Caelesti's notes
LogThe party stayed on Top Bridge for several days, enjoying the local food and customs, and making sure the banders didn't act up following the deaths of their leader and house members. When the party was ready to leave, Caelesti cast Fly on Yoshi, Nessey, Mavis, and herself. Carric turned into an eagle. The party could fly for an hour, making it out of the chasm and past the pombis. Most of the party continued traveling on foot along the large roots, while Carric flew overhead scouting for trouble. The party set up watches. The night passed without incident. The party left the roots during the next day's travels. They continued toward the mountains until dusk. Watches were identical to the previous day's watches, except for the pombi attack.
Pombis approached the camp from both sides.
Yoshi used Translocation to separate from the pombi and struck at it three times.
Nessey moved to flank the pombi and struck it once with her short sword.
Yoshi used Translocation to move away from the pombi and, while still prone, used Lay on Hands to further cure himself.
Yoshi struck the pombi once.
Nessey struck the pombi once.
Nessey tried to bind Yoshi's wounds. Carric stirred and turned human. He then used his CLW wand to cure additional wounds.
Nessey's notesWe are told we can remain in Top Most Bridge town as long as we want. We are getting special treats and being toasted and adored so it is pleasant to stay and stay. We are offered fried Wire Worms again - yum! Nessey doesn't visibly improve yet. Her next class is still under discussion with DM. Others all seem stronger and more capable. We hang out more and more days. Nessey stays in the Birder house and continues her studies on the Boundless. The rest of the party stay in the Top Most Bridger house. Beedie is spending more and more time with Roges. They are sometimes seen holding hands. Beedie is emotionally distant from our group now. She doesn't have much time for us. A comely Harvester Babe flirts with Carric. He flirts back. They disappear together for long periods of time. But Carric never learns her name. As the days and weeks go by, eventually the novelty wears off and the Harvester Babe visits Carric less and less. Carric says it's time to move on, up the Chasm, over the plain and beyond. We agree and pack for the journey. Our hosts give us food. We still have a few remaining bags of gems ("saw stones") which we take with us. We gave away one bag each to all the Bridge towns we passed through except the town where the bad Bander clan was dominant. As we pack to leave, Carric speaks of looking for Xammer. He seeks another piece of his magicial Druid outfit. Carric says his new goggles (left behind from the Gaga Old Druid Guy) make everything look golden. Carric says he will wear his new goggles all the time, to see if they have any other interesting properties. He says he might look funny, but he is used to getting stared at. He seems to like it. Mavis suggests we ask the location of Xammer at the Fishing Village we first encountered on this continent. Yoshi asks if the Gamesters might know the location of Xammer or if Xammer might even be inside Gamester territory? Mavis reminds us that Brianna and Talon will be in Gamester Territory and we might meet up with them again there. Note: No one mentions the horses and mules we left boarding at a stable in the Fishing Village. Hopefully we will not forget to collect them and our goods when we are there. Foremost in Carric's mind is the White Pombi Pub. He recalls good food, good drink and interesting babes. He says, "Too bad we can't fly back quickly on Phantom Steeds." Mavis says, "You can fly." Carric, "Yes, but much slower as Eagle than all of you on your Magic Steeds." Mavis says, "Ah yes, I recall we had to keep slowing down for you and Tan Kuran." Caelesti is off by herself mumbling and practicing something. Mavis says, "I estimate it will take us 4 days or longer to return by foot. AND we will encounter more Pombis along the way!" Carric says he will be an Eagle then and scout ahead for Pombis for us. Nessey asks Mavis and the others if the Chasm Valley could have led us to the Fishing Village, Pombi free? Yoshi says, "No, it was a right angle, not parallel. We need to follow a different angle." We agree to climb to the plateau and follow the roots, staying between them until they are small enough to step over and then head (south?). It is at this time that Caelesti announces she can cast Fly now. "What fun!" Nessey