Here is where I will have a paragraph describing Veracity's appearance, personality, and, perhaps, her usual tactics. A DM should be able to take this and have a fully usable NPC.
Veracity CR 21 AC 43, touch 29, flat-footed 43 hp 213 (20 HD) Immune charm, fear, hold, magic missile (from Sword of Kas); magic sleep spells and effects (elf trait) Resist SR 30; fire -25% Fort +21, Ref +21 (+23 vs. dragon breath), Will +18 (+20 vs. spells, +22 vs. Enchantments) Speed 40 ft. (6 squares) Melee Sword of Kas +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d6+15 +11 (insightful strike)/15-20x2 + negative level + gain 5 temporary hit points) or masterwork scourge +22/+17/+12/+7 (1d8+5/20) or masterwork whip +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d3+5 nonlethal +11 (insightful strike)/20) Ranged none Base Atk +16; Grp +21 Attack Options spells, spell-like abilities, insightful strike (+12 additional damage against foes that are not immune to critical hits), Empower Spell Combat Gear ring of invisibility Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 20 or CL 21 for domain spells, spell penetration +4): 8th discern location. field of icy razors (SC 90), ghostform (SC 103), iron bodyD, veil of undeath (SC 229) 7th avasculate (SC 19), phase door, reverse gravityD (DC 31), synostodweomer (2) (SC 218), vision 6th acid storm (DC 28) (SC 7), disintegrateD (DC 30), fires of purity (DC 28) (SC 94), fleshiver (DC 28) (SC 95), Otiluke's freezing sphere (DC 27), ray of entropy (DC 28) (SC 167) 5th acid sheath (DC 27) (SC 7), baleful polymorphD (DC 29), earth reaver (DC 29) (SC 75), graymantle (SC 107), greater blink, phantasmal thief (SC 155), wall of limbs (SC 234) 4th assay spell resistance (SC 17), blast of flame (DC 26) (SC 31), burning blood (DC 26) (SC 40), dimension door, enervation, greater invisibility, orb of acid (DC 26) (SC 150), polymorphD 3rd blade of pain and fear (SC 30), curse of impending blades (DC 25) (SC 57), fly, hasteD, spell vulnerability (DC 25) (SC 200), steeldance (DC 25) (SC 206), tongues, Veracity's whip of pain (DC 25) 2nd baleful transposition (DC 24) (SC 23), death armor (SC 60), knock, levitateD, phantom foe (SC 156), slapping hand (SC 191), whirling blade (SC 238), wraithstrike (SC 243) 1st appraising touch (SC 15), backbiter (SC 23), benign transposition (SC 27), expeditious retreatD, inhibit (SC 123), magic missile, persistent blade (SC 15), ray of flame (DC 23) (SC 15) 0 detect magic, hygiene, mage handD (DC 24), message, read magic DDomain spell TTransmutation spell at DC +4 Wizard Domains Transmutation 0mage hand, 1expeditious retreat, 2levitate, 3haste, 4polymorph, 5baleful polymorph, 6disintegrate, 7reverse gravity, 8iron body, 9shapechange. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20): 1/day dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire (save DC 13 + spell level). Abilities Str 14 (20), Dex 18 (24), Con 16 (22), Int 28 (34), Wis 13 (19), Cha 16 Inherent Bonuses Constitution +4, Intelligence +5 SQ drow traits, friend and ally of the wind dukes, grace Feats Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy), Daylight Adaptation (negates Light Blindness), Diligent (+2 to Appraise and Linguistics), Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (Light Blades), Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Group (Basic, Bows, Crossbows, Exotic Weapons, Flails & Chains, Heavy Blades, Light Blades). 