Caelesti's notes
LogAs the party sat around the inn chatting, Talon confronted Mavis about her deceitfulness and bad influence on Caelesti. There was finger pointing in several directions, but no fights broke out. The party then moved into treasure division. In the end, the items went as follows:
587 +1 studded leather Sell ======================== A month later, Yoshi was traveling back to Rowensmeade from a long mission. Four days from town, he ran into Gareth traveling in the same direction. Gareth had gathered trinkets for the party to take into the barbarian lands. The two decided to travel together. ========================= Yoshi and the others were reacquainted at the Silver Harp Inn. The party told Yoshi of the party's adventures leading up to their next mission - the search for Nessey. A messenger delivered a note to Carric. The message was a summons from Nessey's parents. The party, including Mavis and Yoshi, headed straight there. Nessey's parents asked the party to travel to the barbarian lands and bring Nessey back. They said they would reward the party 1000 gp each to bring her back. Yoshi said that it would not be necessary, but they insisted and said it was coming out of Nessey's stipend anyway. Nessey's parents said that they scryed her several more times and had some information to share. They said that Nessey was staying with the Otter tribe - the standard had an otter on it. The also found that the tribe travels to the river for the summer, and winters west of the steppe. In between, they would be somewhere in between. Nessey's parents provided a crude map of the steppe. Carric and Yoshi came up with a scenario where a duplicate Nessey fooled us while the real Nessey was kidnapped. Carric collected some of Nessey's hair from her hairbrush for future scrying. The party headed back to the Silver Harp Inn to plan.
Talon's notesWe know what all the loot is. Talon has a grudge against Mavis Mavis says she perceives that Talon is mad at her. Talon explains that she is concerned about where Mavis's loyalties are or are not! Carric and Talon both wanted to bring back the werepeople for interrogation Caelesti is blissfully oblivious Mavis apologises for doing opposite of what Carric told her, but Mavis thinks Talon's slave trader theories are flimsy Talon: even if my theories are wrong, we the Weapons of Good, had a long history together with lots of mysteries you may not know about, and we can't stop to explain, and you have to take our words for it, cause you don't know. Mavis: well, I respect that. Okay. I promise not to do it again. Talon: Do what? Mavis, Well, errr.... I won't do something you just told me not to do.
Talon rolls Diplomacy (d20 + 12): [1 + 12] = 13 Caelesti: but werecreatures are bad and should be killed Talon: What if I were bitten by a werecreature, Caelesti, would you slit MY throat? Caelesti - well, that depends. Mavis. No, I would not slit you throat, Talon! Carric: this is a difficult moral question Carric: Of course, you don't always turn into a werecreature. I recall when I was bitten, the cure was almost worse than the disease. Caelesti: what if you DID get the disease, Talon, and tried to bite someone? Talon: I could use my condition for good. I could bite our enemies Caelesti: But, what if you attacked us and we had to kill you and then bring you back and would you still have lycanthropy? Talon: Sigh! Talon: I do NOT trust you! Mavis, Me and Caelesti won't slit your throat, okay? Talon: Another thing, Mavis, I'm concerned about you leading the party into danger with that flesh golem in that shed at the house of Phineas Mavis, I didn't lead them into danger. I warned them of danger. I'm good at picking locks and opening doors and disabling traps. And I'm not greedy to steal people stuff, like you Talon! Talon: What? What? Mavis: You wanted to go into the merchants's bedroom and parlor. "I" just wanted to look in the study at his ledgers. Who knows what You might have stolen from the rest of his house. Talon: A-hem, I was looking for the evil book! Mavis: In his bedroom? Talon: He might have hidden it under his pillow. That's what I would do. Mavis: What was under his pillow? Talon: Sigh! Nothing but a snotty handkerchief.... Carric: In some ways you broke rank too, Talon, by going to the front door of Phineas's house - instead of sneaking around back with us. Talon: It was clever of me - cause I could make a distraction for you. Carric: