mavis reads mind of Chamferton, but he glares back and says "that won't help you little demon. I have powers you never dreamed of."
Nessey: Mavis says we need truce. Our masters do not look harmed.
Nessey: Yoshi says there are multiple kinds of harm.
Nessey: Nessey - well, Caelesti is barely dressed and she has a certain effect on men sometimes. So I think we should get her out of here.
Nessey: Yoshi still wants to fight Chamferton
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 7): [12 + 7] = 19
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 7): [13 + 7] = 20
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 3 (d20 + 2): [11 + 2] = 13
Nessey: Yoshi demands that Chamferton come down.
Yoshi rolls Dmg:Shuriken (d2 + 2): [1 + 2] = 3
Yoshi rolls Dmg:Shuriken (d2 + 2): [1 + 2] = 3
Nessey: Yoshi launches Shurikens at him.
Mavis rolls 20: [20] = 20
Nessey: Chamferton says Yoshi is an outrageous pawn, way out of line, insane!
Mavis rolls d20: [12] = 12
Nessey: Wiz atttempts a touch attack on Yoshi.
Nessey: Misses.
Nessey: A ray shoots out of Wiz's hand and strikes wall as Yoshi leaps aside.
Nessey: Wizard has sad expression - It doesn't have to be this way. All I did was give a fine, fine meal to your masters and you attack me. Please reconsider, Sir. What would your masters think if they woke up and found their servants dead.
Nessey: Yoshi retorts angrily and stubbornly.
Nessey: Nessey begins picking up Caelesti. That is all she can do this round.
Nessey: Yoshi says if Nessey leaves he will never adventure with her again.
Nessey: He expects to be supported.
Nessey: Mavis looks up and says - Well, I don't like it, I think we can negotiate a truce and talk later.
Nessey: Yoshi - I am willing to negotiate a truce, if he does not try to manipulate us.
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 10): [15 + 10] = 25
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Damage (d6 + 3): [4 + 3] = 7
Nessey: Mavis draws her bow and shoots and hits Chamferton handily.
Nessey: Chamferton looks irritated.
Nessey: Yoshi says "Come down, I will cease fire."
Nessey: Chamferton says he will talk if we all back away to the other side of the table.
Nessey: Yoshi refuses to back up, but agreest to talk.
Nessey: Yoshi is on guard.
Nessey: Yoshi says - Multiple times I heard you saying that you want my companions to donate their faces and they said no and you kept pushing wine on them. You knew your wine was strong.
Nessey: Yoshi says he doesn't know what to do.
Nessey: Nessey - why don't we search the room and if there are no copies of their faces, then we know he is telling the truth.
Yoshi rolls Sk:Heal (d20 + 4): [8 + 4] = 12
Nessey: Yoshi - that is not proof enough.
Nessey: Yoshi then agrees wtih Nessey to wake up Carric - for his opinion.
Nessey: Nessey asks for strong tea.
Nessey: Yoshi says requesting tea of this man who has demonstrated dishonor is a bad idea.
Nessey: Chamferton calls for Frtiz to bring tea anyway.
Carric rolls Save/Fortitude (d20 + 7): [5 + 7] = 12
Nessey: Yoshi pours replenishing skin of cool clear water over Carric's head.
Nessey: Carric's mouth hangs open and he starts chocking.
Nessey: Nessey - could you try not to kill our masters, please, Yoshi!
Nessey: Chamferton says we are welcome to take our masters back to their rooms.
Nessey: Yoshi says he does not want Chamferton out of his sight.
Nessey: Chamferton will not go back to our rooms with us.
Nessey: Chamferton claps his hands and there is the patter of feet in the hall.
Nessey: In a few seconds Fritz looks into the room.
Nessey: Actually before Fritz arrives, Yoshi takes a 5ft step and bars the door.
Nessey: Campf is indignant.
Nessey: Yoshi says he is not interested in Wiz's judgement, but in his lies.
Nessey: Nessey has picked up Caelesti and is hold her protectively.
Mavis: I don't think I have anything to do with you, sirrah.
Nessey: Yoshi says we shall sit and wait until our companions awake.
Nessey: After a short whlle the door starts rattling.
Nessey: Yoshi tells Chamferton to tell whomever to not disturb us.
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [7 + 8] = 15
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [20 + 8] = 28
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 3 (d20 + 3): [3 + 3] = 6
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 3 (d20 + 3): [15 + 3] = 18
Nessey: Campf says "Go get the guards, Fritz."