8 1/3 General and 3 Wizard Feat Points available Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +28, Bluff +30, Climb +5, Concentration +25, Craft (Painting) +16, Diplomacy +23, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7, Fly +11, Heal +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +16, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +21, Knowledge (Geography) +16, Knowledge (History) +16, Knowledge (Local) +16, Knowledge (Nature) +19, Knowledge (Nobility) +25, Knowledge (Religion) +16, Knowledge (The Planes) +20, Linguistics +22, Perception +31, Profession (Artist) +11, Ride +11, Sense Motive +22, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +21, Stealth +8, Survival +4, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +11, Use Rope +7 Possessions Sword of Kas (348,520), greater crystal of fire assault (6,000), greater fiendslayer crystal (5,000), greater demolition crystal (6,000), greater truedeath crystal (10,000), masterwork scourge (320), masterwork whip (301), +5 ghost ward mithral buckler (37,165), ring of invisibility (20,000), dragon eye ring (ruby) (0), bustier of resistance +5 and natural armor +5 (75,000), boots of striding & springing, speed, and translocation (22,350), belt of battle, STR +6, CON +6 (84,000), bracers of armor +8 (64,000) circlet of persuasion, INT +6 and WIS +6 (76,500) gloves of DEX +6 (36,000), cloak of protection +5 (50,000), Veracity's blessed book (20,000), Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000), artificer's monocle (1,500), tome of worldly memory (1,500), unholy symbol of Loviatar (25). clothing, bedroll, water skin, tooth brush (10), 94,052 gp. Spare/Alternate Equipment dragon eye ring (emerald) (0), robe of transmutation (140,000), shoes of farstriding (10,000), ring of see invisible (18,000) Spell Components 2 flasks of acid (20) (material component for acid storm), 2 small pieces of iron from an iron golem (material component for iron body), incense (250) (material component for vision), 2 daggers (focus for steeldance and backbiter), tiny hourglass of platinum and crystal (500) (anticipate teleportation), ruby (30) (focus for bloodstar), miniature replica of a sword (focus for sword of deception), set of loaded dice (focus for sword of deception), glass sculpture of a humanoid (50) (focus for acid sheath), a child's spinning top (focus for cyclonic blast), a small crystal sphere (focus for Otiluke's freezing sphere), a small nugget of adamantine (100) (focus for ironguard), a miniature platinum sword with grip and pommel of copper and zinc (250 gp) (focus for Mordenkainen's sword), tuning fork (Dargas) (focus for plane shift), an eye from a 4+ HD outsider (focus for radiant assault), a 1-foot-long stick (focus for final rebuke), a silver shuriken that looks like a snowflake (50) (focus for field of icy razors) four strips of ivory (200) (focus for vision), masterwork whip (focus for wrathful castigation) Other Possessions tome of clear thought +5 (used), manual of bodily health +4 (used) Treasures & Trophies +3 dragon bane bastard sword (32,335), +3 full plate armor with an elaborate dragon motif (20,650), +3 heavy steel shield (9,170), golden cuirass (1,000), 100 platinum pieces of strange and unusual mint, 93 pairs of shoes of all sizes and styles, each prominently bearing the Maure family symbol (930), unholy symbol of Kiaransalee (25) (from Irae T'sarran), unholy symbol of Umberlee (25) (from Kuo-toan Greater Whip), unholy symbol of Lolth (25) (from Ruallith the Arachnomancer) IOUs none Debts none Spellbook 0 detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, hygiene (EM 130), light, mage handTD, messageT, read magic, silent portal; 1st appraising touch (SC 15), backbiter (SC 23), benign transposition (SC 27), compelling question (EM 115), comprehend languages, , detect secret doors, expeditious retreatTD, swift expeditious retreatT (SC 85), fey storageT (EM 124), grease, hold portal, inhibit (SC 123), magic missile, persistent blade (SC 154), portal beaconT (SC 161), ray of flame (SC 167), remove scent (SC 173), unseen servant, ventriloquism; 2nd baleful transposition (SC 23), darkbolt (SC 58), death armor (SC 60), ectoplasmic feedback (SC 78), entice gift (SC 83), glitterdust, knockT, levitateTD, locate object, , phantom foe (SC 156), portal alarm (SC 160), reflective disguise (SC 171), slapping hand (SC 191), wraithstrike (SC 243); 3rd analyze portal (SC 10), anticipate teleportation (SC 13), blade of pain and fear (SC 30), curse of