Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Necropolis Session 12



Zhaji's notes

The air elemental tried to suck up the high priest in its whirlwind.
Kress struck a high priest with two powerful blows (xx), dropping her, and cleaving to a boar demon (x). Kress continued his attacks on the lesser priest (xox), dropping him, and cleaving to, and dropping, another lesser priest (x).
Mambo attacked a boar demon with her great-hammer (xxxx), dropping it.
Vandis cast Chain Lighting at a high priest, dropping her. The lightning arced to, and singed, several others.
Brianna shot arrows at boar demons (x) - dead, (ooox).
Zhaji cast a silent Fireball into the crowd, including Mambo, dropping a lesser priest and disabling another.
The disabled priest cured himself.
The high priest in the whirlwind cast Protection from Good and was ejected from the whirlwind, but fell 30' to the ground.
The remaining boar demon attacked Kress, doing minor damage.
Another boar demon stepped out of pillar and attacked Kress (oo).
The head priest started working on another pillar.

The air elemental stopped being a whirlwind.
Kress attacked the boar demon near him, killing it.
Mambo attacked the head priest (xxx), killing him, and cleaving through the last high priest (x), dropping him as well.

Kress killed another boar demon with a single hit.
Vandis killed the remaining lesser priest (xox), and continued on the remaining demon.
Brianna shot arrows at the demon, killing it.

Brianna summed the party's goals/options. Mambo pulled back the current at the back of the room, where a statue of Osiris should have been, but a statue of Sebeck animated and attacked.

The air elemental advanced.
Zhaji cast Polymorph Any Object as a Stone to Flesh on the golem, making it more vulnerable.
Mambo smacked it with her great-hammer.
Brianna shot it with an arrow.
The statue swung a strange weapon at Mambo's great-hammer, but missed.

The elemental slammed the golem.
Vandis struck the golem, finishing it off. An amulet fell to the ground.
Brianna searched the area but found nothing. Kress activated his True Seeing and saw a secret door.

The party searched the bodies: Magic weapons and armor, gems and jewelry, ...

