Uktar 8, 1372 DR (4:00 PM) Deep Wastes: Glouroth's ChasmThe tunnel opens into the floor of a chasm with no visible ceiling. The floor is covered with huge boulders and broken rubble. A path has been cleared through the rubble to a huge cliff with sheer walls on the opposite wall. A great chime with a heavy iron mallet hangs at the mouth of the tunnel. "That summons our ride," suggests Igor. "Let's take that and use it as a dinner bell back in Sigil," suggests Hazen. "It may function that way here." We retreat down the tunnel to discuss the situation. Yol offers to cast an Augury. Tebryn scowls. "If there is any risk at all, it'll tell YOU 'woe', right?" "No other way to proceed?" says Igor. "We could fly," suggests Hazen. "The ceiling might be painted with Frescos. Or the stalactites could be carved." "I'm willing to fly up and scout," says Igor. "So, you and Hazen will fly up invisibly?" says Veracity. "Good idea." "I feel sorry for piercers," babbles Hazen. "They get one shot and then spend a whole day climbing up again." "What the hell does that have to do with our current situation?" says Kress irritably. "Let's scout," says Igor. "Wait," says Veracity. "I have something for Hazen, first." She pulls a strip of cloth out her pocket and moves up to Hazen. "No, no!" says Hazen. "As soon as I go invisible, I'll be silent." Igor drinks a potion of Darkvision. Igor and Hazen turn invisible and take off. They fly invisibly out of the tunnel mouth. As they fly up the cliff, about 60 feet up, 20 feet to the right is a cave opening. Very dark. 70 feet more, 30 feet to the left is another cave opening. 20 foot tunnel turns down. 110 feet more is a very large cave opening right in front of them. As they fly by, Glouroth breathes. A cone of billowing, smoky shadow comes out of the cave mouth. Both rogues successfully evade the breath weapon. The dragon flies out. A seething mass of hatred and fury: a shadow dragon, with 5 mirror images up. Yol 27 Kress 25 Igor 21 Veracity 17 Glouroth Hazen 17 Brianna 16 Tebryn 6 Hazen yells "strange dragon" and flies straight down 120 feet. (120 feet high) Brianna sighs. "Hazen is running away, as usual. He will need a bolstering of courage, as usual. I'll try a little song..." She starts to sing. Half-kir-lannan/half-shadow dragon flies out of middle cave towards Hazen, but is not entirely sure where to go. (70 feet high) (kir-lannan: a strongly built humanoid with black wings) Four more kir-lannans come flying out and mill around. Tebryn casts Displacement on himself. Another Kir-lannan comes flying out. Yol withdraws 60 feet deeper into the tunnel. Kress comes out of the cave, drawing his weapon and looking up into the darkness. "Can't see a damn thing!" he complains. Igor flies down 120 feet. Another kir-lannan flies down and attacks Kress with a black ray. It hits him, but Kress shrugs off the effect. A second kir-lannan does the same thing. Veracity casts Expeditious Retreat on herself, making her base land speed 60 ft. She advances to just inside the cave mouth, drawing her weapons as she goes. Glouroth dives down and swipes at Hazen, biting him for 13 points. Hazen angles down. He hovers 20 feet of the ground, 50 feet from Kress, 120 feet away from Glouroth. Brianna continues to sing. Phaikkul (half kir-lannan, half shadow-dragon) flies down and breaths a cone of smoking billowing shadows into the cave. Both Kress and Veracity avoid the breath weapon. Another kir-lannan shoots a ray at Kress. He resists. And another one. He resists. And another. He resists. And another. He resists. Ghindul (a kir-lannan) flies down and