Yoshi rolls Dmg:Shuriken (d2 + 2): [2 + 2] = 4
Mavis rolls d20: [5] = 5
Nessey: Yoshi attacks Chamferton while he is advising us to go back to our rooms with our masters.
Nessey: Yoshi says Chamferton is manipulating.
Nessey: Yoshi says call off the guards or he will continue to shoot at Chamferton
Mavis rolls d20 + 6: [6 + 6] = 12
Nessey: Yoshi says he does not trust Chamferton to let us go back our own rooms.
Nessey: Nessey sets Caelesti back down on her chair, gently and goes over to search the cabinet on the far side of the room.
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 10): [1 + 10] = 11
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #2 (d20 + 5): [9 + 5] = 14
Nessey: Chamferton is nonplussed.
Nessey: Mavis shoots arrows at Chamferton.
Nessey: Yoshi advises Mavis to use her special sensing skills.
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [8 + 8] = 16
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [4 + 8] = 12
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 3 (d20 + 3): [11 + 3] = 14
Nessey: Mavis says he called her names when she did that before.
Nessey: Yoshi says that doesn't matter. Go for it.
Nessey: Yoshi attacks again on his turn.
Mavis rolls d20 + 6: [19 + 6] = 25
Mavis rolls 8d8: [6 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 7] = 32
Nessey: Chamferton does a ray that hits Yoshi for 32 points burning/fire damage.
Nessey: Yoshi demands that Nessey get out her bow.
Nessey: Protect from Evil could increase Yoshi's AC by 2.
Nessey rolls Nes - bow, short composite 1st shot (d20 + 9): [17 + 9] = 26
Nessey rolls Nes - bow, short composite damage (d6): [1] = 1
Nessey: Nessey hits Chamferton with her short composit bow/arrow for 1.
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 10): [13 + 10] = 23
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Damage (d6 + 3): [4 + 3] = 7
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #2 (d20 + 5): [15 + 5] = 20
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Damage (d6 + 3): [1 + 3] = 4
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [1 + 8] = 9
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [1 + 8] = 9
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 3 (d20 + 3): [6 + 3] = 9
Nessey: Maivs, however does lots of great damage.
Nessey: Yoshi misses.
Nessey: Chamferton asks Yoshi to surrender.
Mavis rolls d20 + 6: [4 + 6] = 10
Nessey: Cahmpf sighs and has sad expression and shoots a warning ray.
Nessey: It is a touch spell to protect Yoshi.
Nessey: Nessey runs over and does Protect from Evil on Yoshi.
Nessey: Yoshi gets +2 to AC against Evil creatures.
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 10): [4 + 10] = 14
Mavis rolls Mavis Rapier or Bow Attack #2 (d20 + 5): [2 + 5] = 7
Nessey: Mavis misses.
Yoshi rolls Atk:Unarmed Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 8): [4 + 8] = 12
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 7): [7 + 7] = 14
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 1/2 (d20 + 7): [2 + 7] = 9
Yoshi rolls Atk:Shuriken Flurry 3 (d20 + 2): [16 + 2] = 18
Yoshi rolls Dmg:Shuriken (d2 + 2): [1 + 2] = 3
Nessey: Yoshi hits once.
Mavis rolls d20 + 6: [6 + 6] = 12
Nessey: Chamferton misses Yoshi.
Nessey: Nessey does a Bless on all her allies.
Nessey: We all have +1 to hit.
Nessey: Nessey is behaving like a Spell Caster.
Mavis rolls d20: [11] = 11
Nessey: Mavis concentrates on Chamferton.
Nessey: He makes his Will Save.
Nessey: Mavis is doing a Demon-Like ability that we do not know about.
Nessey: Yoshi is suspicious and a bit scared.
Nessey: Fortunately he is Blessed and so not too afraid.
Nessey: Mavis frowns.
Nessey: Chamferton looks nervous.
Mavis rolls Mavis Will Save (d20 + 9): [8 + 9] = 17
Nessey: Chamferton points at Mavis - you stop this NOW. I am offering you a chance to take your masters back to your room, though I wonder if they ARE your masters after what you just did.
Nessey: He shakes his finger and Mavis twitches a bit, but still stares him in the eyes.
Nessey: Chamferton accuses Mavis of being one of the Masters in disguise. He tells her to take her companions back.