is suprised and eager, "On all of us?" Caelesti, "No, but on most of us." Carric, "Don't worry about me then. Tan Kuran and I can fly on our own or hobble on the ground." (sounding like a Jewish mother) Nessey, "Caelesti, how many of us can you help with Fly and for how long?" Caelesti, "I can help 4 of us and for at least 30 minutes, maybe more." Mavis, "That is enough to get us up to the plateau, at least. Afterwards, we must walk and will inevitably encounter Pombis." Carric, "We can reconnoiter and find a relatively Pombi-free area in which to land." Mavis, "But if we have an inevitable fate, why avoid it?" Mavis turns to Nessey, "In your Barbarian experience, does fear make flesh sweet or bitter?" Nessey, "Bitter. Definitely." Mavis, "Then if we are afraid, the Pombis won't attack and eat us because they can smell our flesh is not sweet." Nessey, "Yup. Makes sense." Caelesti looks doubtful. She casts Fly on Nessey, Herself, Yoshi, and Mavis. Before Carric turns into an Eagle, we ask how we can tell him apart from Tan Kuran. He says "look up at our undersides." Mavis points out that birds have very small and well hidden private parts. Nessey blushes and modestly offers to make little boy and girl Eagle clothing for Carric and Tan Kuran so we can tell them apart. Carric says, "No clothes are necessary, actually, because Tan Kuran, being a female is larger than I am. 1/3 larger, in fact." Then Carric does a special Eagle dance, also to set himself apart. We gap in awe and take note of that for future reference. Caelesti doesn't criticize Carric's dancing per se, but offers to teach him the lizard dance later. We begin to fly up the chasm to the plateau. Caelesti, "Hey, just for fun, let's land where we see some Pombis and fly up again and land and fly up again to get them all excited and then fly away!" No one else is enthusiastic about this plan. Eventually, Caelesti gives up on the idea. Instead, we land in a area where there are no Pombis that we can see. We land between roots and take the easy way, walking parallel between roots, not climbing over them. Carric remains an Eagle and flies above and ahead to scout. Neseey draws her weapons and walks along warily, prepared for any Pombis Carric might not have spotted. We travel for some leagues in this manner. At the end of the day, the roots are only 3-ft in diameter. We find a good place to camp. Meanwhile, Carric continues ahead and spies some big suspicious-looking, maybe-Pombi-citters nosing around about a mile away. He comes back and turns humanoid again (though nothing plain and old about him even so) and tells us we should be okay for now. That evening, over dinner, Carric regales us with stories of all the things he can change into at will and while in or out of the air, and while flying or landing or landed. Mavis and Yoshi joke about Carric making a faster landing as a dolphin or going back and forth quickly between eagle and dolphin or eagle and bear and dolphin to confuse our foes. Carric brags that if he observes a Pombi long enough and close enough, then he could turn into one. Nessey says, "But how would we know you from the other Pombis in battle?" Caelesti repeats her offer to teach Carric the lizard dance.< Mavis, with a wink at Carric, "Yeah, we need to distinguish you from the other rabid wild beasts around here." We then discuss our watches. This is always a source of extended debates as certain people don't like their sleep interrupted and others like to party and some don't like to be on watch with anyone who might talk to them. Yoshi likes third watch best, as he is an early riser who likes to greet the sun or perhaps thinks his prayers make it rise. Nessey prefers first watch as she likes to stay up late and watch the moon rise and listen to the night sounds of birds and weasels and otters, like she used to do in the Barbarian and Amazon camps. Caelesti offers to be on first watch with Nessey, cause Nessey will pay enough attention that Caelesti can goof off. Also Caelesti wants to make up to Nessey and see if she is forgiven and her name cleared yet. Mavis flashes a Ring of Sustenance at us and declares she can take two watches: second and third. Carric takes second watch with Mavis, but refrains from showing her his weasel, so as not to distract her on the watch with the highest historical percentage of encounters. On first watch, Caelesti drinks and dances and watches not at all, while Nessey looks and listens keenly all around her. Caelesti finally drinks