The heroes met in the Solarium of the mansion in Sigil. Tebryn spread out all of the loot and appraised and identified everything. We discussed how to divide the value and the consensus was that the treasure up to and including the encounter with Umaerh in which Hazen had been sent away to Mount Celestia would be divided seven ways, but that the treasure collected afterwards would be divided six ways, since Hazen had not participated in its winning. The grey dwarf was surprisingly accepting of this arrangement. Perhaps he had been mellowed by his vacation on the Celestial mountain. This gave Hazen 25,121 gp plus his original purse to bid with and everybody else an additional 88,281 gp. After much discussion, the adventurers picked the items they wished to keep and sold the rest.
BriannaBrianna kept Valfryn'aonar's boots of speed, two of the scrolls of flame strike carried by the Ethereal Scouts, and one of the potion of cure serious wounds that Paelinn had not had a chance to use. This left her with a considerable stash of cash, which she decided to use to augment her equipment for upcoming adventuring. She bought the Sword of Lamnion from Tebryn, allowing her to summon forth a Mordenkainen's sword once a day to strike up to 22 times at her foes. Since it doesn't require concentration, she can still sing or do other things. Tebryn felt a twinge of regret at the sale, since the item held many memories: he'd gotten the item as a 5th level wizard and had used it many times since then. But, in truth, he'd not used it in many years and could cast the same spell almost as potently once a day for free as a Domain Wizard of Evocation. She upgraded her new boots of speed with the striding and springing attribute and sold her old elven boots. She added shadow, silent moves and glamered attributes to her +5 elven chain of invulnerability. This compensates for the loss of her elven boots, boosts her ability to Hide, and allows her to wear armor without appearing to do so. Brianna issues a command and her armor morphs into an attractively revealing outfit. She grins. Recalling how easily she'd succumbed to poison, Brianna decided to improve her resistance to such afflictions. She augmented Veracity's love gift, a ring of protection +2 and resistance +2, to provide resistance +5. And lastly, she bought a hand-me-down from Veracity - her shirt of health +2 - and hired a wizard to augment the enchantment to +6. Having placed her gear in the hands of the craftsmen who would upgrade it over the next several weeks, Brianna spent several days creating a new masterpiece of her own: a song celebrating Veracity's expedition into the Faerûnian Underdark and her defeat of Irae T'sarran. The new song is a sensation, the reputation of the Heroes of Sigil is renewed, and the names of Tebryn and Yol become known for the first time in the City of Doors. Her nights are spent with Veracity, who is spending her days crafting magical jewelry. After six weeks on the trail, the two are glad to have comfortable - and private - time together.
Initial purse 2,767 CSQ income +88,281 91,048 boots of speed -6,000 85,048 2 scrolls of flame strike @ CL9 -1,125 83,923 potion of cure serious wounds -375 83,548 Sword of Lamnion <- Tebryn -27,720 55,828 boots: +striding & springing -8,250 47,578 (5,500 * 1.5) armor: +shadow -3,750 43,828 armor: +silent moves -3,750 40,078 armor: +glamered -2,700 37,378 ring: +2/+2 -> +2/+5 -23,000 14,378 (37,000 - 14,000) bracers of health +4 -> Kress +8,000 22,378 Sell: boots of elven kind +1,250 23,628 shirt of health +2 <- Veracity -2,000 21,628 IOU -> Veracity +12,000 33,628 shirt: +2 -> +6 -32,000 1,628 (36,000 - 4,000) Sell: wand of dispel magic (10) +1,125 2,753 Sell: wand of hold person (40) +1,800 4,553 Sell: wand of neut. poison (7) +1,260 5,813 Sell: potion of jump +25 5,838 armor: +blueshine -1,500 4,338 armor: +called -2,000 2,338 magic bedroll -500 1,838 lesser crystal of return -1,000 838
HazenHazen saw little that he coveted. He kept only the bronze brazier he'd found in Paelinn's room. He loaned most of the rest of his money to Kress, his roommate in Sigil and former cohort.