Nessey: He then threatens to kill Yoshi next.
Nessey: Yoshi asks what the story is.
Nessey: Mavis says she couldn't read him, but has attracted negative attention.
Nessey: Yoshi asks if that is signal of guilt itself.
Nessey: Mavis says nobody wants to be read. Everyone wants to be private.
Nessey: Yoshi doesn't understand that.
Nessey: Yoshi says we will not stay unmolested in this castle.
Nessey: Yoshi says we should tie up Chamferton and leave him to be found by his servants and we should leave.
Nessey: Nessey says it would not be a good idea for us to leave the castle if he has taken copies of our masters' faces.
Nessey: Chamferton scoffs.
Nessey: Nessey says she is willing to take Caelesti back to her rooms.
Nessey: Yoshi says we will not be safer in our rooms than here.
Nessey: Chamferton looks down and says - You are outnumbering me 3 to 1 and have a secret gamesment with you - and he glares at Mavis.
Nessey: He does not want to call off his guards - his pawns - vs Mavis's pawns.
Nessey: He tell us, again, for dozenth time, to take our companions back and let them come conscious and quiz them.
Nessey: He threatens to kill us all.
Nessey: He appears 20 or 25% damaged. No more.
Nessey: Yoshi is 60% damaged.
Nessey rolls Nes - Will Save (d20 + 3): [1 + 3] = 4
Nessey: Nessey fails a will save and Chamferton says he knows what she is thinking.
Nessey: He says he can tell Nessey agrees with him that it would be better to take my masters away rather than have all pawns in this room die.
Nessey: He says again for us to take our masters away.
Nessey: Carric and Caelesti are still unconscious.
Nessey: Chamferton asks Yoshi again to reconsider, as he is a kind and merciful host.
Nessey: He says we can talk again tomorrow morning.
Nessey: Yoshi finally agrees.
Nessey: Nessey immediately picks up Caelesti and carries her back to the girls' room.
Nessey: Yoshi and Mavis carry Carric between them.
Nessey: Carric does not feel noticeably lighter, nor does Caelesti, presumably.
Nessey: Before we get to our rooms, as soon as we are out of earshot, Yoshi says we must leave this place immediately.
Nessey: Mavis says it will take time to gather our goods and mules.
Nessey: Yoshi says nevertheles we have no choice.
Nessey: Nessey - Yoshi, but if he did make copies of their faces, then how are we going to get them back.
Nessey: Nessey - You should have let me look in the cabinet, I might have found their faces.
Nessey: Mavis says she is suspicious but does not feel in immediate danger.
Nessey: Nessey - now that he thinks Mavis is a gamesmen, he will probably try to take her face.
Nessey: Nessey says "taking faces" seems to mean he can spy on us.
Nessey: Mavis - if only Carric and Caelesti were conscious, they could give us opinion.
Nessey: Nessey - if they were conscious, perhaps they could spy on us!
Nessey: Mavis - yes, yes, we must keep them unconscious. But we only saw the Harpie questioning.
Nessey: Mavis - WE have not seen the Harpy around.
Nessey: Nessey's Bless is still up, as is Pro Evil.
Nessey: Nessey says girls and boys should take turn guarding while others pack.
Nessey: mavis is a smart ass.
Nessey: Nessey lays Nessey down on a bed and starts packing in the girls room.
Nessey: Mavis joins her. Then we watch while Yoshi packs and collects Tan Kuran.
Nessey: We carry out unconscious companions to the stables.
Nessey: We encounter the Butler at the front door.
Nessey: Yoshi shoves the butler aside or knocks him unconscious?
Nessey: The butler falls to the floor.
Nessey: We make our way out to stables and find our horses and mules.
Nessey: We load Caelesti onto Goldie and Carric onto Fanny the Fae Crusher/Smoocher.
Nessey: We head out to the hills above the castle.
Nessey: Nessey, the part Ranger, finds us a good campsite on top of a hill where we can see and not be seen.
Nessey: We camp.
Nessey: Do we want to slap Carric awake or keep him unconscious?
Carric rolls Save/Fortitude (d20 + 7): [20 + 7] = 27
Nessey: he is firmly slapped in either case.
Nessey: he finally wakes up and finds two women slapping him vigorously.
Nessey: He is confused.
Nessey: He feels and finds he still has a face.
Nessey: Carric says he last recalls having drinks with Chamferton.