Mambo's notes

Mambo: We have a Huge Air Elemental which is whirlwind.
Mambo: Zhaji cast it.
Mambo: Kress down 13
Mambo: 3 temp Wis damage and needs more saves
Mambo: Down 15 of 18 DR?
Mambo: +1 to all d20s
Mambo: Plus 3 to various D20s, righteous wrath
Kress rolls Save Fort (d20 + 16): [14 + 16] = 30
Kress rolls Save Fort (d20 + 16): [8 + 16] = 24
Kress rolls Save Fort (d20 + 16): [2 + 16] = 18
Mambo: Brianna down 13
Mambo: Mambo down 17
Mambo: BB is up 2
Mambo: Vandis down 8
Mambo: Used 50 of DR
Mambo: Has Righteous Wrath up
Mambo: Zhaji down 10
Mambo: Has cast message
Mambo: Fidelis is 9 up
Mambo: Boar Demon 5 and 2 are turtles
Mambo: Air Elemental, Huge goes first this round.
Mambo: Whirlwind seeks to pick up another priest.
Mambo: Setem nefer takes damage, but does not get picked up.
Zhaji rolls 2d8: [3 + 1] = 4
Mambo: Setem nefer = Set's works are beautiful.
Mambo: Elemental moves around a bit, looking for new prey.
Mambo: Kress is up next.
Mambo: Power attack 10 against Nephthys.
Kress rolls Axe 1 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 33 + 1 + 1): [8 + 33 + 1 + 1] = 43
Mambo: That
Mambo: hits?
Brianna: He yis what he yis!
Mambo: Nephthys takes = damage
Kress rolls Axe Dmg PA10 (d12 + 40): [10 + 40] = 50
Kress rolls Axe Dmg Cold (d6): [5] = 5
Kress rolls Axe 2 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 28 + 2): [9 + 28 + 2] = 39
Mambo: She swoons for Kress.
Kress rolls Axe 2 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 28 + 2): [20 + 28 + 2] = 50
Mambo: He kills her as she swoons and cleaves to BD3.
Kress rolls Axe Dmg PA10 (d12 + 40): [4 + 40] = 44
Mambo: It has DR.
Kress rolls Axe 3 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 23 + 2): [18 + 23 + 2] = 43
Mambo: Kress takes a 5ft step and aims to cleave through more opponents.
Kress rolls Axe Dmg PA10 (d12 + 40): [3 + 40] = 43
Kress rolls Axe Dmg Cold (d6): [3] = 3
Mambo: Against Assist Priest 2
Kress rolls Axe 4 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 18 + 2): [7 + 18 + 2] = 27
Kress rolls Axe 1 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 33 + 1 + 1): [17 + 33 + 1 + 1] = 52
Kress rolls Axe 1 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 33 + 1 + 1): [3 + 33 + 1 + 1] = 38
Kress rolls Axe Dmg PA10 (d12 + 40): [8 + 40] = 48
Kress rolls Axe Dmg Cold (d6): [2] = 2
Mambo: Kress targets Assit Priest One
Kress rolls Axe 1 (HF+Anubis) (d20 + 33 + 1 + 1): [2 + 33 + 1 + 1] = 37
Mambo: Kress is not good so the Assist Priest's magic circle against good proves no barrier.
Mambo: Brianna delays for Vandis to move out of the doorway.
Loaded macros from /Users/pld/Documents/Game Session/Dargas Dice.xml.
Mambo: I'm speaking!!
Mambo: I am taking a 5ft step
Mambo: and hitting BD7
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1st to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 27): [12 + 27] = 39
Mambo: Does that hit?
Brianna: yes
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(6 + 6 + 5) + 16 + (1 + 1)] = 35
Mambo: before pluses from stuff
Mambo rolls Greathammer 2nd to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 22): [11 + 22] = 33
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(5 + 6 + 4) + 16 + (2 + 6)] = 39
Brianna: from unamed "stuff". Uh-huh.
Brianna: fix your mic, please
Mambo: if anything is up to give bonues, like singing
Mambo: Call me. My mic is working.
Mambo rolls Greathammer 3rd to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 17): [11 + 17] = 28
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(5 + 4 + 4) + 16 + (6 + 6)] = 41
Mambo: +3 bonus is up
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1st to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 27): [10 + 27] = 37
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(1 + 4 + 4) + 16 + (6 + 6)] = 37
Mambo: Mambo looks around for her next opponent.
Brianna: WWJD?
Brianna: WWVD?
Mambo: Vandis moves and casts chain lightening at Assist Priest 5.
Mambo: Or he does Word of Chaos. He is confused.
Mambo: He is feeling chaotic-confused, alignment CC
Mambo: He keeps sidling along the wall to the left to get in line of sight for Isis.
Mambo: Cast Chain Lightning on her as primary target.
DM rolls 19d6: [1 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 6] = 71
Mambo: She needs reflex save vs DC 22 and fails
Mambo: She also fails her massive damage save and falls on her face.
Mambo: Women always fall for Vandis.
Mambo: Assist Priest 3 is next Chain Lightening target.
Mambo: But really should be called "4"
Mambo: Takes full 35 points as does Assist Priest 5.
Mambo: Assist Priest 5 might not exist, though. Might be an illusion of our own making in this Oasis