Initial purse 11,570 CSQ income +25,121 36,691 bronze brazier -250 36,441 IOU <- Kress -30,000 6,441
IgorIgor also saw little he desired, since his current equipment was already carefully chosen to optimize his combat prowess. The only items he actually thought he might use were a scroll of blade barrier from the Ethereal Scouts and Paelinn's other potion of cure serious wounds. But cash is always nice. Igor was happy to add the keen attribute to his favorite +5 adamantine greatsword and striding and springing to his boots of speed. Igor also took several useful items, purely for cash value, just in case he might wish to trade them later for something more interesting: Veracity's abandoned gloves of dexterity +6, Kress's abandoned goggles of the night, and an amulet of health +4. And lastly, Igor claimed Irae's bed clothes of black silks and sable fur. He placed them on his own bed in Sigil and falls asleep each night, dreaming of the female drow he wishes were in bed with him.
Initial purse 2,162 CSQ income +88,281 90,443 +5 greatsword: +keen -22,000 68,443 (72,000 - 50,000) gloves of dex +6 <- Veracity -18,000 50,443 boots: +striding & springing -8,250 42,193 (5,500 * 1.5) amulet of health +4 -8,000 34,193 scroll of blade barrier -825 33,368 potion of cure serious wounds -375 32,993 goggles of night <- Kress -6,000 26,993 IOU <- Kress -10,000 16,993
KressKress's eyes grew large and he lusted after several items from the hoard. The +5 keen adamantine battleaxe was the best weapon he'd ever seen and the +5 glamered mithril full plate would be a very nice upgrade for him. And the eyes of the spider would counteract, once and for all, those pesky domination spells that he'd fallen foul of way too often. The permanent true seeing and all-around vision were just icing on the cake. Kress added up the price of those three items and gulped. After making solicitous inquires of his companions, he discovered that they'd be willing to loan him the cash he needed. Realizing that if he was going to take on so much debt, he'd need to adventure soon to gain cash, he sighed, borrowed some extra gold, and bought a couple of additional items to help him survive: boots of striding and springing to compensate for his new heavier armor, and Brianna's abandoned bracers of health +4. Much as he'd like to take it easy and spend his cash partying in Sigil with Hazen, Kress looks at his debts and is keeping his eyes open for a suitable adventure to join.
Initial purse 1,801 CSQ income +88,281 90,082 +5 keen adamantine greataxe -37,510 52,572 +5 glamered mithril full plate -19,100 33,472 bracers of health +4 <- Brianna -8,000 25,472 Sell: bracers of health +2 +2,000 27,472 Sell: +4 mithril breastplate +10,100 37,572 goggles of night -> Igor +6,000 43,572 Sell: masterwork battleaxe +155 43,727 Buy: boots: striding & springing -5,500 38,227 IOU -> Hazen +30,000 68,227 IOU -> Igor +10,000 78,227 IOU -> Tebryn +20,000 98,227 IOU -> Yol +10,000 108,227 eyes of the spider -106,000 2,227
TebrynTebryn was delighted to find the spell book in the library of the house on the plateau. It contained a very nice collection of rare and unusual high level spells. Since the three members of the Society of the Moon are buying it jointly, he has to share it - but since the Society's holdings are all in his tower in Mansfield, it's almost like he's keeping it for himself. He rubs his hand and chuckles. Tebryn buys the rod of the twisted weave. The next mage who tries to afflict him with a nasty spell is in for surprise! He does some trades with his companions. He sells the Sword of Lamnion to Brianna. Ah, the memories it holds! But, he hadn't used it in years, and gold is gold. He buys the spellbook of Baron Lum the Mad from Veracity. Now, that was a mage from the legends - the creator of an infamous machine - and he's jealous that his sister was the one to take this trophy, but now it's in Tebryn's personal collection, not Veracity's. He also helped Veracity out by buying the seven scrolls of rituals of Lolth she'd collected from the Baroness Ramma Anchora. Not that Tebryn cares much about Lolth per se, but it can't hurt to learn more of the customs of his adopted race. For the first time, he buys an item to boost his Constitution: a shirt of health +6. And lastly, he dips into his purse and helped when Kress came begging.