impending blades (SC 57), dispel magic, flyT, greater compelling question (EM 115), haste, lesser telepathic bond (SC 219), lightning bolt, mass curse of impending blades (SC 57), pain touchR, miser's envy (SC 142), protection from energy, regal procession (SC 172), spell vulnerability (SC 200), steeldance (SC 206), tongues, Veracity's whip of painR; 4th assay spell resistance (SC 17), blast of flame (SC 31), bloodstar (SC 34), burning blood (SC 40), confusion, dancing chainsT (BVD 90), dimension door, enervation, fire shield, flame whipsT (SC 95), greater invisibility, orb of acid (SC 150), orb of cold (SC 151), orb of electricity (SC 151), polymorphTD, spell enhancer (SC 198), sword of deception (SC 217), wrackV; 5th acid sheath (SC 7), anticold sphere (SC 13), baleful polymorphTD, cyclonic blast (SC 57), dismissal, earth reaverT (SC 75), fiend formT (SC 90), graymantle (SC 107), greater blink, moonbow (SC 144), night's caress (SC 147), permanency, phantasmal thief (SC 155), sending, teleport, reciprocal gyre (SC 170), vitriolic sphere (SC 231), wall of limbs (SC 234); 6th acid storm (SC 7), disintegrate, eyebite, fires of purity (SC 94), flesh to stoneT, fleshiver (SC 95), greater dispel magic, Otiluke's freezing sphere, probe thoughts (SC 162), ray of entropy (SC 167), stone body (SC 207), tunnel swallow (SC 225), veil; 7th avasculate (SC 19), energy immunity, evil glare (SC 85), final rebuke (SC 170), greater arcane sight, greater teleport, ironguard, Mordenkainen's sword phase door, plane shift, radiant assault (SC 164), reverse gravityTD, synostodweomer (SC 218), vision; 8th discern location, field of icy razors (SC 90), ghostform (SC 103), greater plane shift (SC 159), iron bodyTD, lightning ring (SC 132), polar ray, superior invisibility (SC 125), utter thrall (EM 157), veil of undeath (SC 229), wrathful castigation (SC 243). DDomain spell at CL +1 RResearched TTransmutation spell at DC +2 Drow traits: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma (included in listed statistics); Spell like abilities 1/daydancing lights, darkness, faerie fire as a sorceress of her character level; darkvision up to 120 feet; Entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round. While operating in bright light, suffer -1 circumstance penalty to attacks, checks, and saves. (removed by Daylight Adaptation Feat); Spell resistance of 11 + character level; Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities; additional +2 racial bonus on saves against Enchantment spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks (already figured into the statistics given above); Preferred class: Wizard (male) or Cleric (female); Level adjustment +2. Foresight: The Sword of Kas continuously grants Veracity the benefits of the foresight spell: she is never surprised or flat-footed, she gains +2 to AC and reflex saves, and she has advance warning of any attack targeting her, knowing exactly what is about to happen and the best action she can take to avoid harm. Friend and ally of the wind dukes: As one of the characters who recovered the Rod of Seven Parts, Veracity will be forever remembered as a friend and ally of the wind dukes: the vaati. As such, no creature of air nor any being of the Elemental Plane of Air will attack her without being attacked first, and all such creatures will demonstrate respect for her and will assist her if able. Grace (Ex): Veracity a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves (included above). Immunities: The Sword of Kas continuously grants Veracity immunity to charm, fear, hold, magic missile. Insightful Strike (Ex): Veracity can add her Intelligence bonus (+12; already included above) to damage done with any weapon she can use Weapon Finesse with, in addition to her Strength bonus. Targets immune to critical hits or sneak attack are immune to insightful strike. Spell-like Abilities: 1/daydancing lights, darkness, faerie fire at caster level 20; save DC 13 + spell level.