Mambo: Chains to Setem-Nefer, if possible. yes.
Mambo: Then to BD 6, who has resist 20.
Mambo: And he is immune to electricity.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [16 + 25] = 41
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [7 + 4 + 2] = 13
Mambo: We can not hear you, Brianna
Mambo: Check you mic
Mambo: Brianna hits with cold iron, good aligned arrow on BD3.
Mambo: BD3 is down.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #2 (d20 + 20): [3 + 20] = 23
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #3 (d20 + 15): [1 + 15] = 16
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #4 (d20 + 10): [5 + 10] = 15
Mambo: She misses BD6.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [11 + 25] = 36
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [1 + 4 + 6] = 11
Mambo: Zhaji steps up to doorway, next to Brianna, and casts sculpted fireball back towards the immue Mambo and Priests and remaining Boar Demon.
Mambo: She can choose her squares and knows Mambo likes it! She like heat.
Zhaji rolls Spell (Fireball) (10d6): [2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2] = 27
Mambo: The opponents try to save for half.
Mambo: Against Refelx 21
Mambo: includes the turtles.
Zhaji rolls d20: [9] = 9
Mambo: Assist Priest, maybe 4, falls.
Mambo: BD 4 has 20 resistence, so takes 7.
Mambo: Actually BD 6, cause 4 is squashed turtle under the feet of BD6
Mambo: Assist Priest 5 is disabled.
Mambo: Assist Priest 5 cures himself and is not disabled anymore.
Mambo: Tcheripep is still getting a free ride.
Zhaji rolls 2d8: [5 + 5] = 10
Mambo: Tcheripep has to make concentration check to cast pro-good, for instance, and be ejected by the Wirlwind.
Mambo: He has no problem with concentration and decides to cast --- what?
Mambo: "something appropriate" and flies out and down 30 ft.
Mambo: boing! boing!
Mambo: BD6 goes for Kress with his "slice and dice" natural abilities.
Mambo: HIts Kres for 10 points before DR.
Mambo: BD 8 comes into being from a pillar.
Mambo: Setem=nefer summons or something from pillars.
Mambo: He hits AC30 on Kress.
Mambo: Actually he missed and missed.
Mambo: Air Elemental Comma Huge is up next.
Mambo: Tcheripep has circle of ProGood up and that resists Air Elemental as Wirlwind, so AE turns back into regular Huge funnel cloud.
Kress rolls Axe PA 1 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1): [14 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 39
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [3 + 20 + 20] = 43
Mambo: Kress hits BD6.
Kress rolls Axe PA 2 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 28 - 10 + 2): [16 + 28 - 10 + 2] = 36
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [4 + 20 + 20] = 44
Kress rolls Axe PA 3 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 23 - 10 + 1 + 1): [7 + 23 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 22
Mambo: We lost you beerbeerbeerbear!!
Kress rolls Axe PA 4 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 18 - 10 + 1 + 1): [20 + 18 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 30
Kress rolls Axe PA 4 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 18 - 10 + 1 + 1): [12 + 18 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 22
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [12 + 20 + 20] = 52
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1st to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 27): [18 + 27] = 45
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(6 + 4 + 3) + 16 + (4 + 5)] = 38
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [4 + 24] = 28
Mambo: When Mambo hits Setem-nefer she must make a fortitude save against DC 23, makes it
Mambo rolls Greathammer 2nd to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 22): [2 + 22] = 24
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(6 + 2 + 4) + 16 + (3 + 1)] = 32
Mambo rolls Save Fortitude (d20 + 24): [11 + 24] = 35
Mambo rolls Greathammer 3rd to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 17): [13 + 17] = 30
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(2 + 6 + 1) + 16 + (1 + 3)] = 29
Mambo rolls Greathammer 3rd to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 17): [17 + 17] = 34
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(6 + 2 + 1) + 16 + (2 + 1)] = 28
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1st to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 27): [1 + 27] = 28
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(3 + 2 + 4) + 16 + (6 + 3)] = 34
Mambo: Mambo takes out Setem-nefer and Techeripep (with cleave and righteous might)
Mambo: BD8 is still up, as is Assist Priest 5, and another BD is on the way.