Initial purse 9,247 CSQ income +88,281 97,528 rod of the twisted weave -20,400 77,128 (1/3 share of spellbook) -4,500 72,628 Sword of Lamnion -> Brianna +27,720 100,348 Baron Lum's spellbook <- Veracity-20,800 79,548 Lolth ritual scrolls <- Veracity -7,000 72,548 Buy: shirt of health +6 -36,000 36,548 IOU <- Kress -20,000 16,548
VeracityVeracity is pleased with the fine collection of items she's claimed. The earrings - Rhapsody of Pain - not only fit her "style", but will give a continuous minor edge to her battle. The ring of detect invisibility lets her easily battle "cheatin'" opponents. For the first time, she has something to boost her strength - a belt of giant strength +4. She replaces the 60 mundane arrows in her quiver of Ehlonna with an equal number of +2 arrows making her that much more deadly an archer. Z'henara's tools are deliciously twisted. And lastly, the periapt of wisdom +2 will help her serve her Goddess more effectively, once she takes up a cleric's mantle. Ah, Loviatar. Veracity needs much study and preparation, if she's going to fully server her as a devotee. Perhaps someday to be her chosen Proxy ... dare she dream? But first, it's time to do some crafting. Veracity finally has the gold, experience, and time she needs to make a couple of custom items she'd been thinking about for months now. Simple stat boosting items, but in an unconventional form: a nipple ring of constitution +6 and a nipple ring of dexterity +6. Items which will always be available to her, even if she is otherwise completely naked. Well, that will take 72 days of magical labor. Working all day in the lab and playing all night with Brianna ... makes you very tired in the morning, especially when the Bard has a ring of sustenance and doesn't seem to need much sleep.
Initial purse 1,015 CSQ income +88,281 89,296 Rhapsody of Pain -28,000 61,296 ring of detect invisibility -10,000 51,296 belt of giant strength +4 -8,000 43,296 60 +2 arrows -5,010 38,286 (1/3 share of spellbook) -4,500 33,786 Z'henara's tools -4,320 29,466 periapt of wisdom +2 -2,000 27,466 cloth-of-gold drow stole -550 26,916 shirt of health +2 -> Brianna +2,000 28,916 gloves of dexterity +6 -> Igor +18,000 46,916 Craft: nipple ring of con +6 -36,000 10,916 XP: -2,880 (181,343 (10,343)) Sell: Carpet of Flying 5' x 5' +10,000 20,916 Cabrath's Worship Book -> Yol +450 21,366 Lolth ritual scrolls -> Tebryn +7,000 28,366 Baron Lum's spellbook -> Tebryn +20,800 49,166 Craft: nipple ring of dex +6 -36,000 13,166 XP: -2,880 (178,463 (7,462)) IOU <- Brianna -12,000 1,166
YolYol smiles thinly. She's boosted her offense with a staff of frost and her defense with a ring of major fire resistance. Not that she gets into melee much - it's much better to stand back and let the meat shields go in and meet their inevitable fate - but Paelinn's +2 wounding rapier suits her taste nicely. The robe of gentle repose will help preserve a favored corporeal undead creation - or will be suitable for Yol herself, should she eventually choose the path of lichdom. Several scrolls, a nasty little wand, a spear which inflicts energy drain - sweet. And poison. Lots of poison. And The Nathlum. Yol quivers. What more could a Death Priestess want?
Initial purse 11,223 CSQ income +88,281 99,504 greater death spear (8 charges) -16,392 83,112 +2 wounding rapier -16,160 66,952 ring of major fire resistance -14,000 52,952 staff of frost (20 charges) -11,250 41,702 robe of gentle repose -5,000 36,702 The Nathlum -5,000 31,702 (1/3 share of spellbook) -4,500 27,202 wand of unholy blight (18 charges)-4,320 22,882 2 deathblade poison -1,800 21,082 2 scroll of blade barrier @ CL11 -1,650 19,432 scroll of flame strike @ CL9 -563 18,869 6 drow poison -225 18,644 shadow essence poison -125 18,519 Cabrath's Worship Book <- Veracity +450 18,069 IOU <- Kress -10,000 8,069Prev Top
Copyright © 2007 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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