Nessey: Yoshi says the Wiz gave them too much wine on purpose.
Nessey: Carric says he told them he uses a wand to do the face thing.
Nessey: The wand Carric describes sounds like the wand Yoshi said the Harpy used.
Nessey: Carric says he didn't like the idea of him asking questions of the face. He spoke of communicating to their mutual bennefit. Carric wants to look at the lake for his face. Yoshi says it might not be there yet.
Nessey: Nessey complains again that we should have searched the room.
Nessey: mavis - we rescued you - after a fashion.
Nessey: Mavis - he called me nasty names.
Nessey: Nessey - he called her Little Demon.
Nessey: Carric - that's the last time I have a meal with him.
Nessey: Mavis - how was the wine?
Nessey: Carric -good, but heady.
Nessey: Mavis - So, Carric, do you think he was evilly disposed?
Nessey: Carric - i trust Yoshi on that. It did seem suspicious that he kept asking.
Nessey: Carric slurs his words.
Nessey: Carric says - do we know what happened between when he was unconscious and now?
Nessey: Yoshi and mavis relate what we do know.
Nessey: Carric says he was unconscious long enough that his body could have been substituted.
Nessey: Nessey says, oh, yeah, that once happened to me!
Nessey: Carric says he doesn't trust himself.
Nessey: Yoshi says he should turn into an Eagle and get intimate with Tan Kuran and she should know the difference.
Carric rolls CLW (d8 + 5): [5 + 5] = 10
Nessey: Carric first offers to "help out Yoshi" with curing or harming.
Nessey: Carric then suggests we hide and watch the lake.
Nessey: Mavis points out that Ranger Nessey found a nice spot where we could spy the lake and not be seen.
Nessey: Carric is favorably impressed, assuming this is Carric -!!
Nessey: Mavis asks about the habits of Harpies.
Nessey: Yoshi says from one evil such we can certainly generalize to all.
Nessey: Nessey has to explain Polar Bears to Carric least he confuse them with White Pombies.
Nessey: Nessey - to Carric - why don't you turn into an Eagle and go fly down and look for your face.
Nessey: Have we seen anyone leave the castle since we have been up here?
Nessey: Apparently not.
Nessey: Yoshi says he might be biding his time.
Nessey: Mavis says he might be able to question them from the castle.
Nessey: Mavis wishes we had thought to take the wand.
Nessey: Nessey - he wasn't going to give it up voluntarily.
Nessey: Carric - a thief might have...
Nessey: Nessey - yes, if we haven't been so aggressive!
Nessey: Mavis objects to the word thief.
Nessey: Yoshi corrects himself rapidly to "Sleight of Hand"
Nessey: Mavis says it is good to be manually dexterous.
Nessey: Yoshi says he too is considered dexterous by some....
Nessey: Nessey - says, ah, by Ursula?
Nessey: Yoshi's dexterity is legendary in Betand.
Nessey: There will be a Flasher statue of him in that town. ;-)
Nessey: Yoshi blinks at us with innocent eyes.
Nessey: We wonder if Chamferton gives wand to Harpy on purpose or she is dexterous.
Nessey: Mavis says should we attack the Harpy next time to get the wand?
Nessey: Sadly, Caelesti is not awake to make us fly - to even out any battle with the Harpy.
Nessey: Should we stop here?
Nessey: We did escape.
Nessey: Carric worries that Chamferton might be collecting other body parts and putting them up in a lake of something else.
Nessey: Don't move to New Jersey, especially if you are Charlie the Unicorn, the Nessey: Yoshi says we could Caelesti awake just enough to cast a spell(s) fly.
Nessey: Mavis says we don't want to slap Caelesti.
Nessey: Mavis says Carric is not awake enough.
Nessey: Nessey says we should slap Carric on each butt cheek.
Nessey: Mavis says we should slap his top cheeks.
Nessey: We do so.
Nessey: Carric does not respond.
Nessey: We try again.
Nessey: Mavis calls Carric a chauvenist pig.
Nessey: Carric confesses, so we leave him alone.
Nessey: Nessey - his cheeks look nice and rosy this way.
Nessey: Yoshi talks about pinning someone down and slapping their belly or ass until it turns red.
Nessey: The purpose is boy cruelty, he says.
Nessey: Then Carric talks about wedgies.
Nessey: But is not explicit enough.
Nessey: Nessey says she has heard of whirlies.
Nessey: We reconvene on Tuesday.

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