Mambo: Vandis can't charge because he is cornered by the Wirlwind.
Mambo: Black kicker boots with shiny sliver spurs?
Zhaji: they were made for walking ...
Mambo: Vandis walks over, leisurely, and whacks BD2 the turtle or not. He might fly to move further.
Mambo: Boots - do your thing!
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:1 (d20 + 24): [4 + 24] = 28
DM rolls Sword +3 Dmg:Holy (d8 + 10 + 2d6): [6 + 10 + (4 + 6)] = 26
Mambo: Vandis does fly and does hit BD8 with a holy weapon.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [17 + 25] = 42
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [2 + 4 + 6] = 12
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #2 (d20 + 20): [18 + 20] = 38
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [4 + 4 + 2] = 10
Mambo: Brianna is happy BD8 is still up and available for her special arrows.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #3 (d20 + 15): [17 + 15] = 32
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [7 + 4 + 2] = 13
Mambo: She fires and fires and fires and hits and hits and hits.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #4 (d20 + 10): [2 + 10] = 12
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [12 + 25] = 37
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [1 + 4 + 5] = 10
Mambo: Then misses, then hits.
Mambo: BD8 is still up, but hurting, we assume.
Mambo: Assitant Priest 5 charges Vandis and misses, flies past ineffectively.
Mambo: BD8 goes for Vandis and misses. BD9 comes forth.
Mambo: Zhaji is still kicking her heels.
Mambo: Whenever we see her smiling face, we will know that she's connected.
Mambo: BD9 goes for Kress.
Mambo: One of these days these boots are gonna go a ca-puting over you!
Mambo: Air Elemental is advised to attack BD9
Mambo: Zhaji's boots are down. She can not read nor hear us.
Kress rolls d20: [11] = 11
Mambo: Air Elemental has two slam attacks of +19 each. Kress will roll.
Mambo: Kress does well.
Kress rolls 2d8 + 4: [4 + 4 + 4] = 12
Mambo: He is an Air Elemental at heart.
Kress rolls d20 + 19: [(15) + 19] = 34
Kress rolls 2d8 + 4: [4 + 7 + 4] = 15
Mambo: Kress now goes for himself and his own boots.
Mambo: He does a power attack of 10.
Mambo: Zhaji is back in form.
Kress rolls Axe PA 1 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1): [18 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 43
Kress rolls Axe PA 1 (-10+HF+Anu) (d20 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1): [13 + 33 - 10 + 1 + 1] = 38
Mambo: Zhaji is getting loaded.
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [2 + 20 + 20] = 42
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [5 + 20 + 20] = 45
Mambo: Kress is making short work of BD9.
Mambo: 89 points of damage
Kress rolls Axe PA Dmg (10x2) (d12 + 20 + 20): [5 + 20 + 20] = 45
Mambo: He did a critical - 3x damage, not 2x
Mambo: Kress kills BD9 outright.
Mambo: Zhaji is up now if she wishes.
Mambo: BD8 and Assist Priest 5 are still up.
Mambo: Zhaji continues to get loaded.
Mambo: Mambo delays to let others have fun.
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:1 (d20 + 24): [11 + 24] = 35
Mambo: Vandis power attacks 10 vs Priest5
DM rolls Sword +3 Dmg:Holy (d8 + 10 + 2d6): [3 + 10 + (3 + 1)] = 17
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:2 (d20 + 19): [4 + 19] = 23
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:3 (d20 + 14): [11 + 14] = 25
Mambo: Assist Priest5 is disabled again (he had cured himself before)
DM rolls Sword +3 Dmg:Holy (d8 + 10 + 2d6): [1 + 10 + (5 + 1)] = 17
Mambo: Vandis misses, then hits AP5 again.
Mambo: ASP is gonzo.
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:3 (d20 + 14): [9 + 14] = 23
DM rolls Sword +3 Atk:1 (d20 + 24): [17 + 24] = 41
Mambo: Vandis cleaves to the BD8 and misses. Then hits.
DM rolls Sword +3 Dmg:Holy (d8 + 10 + 2d6): [6 + 10 + (1 + 1)] = 18
Mambo: hits for 31 poiints.
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [11 + 25] = 36
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (Fiends) (d8 + 4 + d6): [3 + 4 + 4] = 11
Mambo: BD8 is still up and eyeing Brianna, who finishes it off with her arrows of doom.
Mambo: Vandis likes turtle soup, but it will not be filling as they are summoned.
Mambo: Kress kills the turtles and doesn't eat them.
Mambo: Kress wants to search the area, not talk about raising lambs or making honey out of beets.
Mambo: Brianna stands outside the cone of silence and gives us a motivational speach.
Mambo: Brianna says it would not surprise her if the statue up here has been replaced by the false priests of Osiris who are really worshipers of Set.
Mambo: We are looking for Osiris statue up here now.