throws a tanglefoot bag at Kress. He gets stuck. Tebryn casts Expeditious Retreat on himself. Another kir-lannan fires a ray at Kress. He resists. Yol lurks in the background. Igor flies down to attack Phaikkul. He strikes her for 25 points. A kir-lannan hits Kress with a ray. He resists it. Another kir-lanna flies down and attacks Kress with a claw, for 8 points. Veracity activates her ring of Invisibility and moves out of the cave mouth and 50 feet down the chasm. Glouroth flies down and casts a ray of Enfeeblement on Kress. He resists it. Hazen flies into the cave mouth. Brianna continues to sing. Phykuul strikes at Igor with her claw for 13 points. Her second claw hits for 16 points. She bites him for 10 points. The first was a negative energy attack and inflicts 7 points, healing her for 7. Another kir-lannan flies down to engage Kress, hitting him with a claw for 10 points. Another kir-lannan hits Kress with a ray. He resists. Another kir-lannan hits Kress with a ray. He resists. Another kir-lannan misses Kress with a ray. Gindul shoots a ray at Kress. He resists. Tebryn casts Greater Invisibility on himself and moves out of the cave and 10 feet to the right. Another kir-lannan hits Kress with a ray. He resists. Brianna +2,300 Tebryn +392 Veracity +947 Yol 27 -4 Kress 25 -18 Igor 21 -46 shaken Kir-lannan 1 2 rays Kir-lannan 2 engaged with Kress Veracity 17 -12, Expeditious Retreat Glouroth breathed recently, 5 mirror images Hazen 17 -13 shaken Brianna 16 -6 singing Phykuul -18 breathed recently Kir-lannan 3 1 ray, enaged with Kress Kir-lannan 4 2 rays Kir-lannan 5 2 rays Kir-lannan 6 2 rays Gindul Tanglefoot Tebryn 6 Displacement, Greater Invis, Expeditious Retreat Kir-lannan 7 2 rays Kress slashes at the Tanglefoot and does 13 points to it, and then 14, breaking free at last. With his last attack, he strikes and misses a kir-lannan. He ascends five feet. Igor attacks Phykuul. He hits for 22, hits for 16, hits for 22. Kir-lannan 1 misses Kress with a ray. Kir-lannan 2 swings at Kress twice with claw & claw, missing. Veracity casts Mirror Images, summoning 5 images. Glourath flies by bites Igor for 17 points. Both Veracity and Tebryn are shaken at the sight of the fearsome dragon. Hazen tells Yol about his experience. Brianna sings Phykuul claws Igor for 13 points + 6 negative energy. He resists the STR drain. The other claw hits Igor for 14 points. She bites for 11 points. Kir-lannan 3 claws Kress for 11 and claws for 8. Kir-lannan 4 shoots a ray at Kress. He resists. Kir-lannan 5 shoots a ray at Kress. He resists. Kir-lannan 6 shoots a ray at Kress. He resists. Gindul quaffs a potion. His outline appears blurred, shifting and wavering. Tebryn summons a Celestial Roc, Windwing. HP 225 Talon 1 +21 2d6+12 Talon 2 +21 2d6+12 Bite +19, 2d8+6 Alertness, Flyby Attack, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch, Wingover Darkvision to 60' Damage reduction 10/magic Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity Spell resistance 23 Smite Evil (Su) once per day adds damage equal to its HD against an evil foe. Windwing appears next to Glouroth. It screeches and attacks him. Talon 1 pops image #1 Talon 2 pops image #3 Bite pops image #2 Kir-lannan 7 shoots a ray at Kress. ----- Yol casts Death Ward on Hazen. Kress Whirlwinds against all adjacent opponents. He hits Kir-lannin 2 for 16. 10 is absorbed by the stoneskin-effect He hits Kir-lannin 3 for 16. 