Clever or not, we should all talk about these things and come to agreement. Talon: Well, okay, you're right, Carric. But now Caelesti wants to go back and wrestle with that very dangerous Flesh Golem - under YOUR influence Mavis. Mavis, Not under MY influence. I think that's too dangerous for us! Caelesti: But it's evil and it might harm someone, go out and kill someone. Mavis: I think it's just there to protect their little back shed temple; I don't think it's going out on the town. Talon: That's what I think too. Besides, so what if it's made of dead body parts. The dead can't use their parts for anything anyway. Mavis, that's right. Caelesti: You mean it's okay for anyone to do whatever they want with dead body parts of otheres? Talon: Why not? Caelesti: oooooo..... Talon: What do you have in mind, Caelesti? Caelesti: I don't know, but I'm sure thinking about it!! Talon, you do that. Caelesti, but Phineas was evil and you went to his front door. Talon: Phineas and his wife have CLASS. They are first rate. Very sophisticated. And they tipped me a whopping 25 gp for my performance. Caelesti: So it's okay for someone to be evil if they have a lot of money? Talon: Who says they are evil? What proof do you have? Caelesti: All those white pigs! Talon: What pigs? I didn't see any white pigs in their household. Their parlor was very tasteful and elegant. The only white pigs I heard of were the ones you said your friend, Nessey, was embroidering during your adventures with her. Did you say she is a cult member? And you also suspect her of being in league with the slave traders, right? Which is why it would have been nice if we could have gotten more information from that last slave trader - you KILLED. Caelesti: I don't really know if Nessey is a slave trader or not. Mavis: And what makes you think she is related to that particular slave trader? Talon: I have my suspicions. Carric, It would have been nice to ask. Caelesti: What if he had bitten you while you were questioning him, Talon? Talon: I would not have questioned them myself. I would have brought them back to the temple for the priests to question. Caelesti: You would let a lycantrope bite the priests? Talon: I assume the priests are powerful enough not to get bitten. They can... can... well,... do that priest stuff and... and... TURN him or something. Like your friend, Yoshi.
Meanwhile, Yoshi is meeting Gareth on the road to Rowansmeade: But back at the Sliver Harp: Mavis, Your friend Yoshi is a priest? Talon, He's a sort-of-a-priest. He's a sort-of-a-fighting-priest-kinda-guy. Caelesti. Yeah, that's right. Talon, Well, okay, Mavis, I'll tell you what. I'll reserve final judgement until we go on another adventure with you again. But I'm not willing to go into Barbarian Territory with you for a long time over there as things stand now. Caelesti: what if we don't have another adventure before we leave for Barbarian Territory? Talon: Winter is coming on, it will be a long time before we are able to leave. Maivs: Yes, during winter there are nasty wind storms that sweep across the tundra during there. Not the time to go and trade. Caelesti (grudgingly) well, okay, another adventure then, if we can find one Carric, You don't have to share my room anymore, do you, Talon, cause I didn't get much sleep the last night. Everyone looks at Carric. Carric, Of course, usually I am HAPPY not to get much sleep when I have a lady companion staying in my room overnight, but last night wasn't FUN nor did I get much sleep. Talon, Too much of a dominatrix for you, am I? I'll get my own room then. Carric, not so fast, let's try again and I'll practice my assertiveness Talon: Sigh! Talon: When can we talk to Yoshi? Carric, not for two weeks. If you're not going to give me any action, I'm going to move in with my Grandma. Talon: Hah-ha! Do that. Carric moves his belongings to his Grandma's house. Talon takes over Carric's room as her own. Carric hangs out with us during the day at the Silver Harp, then goes to Grandma's for free room and board in the late evenings. Talon and Caelesti make money for two weeks performing ((Note: plus the DM has to add my 25 gp on my PC sheet - from the performance for Phineas.)) Caelesti spends all her income buying drinks for the locals in return for future favors, she hopes. Talon, after having bought drinks for Carric and not having gotten any gratification, saves up the rest of her money for new clothes.