Mambo: Hello?
Mambo: We search the bodies while Brianna recaps about statues here and below.
Brianna rolls Brianna Diplomacy (Females) (d20 + 35): [20 + 35] = 55
Mambo: Mambo - there more people to de-feet?
Mambo: Zhaji turns into a hovering Elephant for some reason.
Mambo: Brianna suggests we search the side rooms.
Zhaji: ... right after she said she was "all ears"
Mambo: Mambo - do we have to go back down below to make another statue?
Mambo: Brianna - as long as we are here, let's open the inner sanctum.
Mambo: mambo - maybe it be alligator, you think?
Mambo: Brianna suggests Mambo go and open inner sanctum and statue of Set becomes alive.
Mambo: Picture?
Mambo: Mambo opens sealed folding doors - finds statue of grinning crocodile head of Sebbit. (spelling)
Brianna: Sebk
Mambo: Hatred washes over us. Statue appears to be coming alive.
Mambo: New initiatives.
Brianna rolls Brianna Initiative (d20 + : [10 + 8] = 18
Mambo: Sebk is a sort of golem statue.
Zhaji rolls Initiative (d20 + 5): [17 + 5] = 22
Mambo rolls Initiative (d20 + 3): [18 + 3] = 21
Kress rolls Initiative (d20 + 9): [16 + 9] = 25
Mambo rolls BB - Initiative (d20 + 2): [6 + 2] = 8
Mambo rolls Angel - Initiative (d20 + 4): [12 + 4] = 16
Zhaji rolls d20: [12] = 12
DM rolls Initiative (d20 + 6): [20 + 6] = 26
Mambo: Air Elemental up first again. Yaw!
Mambo: Yaw, pitch, roll, and ?
Mambo: bank
Mambo: This is a surprise round. ergo Air El just moves to engage.
Mambo: Looks like a stone golem.
Mambo: A blue-grey-blakish stone golem.
Mambo: with red dessert sandstone mixed in or not.
Mambo: Vandis moves only.
Mambo: Goes and stands shoulder to shoulder wth Mambo. Him good friend!!
Mambo: Zhaji wants to polymorph something, but stone to flesh does or does not work? Eh?
Mambo: Yes, can turn Golem into flesh.
Mambo: He is a real boy now, if Zhaji succeeds.
Mambo: Doesn't turn into flesh, but does negate damage reduction for 1 full round?
Mambo: Stone to Flesh doesn't actually change Golem, actually.
Mambo rolls Greathammer 1st to hit (+1/haste) (d20 + 27): [11 + 27] = 38
Mambo rolls Great-Axe DMG (3d6 + 20): [(4 + 3 + 5) + 20] = 32
Mambo rolls Greathammer, DMG vs Evil (3d6 + 16 + 2d6): [(5 + 6 + 4) + 16 + (6 + 1)] = 38
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Attack #1 (d20 + 25): [14 + 25] = 39
Brianna rolls Brianna Bow Damage (d8 + 4): [7 + 4] = 11
Mambo: Mambo damages Sebk golem for 41. Gets just the one hit this round, as surprise round.
Mambo: Brianna gets more hits as she is better with her weapon.
Mambo: Angel Delays
Mambo: Statue has an odd weapon. It attempts to touch Mambo
Mambo: greathammer with its weapon, but fortunately misses.
Mambo: Air Element does what?
Zhaji rolls d20: [9] = 9
Mambo: Moves into position and does a single attack, over the heads of Mambo and Vandis.
Mambo: AC 28 hits.
Mambo: barely.
Zhaji rolls 2d8 + 4: [4 + 5 + 4] = 13
DM rolls Sword +4 Atk:1/2 (d20 + 25): [13 + 25] = 38
DM rolls Sword +4 Dmg (d8 + 11): [1 + 11] = 12
Mambo: Kress delays. Vandis gets full round of attacks by now.
Mambo: Golem falls to pieces.
Mambo: As it falls, in its rubble is an amulet in the shape of a crocodile.
Mambo: No statue of Osiris seen yet up here.
Mambo: Kress - should we destroy that Sebk statuette?
Mambo: mambo - me think we should destroy bad thing!
Mambo: Vandis can do Detect Evil tomorrow, if we need.
Mambo: Mambo - we still have to find statue of Osiris. Where you think they hide it, Brianna?
Mambo: Brianna - I don't think it is here. I think it has been replaced.
Mambo: Statuette of Set is on altar. Radiates strong evil.
Mambo: On top of statuette is amulet figure of an Ibex
Mambo: Kress - these radiate evil, should we destroy?
Mambo: Mambo - yes, me think.
Mambo: Brianna goes in and searches for hidden passages.
Mambo: Brianna takes 20 and doesn't find any secret doors that she can tell.
Mambo: Kress steps in with True Seeing - him special eye and sees secret door in back. He points it out to Brianna.
Mambo: mambo - you think Osiris statue back there? brianna? Kress?
Mambo: Brianna goes and pouts.
Mambo: Zhaji comes over to look.
Mambo: Mambo - we search bodies first or do door first, Brianna?
Mambo: Robe of Eyes can only advance as long as Vandis has a slot available at the end of everyday for True Seeing spell.
Mambo: Has to leave the slot open for that level spell.
Mambo: We search bodies.
Mambo: We find armor and stuff.
Mambo: Vandis catalogs and will post later. There might be something here that will help us in the next area.

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Copyright © 2008 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
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