10 is absorbed by the stoneskin-effect Igor strikes Phykuul for 38 points. She falls. Igor flies into the cave and lands near Brianna. Kir-lannin 1 flies into the cave and claws Igor for 8 points. Kir-lannin 2 claws Kress for 7 points + 7 points of negative energy. He claws Kress for 16 points. Veracity extracts the Godstone and gives herself Stoneskin. Glouroth breathes on her. She saves and takes 2 negative levels. Hazen flies back to Brianna and Igor. Brianna ceases to sing. She casts Cure Serious on Igor for 28 points. Kir-lannan 3 claws Kress for 11 points + 5 negative energy, as well as doing 1 point of strength damage. Kir-lannan 4 flies in and misses Igor Kir-lannan 5 flies in and misses Igor Kir-lannan 6 flies in and claws Igor for 9 points. Gindul shoots a ray of enfeeblement against Kress. Tebryn summons a Celestial Roc, Swifttalon HP 205 Talon 1 +21 2d6+12 Talon 2 +21 2d6+12 Bite +19, 2d8+6 It claws Glouroth for 42 points, smiting the evil dragon. I misses with its other talon and bites for 16 points. Windwing criticals Glouroth for 46 points. It pops an image. It misses with its bite. Kir-lannan 7 flies in and hits Igor for 8 points. Yol moves up 30 feet and shoots Magic Missiles at Kir-lannan 5 for 9 points. Kress Whirlwinds against Kir-lannan 2 and hits for 17. Kress Whirlwinds against Kir-lannan 3 and hits for 16. Igor puts up 5 points of Expertise hits Kir-lannan 5 for 18 points, hits for 20 points. Kir-lannin 1 misses and misses Igor with its claws. Kir-lannin 2 claws Kress for 19 + 12 points of Negative Energy. It misses with its second attack. Veracity moves to the cave and 10 feet in, magic missiles Kir-lannin 1 for 15 points, and becomes visible. Glouroth D-Doors down 60-feet away from Kress. Hazen steps five feet and attacks Kir-lannin 5. He hits it for 34 points. Igor takes the opportunity to hit it and it falls. Hazen swings at Kir-lannin 6 for 9 points. He hits it again for 9 points. Brianna steps to the side and Cure Serious on Igor for 28 points. Kir-lannin 2 hits Kress for 9 + 7 Kir-lannin 5 steps 5 feet and misses Igor twice. Kir-lannin 6 claws at Hazen and hits for 10 + 8 points of Negative energy. Gindul fires two magic missiles at Kress for 7 points. Tebryn casts Chain Lightning for 42 against Kirlannin 2, 21 against Kirlannin 3, and 21 against Gindul. Windwing flies 160 feet to within 20 feet of Glourath Swifttalon flies 160 feet to within 20 feet of Glourath Kir-lannin 7 steps to Igor's side and hits for 8 points. Yol Magic Missiles Kir-lannin 5 for two points Kress steps back five feet. Igor hits Kirlannin 4 for 17 points, misses, and hits for 24 points. Kir-lannin 4 hits Igor 11 + 7 negative energy. Kir-lannin 2 flies next to Veracity and pops an image. Veracity moves away and it pops an image. Veracity hits Kir-lannin 4 for 16 points. Igor takes the opportunity to kill it. The smart Glouroth casts more Mirror Images, for a total of 5 images. He dives and flies 180 feet away from the rocs. Hazen hits Kir-lannin 6 for 47 points. It falls. Hazen moves next to Kir-lannin 2. Brianna Cures Igor 26 points. Kir-lannin 3 flies in to try to flank Hazen and hits for 9 points. Gindul flies in to try to flank Hazen and hits for 9 points. Tebryn casts Power Word: Blind on Glouroth, blinding him for 1d4+1. The rocs fly up to Glouroth. Kir-lannin claws twice at Igor, missing both times. Yol stands ready. Kress pulls a red lacquered vial from his pack. Igor hits Kir-lannin 6 for 24 points, 25 points, 23 points. Kir-lannin claws and claws Hazen for 10 + 8 points. Veracity moves to flank a Kir-lannin and hits for 17 points. Glouroth disappears. Hazen hits the flanked Kir-lannin for lots of damage and kills it. He turns to the next and hits it. Brianna moves up drawing her corrosive dagger. She stabs at the Kir-lannin dealing