Caelesti rolls Skill (Spot) (d20 - 1 + 2): [7 - 1 + 2] = 8 We are rolling to see if we spot Gareth enter the Silver Harp Meanwhile, Tintin is out in the stables with the blue and pink unicorns Mavis stands up, grins, waves, gets all hot and bothered Mavis: Oh, Gareth, you're back. (hug, hug) Mavis leads Gareth over. We are interrupted by Gremlins bearing scrolls of Nothing Carric ignores the Gremlins, who, discouraged, go and sit at another table. Carric, "Welcome back, Gareth" Gareth, How have things been? Carric (kindly) we have been successful in no small part thanks to Mavis Gareth, you will never guess who I met on the way back from out East? Caelesti: Corrim Timble? Gareth - No Carric: Nessey? Gareth - no Carric - I don't know then. Caelesti : Old Nell? Gareth, no, no, no. Yoshi! Carric, Awww, Yoshi. We haven't seen him in a long time! Caelesti, "We will have to go see him in the morning." Gareth shows us a couple rugs, fancy jewelry, and other trinkets of interest to Barbarians. All things they can not make themselves Caelesti:(eager) Great! When do we leave? Gareth - you could go into Barbarian Territory now, but you will freeze and get covered in snow drifts and a profit will be had by no one. Caelesti - well, a profit might be had by someone, but not by us. Gareth, Ha-hah, good one, Caelesti. But I am tired now from travel. He pulls Mavis away. They dissapear upstair together, hand in hand, to Gareth's private room. We are on our own. It is late afternoon. As we sit and talk and drink together, time fast forward to - next morning - breakfast in common room. Carric comes from Grandma's Talon. Mavis was in Silver Harp, but in another room with Gareth. Caelesti rolls Skill (Spot) (d20 - 1 + 2): [10 - 1 + 2] = 11 In comes Yoshi Talon rolls Spot Talon (d20 + 1): [13 + 1] = 14 Some of us spot Yoshi right away, others do not. It is only the three of us (Carric, Caelesti and Talon).
Carric rolls Spot (d20 + 11): [13 + 11] = 24 Carric, "Yoshi! How are you?" Yoshi: It's great to see you all and I have missed you. Carric - we need to tell you about our adventures Yoshi - yes, and I am eager to hear about them. I have been away doing some work for the temple that I am uncomfortable telling you about, but I am pleased to be here and see you again Caelesti: we were going to see you later Yoshi - well, I am here now Caelesti: Did Gareth tell you were are going to go traveling into Barbarian lands? Did Gareth tell you that when you met him? Yoshi - yes, why are you doing that? Caelesti - to find Nessey Carric, yes, she was kidnapped Yoshi, What? What? Caelesti: and she stole an evil book Yoshi, what? Caelesti - she might be a slaver Yoshi - what? Carric - we are going to rescue her or possibly incarcerate her Caelesti - we are confused - that's why we have to find her - to clear up our confusion Yoshi - I find it hard to believe that Nessey is evil like you say I do not believe ill of her. Caelesti, well, we don't know Carric, do you remember that she left shortly after we got back to Rowansmeade? Left her parents's house. Yoshi: yes, I remember that Caelesti: She ran away with an evil book Carric, her parents had us arrested and accused us of kidnapping her and selling her into slavery when we came back from the planar adventure Yoshi - oh-my Caelesti - she accused US of kidnapping her! Can you believe that? Yoshi - what? what? Carric, well, after she was supposed to be kidnapped, she, or a person who looked just like her, went to Connor and had a notororized note that it was okay to sell the book Caelesti - she sold it to a wererat. Carric, no she sold it to Connor. He was going to sell it. But before he could, it was stolen. Caelesti - yeah, that was the wererat Carric - Connor offered to hire us to recover it. We actually investigated the two people he was going to sell the book to Caelesti - one of whom was one of Nessey's neighbors Yoshi - what? who? Carric, never mind that now. But Malcom Sneed was a small time operator who runs a werehouse and does slaving and we recoverd the spell book = the evil spell book Yoshi, Which he stole from the monastery? Carric, NOOOO, which Nessey store from the monastery, and then it was stolen again, and then