In Tarrastra, we use the "Fractional Base Bonuses" house rule from the Unearthed Arcana. This recognizes that all attacks and saves are actually based on fractional increases per-level, which are rounded down. When you have a multi-classed character and use the standard tables from the PHB, you may end up with worse attacks and saves because you are adding together two rounded-down numbers, rather than rounding down after adding two fractional numbers. There are five simple formulae which determine what a particular character class's attack or save bonus is at a given level. Each class has one (or two) "good" saves (+2 at level 1 and +12 at level 20), and two (or one) "poor" saves (+0 at level 1 and +6 at level 20). Similarly, each class either has a "good" attack bonus (+1 at level 1 and +20 at level 20), an "average" attack bonus (+0 at level 1 and +15 at level 20), or a "poor" attack bonus (+0 at level 1 and +10 at level 20).
To determine a character's Base Attack Bonus and Base Save Bonuses, apply the above formulae to each of the character's classes, add up the results, and round down. To do for each class:
PC classes
NPC classes
Racial Paragon classesThe racial paragon classes won't simply be available to anyone who wants to take them: only those characters who accomplish some remarkable achievement relevant to his race will be eligible to gain levels in a paragon class.
Paragon Human
Paragon Dwarf
Paragon Elf
Paragon Gnome
Paragon Halfling
Paragon AasimarFrom www.andycollins.net
Paragon Tiefling
Paragon DrowJust as the drow are a semi-mythical race, stories of mighty exemplars of that race remain the stuff of legends. But if the race truly does exist, you can be sure that paragon drow will be out seeking to subjugate the races of the light.
Prestige classesSpeak to the DM if you are curious about a specific class and don't have the required source book.
Arcane Archer (Dungeon Master's Guide)No human sharpshooter can approach the uncanny accuracy and power of an elven arcane archer.
Archmage (Dungeon Master's Guide)The most powerful arcane spellcasters are often archmages, who give up some of their spell capability in order to learn to twist and control their other spells in powerful ways unavailable to less focused mages.
Hierophant (Dungeon Master's Guide)Powerful divine spellcasters who delay receiving the most powerful spells can learn to channel and control divine energy in powerful and unexpected ways.
Shadow Dancer (Dungeon Master's Guide)Tricky and deceptive, nimble and adept at weaving through patches shadow, shadow dancers are mysterious artists of light and darkness.
Virtuoso (Song and Silence)Extroverted, charming, and talented, the virtuoso loves nothing better than to entertain - and gains some powers while doing so that leave lesser bards with their mouths agape. I'm doing this using Prestige Feats, secrets of a bardic college, taught for free, one per bard level, once the character qualifies and joins the organization.
NPC Prestige classes
Assassin (Dungeon Master's Guide)Even the most protected sovereign fears the assassin: the knife in the dark striking with deadly precision, poisoned, as often as not, the assailant disappearing into the shadows and escaping with impunity. What uncanny powers do these fiends wield?
Blackguard (Dungeon Master's Guide)The quintessential black knight, these vile villains lead armies of undead and even command demons, while striking down any and all who are good or holy! Or such is their reputation.
Ur-priest (Book of Vile Darkness)Only the most experienced clerics speak in horrified whispers of these vile spell-thieves. How dare they siphon off the divine power being sent by the deities to their faithful priests? What blasphemy!
Copyright © 2004 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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