up enough nerve to ask Nessey if she trusts her yet? Nessey, "Oh, yes, Caelesti, I've worked through all that. You see I have been educated in the Boundless now, so I know you are not evil." Caelesti, "How's that?" Nessey, "Well, the Boundless is like an infinite dough that expands forever and it was lonely being so big and gassy, so it divided itself into individual donuts and for evey donut there is a circle within a circle and a round ball inside and all the circles and all the balls are complete in themselves and yet not complete except in that they are part of the great infinite dough of the Boundless. And so they appear to be individual donuts, but really they are all the same dough. And you are that dough and I am that dough. And you and the others, as separate circles, were sent to me, as Messengers of Boundless, to save me from the great vat of Barvarian cream that was the Barbarian Camp and the overly sweet raspberry jelly that was the Amazon camp, where I would have drowned in cultures that were wrong for me, and so that I could be a regular cinnamon and sugar donut like the rest of you and we could all roll away on great adventures together into other circles with other donuts and yet all still a part of the great boundless donut dough. Understand?" Caelesti is fast asleep with a faint smile on her lips. Nessey stretches, yawns and wakes Carric for the next watch. All watches are otherwise uneventful. No hankies. No pankies. And no Pombi-poos. We have a delightful breakfast in the morning dew. As the mist rises, we see mountains in the distance. Mavis suggests we all Fly awhile, if Caelesti will allow? Caelesti does not seem to hear. Carric says he will scout ahead before we leave. He turns into an Eagle, does a little dance in mid-air, then swoops off with Tan Kuran, to look for yummy rodents perhaps. We pack up camp. Some time later, Carric lands among us and turns back into humanoid form. He slaps his chest, coughs and spits up two balls of crushed fur and bones. Then he clears his throat and reports spotting 2 sleeping Pombis ahead, not far away. Seems they wandered towards us in the night. Must be nocturnal. Carric suggest giving them a wide berth and moving quietly until we are well past. (Move Silently checks.) As we begin to move out, we whisper back and forth to each other: Nessey, "What about the bracelets of communication?" Yoshi, "Rings." Nessey, "Shouldn't Carric be wearing one and communicating back?" Carric pauses before changing. "I can't talk human as an Eagle." Mavis, "I thought you were an Aasimar." Carric, "I can't talk Humanoid." Yoshi, "What?" Carric, "I can't speak Common." Mavis, "You are speaking it now." Carric, "As an Eagle." Caelesti, "But you have speak with animals. Aren't we 'animals' sort of?" Carric, "Yes. I mean, no. I mean I can only speak Eagle to other eagles. When I'm an eagle I can't even speak to weasels." And with that he turns into an Eagle, does his Eagle Dance and flies ahead. Nessey, "Shouldn't one of us still-humanoids wear the rings in the front and one in the back of our line? Perhaps Yoshi...?" We all look at Yoshi, who is wearing both rings and whispering infomation back and forth to himself. As Yoshi has the largest, strongest fists in the group, we leave him alone and discuss the rings no more. We make it past the Pombis safely. We walk along more boldly now. Roll Wisdom Checks. Nessey, 17, knows that the mountains are not getting larger, they are getting closer. Mavis, 6, and Caelesti, 6, are fooled. Yoshi is still talking to himself, but we can't make out what he makes of the mountains. Carric and Tan Kuran are busy catching rodent appetizers. By the end of the day, there are no more roots over the ground and we are entering the foothills of the mountains. We select a camp site, have dinner, and prepare our watches - same order as the previous night. Carric has Tan Kuran sleep safely up in the trees. He says she can "talk" to another druid later if we should all perish and a druid should happen by and ask. First watch passes uneventfully as Caelesti does not quizz Nessey about the Boundless tonight and the two sit companionably and watch more or less intently. Second watch is exceedingly boring. Mavis doesn't talk to Carric at all, but sits a ways off, lost in her own thoughts. Third watch is the exciting one!
Carric: http://xkcd.com/135/ Prev Top Next
Copyright © 2009 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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