only acid damage upon it. Kir-lannin hits Hazen for 8 and 11 points. Gindul hits Hazen for 10 and 9 points of damage. Tebryn moves in and Hold Monster's Brianna's kir-lannin. It goes rigid. Kir-lannin misses and hits Igor for 8 + 3 negative energy vs. Igor. Yol moves up to flank Hazen with Gindul. Kress takes a swig of his potion. Igor swings against the Kir-lannin and slays it. He moves between Brianna and Yol and demands healing. Veracity moves up and hits the blurred Gindul for 13 points. We hear the sound of crashing rocks from high over head. Hazen steps backs 5 feet and demands curing. Brianna stabs the held Kir-lannin for 14 physical and 12 points of acid damage. Igor take the opportunity to hit it for 41 and fells it. Gindul steps up to Hazen and hits for 9 & 11 points. Hazen falls. Tebryn Disintegrates Gindul. His equipment falls to the floor. Yol gives Hazen a Cure Light for 11 points. He is now conscious at +10 Brianna: Cure Serious for Kress: 28 points Cure Serious for Kress: 30 points Cure Moderate for Igor: 18 points Cure Moderate for Igor: 21 points Cure Moderate for Hazen: 22 points Cure Moderate for Kress: 16 points Cure Serious for Kress: 24 points Cure Serious for Hazen: 21 points Cure Light for Veracity: 10 points Cure Light for Hazen: 9 points Yol: Cure Serious for Hazen: 19 points Cure Moderate for Hazen: 15 points Cure Light for Hazen: 12 points We loot the bodies: Gindul: Bracers (Moderate Conjuration), Ring (Faint Abjuration), 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Phykuul: Chain Shirt (Faint Enchantment), Ring (Faint Abjuration), Gauntlets (Faint Transmutation), Flask Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy), 1 Fan (Faint Evocation) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Kir-lannan: 2 Flasks (Moderate Necromancy) Tebryn spreads out Portable Hole. He loads the Chime into it. Yol Detects Magic on the items and loads the other items into the Hole. We fly up and find the Howling Wing cave, home of Gindul & 4 Kir-lannan. Tebryn Spots a suspicious pile of loose stones. Hazen greedily jumps and top of the pile and scrabbles through it. He pulls out a Belt pouch of Drow manufacture and a wand. Tebryn opens the pouch and finds 30 PP, 55 GP and 80 SP. We fly over to the Screeching Wing cave, home of Phykuul and 3 Kir-lannan. Igor searches and sees the hidden nook and finds a cache of 390 GP, 860 SP, a copper bracelet worth 60, and a fine mithril necklace of sapphires worth 1100 GP, and a gold hairnet worth 250 GP. Igor searches for another exit and finds nothing. We fly past the blocked entrance to Glouroth's cave. At the top of the cliff, the tunnel stretches towards the East. The Cliff is 300 feet tall. There is another chime, which we load into the Portable Hole. We travel three more miles and search for a place to camp. MA 542: Brianna: +3,750 XP Hazen: +2,457 XP Igor: +1,318 XP Kress: +8,529 XP Tebryn: +535 XP Veracity: +1,408 XP Yol: +4,925 XP +321 GP each We play with the items. Bracers of Armor +3. Ring of Protection + 1 (2 of them). Chain Shirt + 2. Hazen experiments with potions. First is a Potion of Inflict Serious wounds. Gauntlets of +2 Strength. Other wand is (Faint Illusion). We hand the gauntlets to Igor to use. We camp in a 30 by 30 cavern with an entrance at each end. Veracity & Brianna together. Igor 20 feet away Yol across cavern from V&B. Tebryn across cavern from Igor. 1st watch: Hazen & Kress 2nd watch: Veracity & Brianna 3rd watch: Yol & Igor Prev Top Next
Copyright © 2004 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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