Dragon Eye Ring (emerald) (Minor Artifact) This is a set of five rings, each wrought of gold in the form of a dragon twisting around the wearer's finger. Just as every dragon is unique, every dragon eye ring is different. On each ring, the dragon's head is seen from a side-view and has a small gem inset as the eye, intent upon the viewer. One ring has an emerald, one a sapphire, one a ruby, one a clear diamond, and one a piece of jet.
detect magic reveals an aura of strong abjuration. legend lore revealed that this minor artifact set is very rare. These rings are badges of honor to the Dragonmasters of Lynn, though a few rings have made their way to Eastern Oerik. Their manufacture is held as a secret by the artificers of that secretive order, so these may not be reproduced. Experimentation and powerful divinations might reveal the powers of the rings. (Having done so, the party has determined the following): Each of the five rings grants continuous see invisible to the wearer, provides a +10 competence bonus to Perception (Spot and Listen), grants a 20 ft. enhancement bonus to the fly speed of the bearer and all allies within 30 feet, and gives a +2 (typeless) bonus to Reflex saves vs. Dragon Breath. Each individual ring provides an additional bonus to the wearer, appropriate to the color of the stone interpreted as a particular type of chromatic dragon:
Emerald: 50% damage from an initial failed fortitude save vs. poison, eliminates need to make a second fortitude save a minute later. Caster level 12th. Market Value: ? Dragonmaster Armor This ornately crafted plate armor is lacquered and filigreed with gold or silver and studded with gems. The decoration depicts dragons in special and extraordinary ways, such as circling the length and breadth of the suit like a body-length tattoo. This +3 full plate armor is worth 10,000 gp more than standard value. Golden Cuirass This magical cuirass is made of a strange flaky metal. Closer inspection reveals that it appears to be reshaping and reforming its own metal surfaces, constantly writhing and changing as it rebuilds itself. This function as a masterwork breastplate that provides an unknown (to you) protection against an unknown kind of transformation. It is worth 1,000 gp due to its curious and unique nature.
Holy Symbol of Loviatar Robe of Transmutation (140,000) This finely made green silk robe has a pattern of purple star bursts upon it. When worn, the robe confers the following powers:
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, baleful polymorph, polymorph, shapechange; Price 140,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Shoes of Farstriding (10,000) This pair of shoes is made of behir hide, padded with velvet and silk. They are worth 2,000 gp for their workmanship alone. Their magic is cloaked by a permanent Nystul's magic aura to make them appear nonmagical. The church of Fharlhanghn holds these shoes in particularly high regard, although they are also popular among many adventuring circles. They increase the wearer's base land speed by 10 ft. In addition to this ability (considered an enhancement bonus), these boots grant the wearer a +4 bonus on checks to resist being bull-rushed, tripped, or otherwise moved against his will. Finally, they grant a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance, longstrider; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Sword of Kas (Major Artifact) Intelligent (NE) rapier with a wavy blade, guards of unicorn horn, a basket resembling a grimacing face, and an unusually long hilt, allowing it to be wielded with either one or two hands. Constant powers: +5 collision enervating souldrinking, foresight, grants immunity to charm, fear, hold, magic missile.
200,320 - +5 collision enervating souldrinking rapier Because it is worth more than 200,000, it is an Epic item for the purpose of bypassing DR. Item Ego:
5 - +5 enhancement bonus
Veracity's blessed book
Pain Touch The caster gains a melee touch attack that can be used one time per level. A successful touch induces extreme pain in the target. The pain causes no damage, but for the next 1d4 rounds, the opponent must make a Fortitude save each round. On a failed save, the target is effectively dazed that round and can take no actions, although he can defend himself if attacked. On a successful save, the target can act as desired, but with a -2 circumstance penalty on attacks, saves, and checks. The material components for this spell are a needle and the finger from a scorched glove.
Wrack (Complete Divine) A humanoid subject of the spellcaster's choosing is wracked with such pain that he doubles over and collapses. His face and hands blister and drip fluid, and his eyes cloud with blood, rendering him blind. For the duration of the spell, the subject is considered helpless and cannot take actions. Even after the spell ends, the subject is still visibly shaken and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks for 3d10 minutes. The subject's sight returns at the end of the spell's duration.
Copyright © 2007 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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