the ledger detailed illegal operations, and we brought the spell book back to Connor and the ledger to the temple. And we turned over the ledger over to the priests at the temple so they can deal with the illegal activities of wererats Carric, now presumably Connor wil sell to the other prospective buyer and he is Sir Phineas, Nessey's neighbor. And we found a backyard ttemple in his backyard with white pigs and a golem made of body parts Caelesti - yeah, White Pigs! Evil! DM: Cerridwen Carric, well, certainly we want to keep an eye on him. But we have this mystery of Nessey who appeared and then reappeared. And she appeared with a note from Corrim Timble giving the book to the weapons of good Yoshi - which makes no sense Carric, well it makes sense in that the ownership of the book was ambiguous. Even if we wanted to sell, it wasn't ours to sell, because of the old mage who used to live in that house with the basement and who disappeared before Nessey disappeared and then reappeared and wanted to sell it. But whoever wrote that note was aware of our moral dilemna. And wrote that note in case we can expressed our dilemna to the monastery. But it is still very odd. And was that Nessy or a duplicate of Nessey? Yoshi, a duplicate? Carric - well, if you remember, when we originally set out to Rowansmeade, we heard about a duplicate of Nessey appearing to people on the road. So she may have been fooling us in the beginning. And maybe the only way we can solve this is to head up to Barbarian lands because we know her parents scryed her and... Yoshi cuts in, "But why would her parents say we kidnapped her, if they scried her?" Caelesti " she might have said that to throw us off" Yoshi, "I don't believe that of Nessey" Carric, "Well maybe her kidnappers disguised themselves as us and she thought it was us." Talon: And you think MY theories are wild! Yoshi - Well, it's all very suspicious. Carric, "We want to try to track down Nessey and discover what happened to her and see what this is all about." Yoshi, Is there room for one more in your party? Talon, Yes! Caelesti, You never left the Weapons of Good, we left you. Yoshi, remind me Carric, you were not able to get through the guardian of the portal to the other plane, so you took Tintin and went back to your monastery. We went to the plane of Fairie without you. We visited the Unseelie Court. Yoshi - what was that like? Carric, I still don't know how I feel about it. Caelesti - there were fey everywhere and a queen and -- Talon - and a beautiful, wonderful Bard who was very talented, and I soooo wish we could go back soon, cause there is so much we could learn from her! Carric, And a month passed per day there and we defeated a bunch of very young baby dragons Caelesti - how do you know they were young, Carric? Carric, cause we were able to defeat them Caelesti - oh! Carric - good thing we didn't spend a lot of time there or everyone we knew here would have been long dead and buried. But we will fill you in later on more details, Yoshi. I don't think it has anything to do with our current predicament. Yoshi, I will check with my temple, but think I am at liberty again Mavis comes wandering in. Her hair is messed up. She looks rumpled, but happy, not like when Carric and Talon came out of their room together that morn.
Caelesti rolls Skill (Spot) (d20 - 1 + 2): [3 - 1 + 2] = 4 Mavis sees us before we see her. Carric rolls Spot (d20 + 11): [10 + 11] = 21 Mavis heads over to our table. Yoshi stands up as Mavis approaches. Mavis (to Yoshi) I have not seen you since Meadowbrook Yoshi, Greetings! I am happy to see you again Mavis, me too. We have done some pretty fun things, haven't we, Caelesti? Caelesti, yes Mavis (to Yoshi) you have a nice group here Yoshi, I think they are wonderful Caelesti - we should keep watch on all of Nessey's neighbors Mavis, - yes, especially since everyone in that neighborhood is rich Talon - do you think Nessey's parents are evil, doing bad things? Mavis, I haven't met them, but it is worth checking them out. Come on, let's investigate Nessey's neighbors, what say you all? Talon, I see no reason to investigate them. I thought Nessey's parents invited us back for another scrying? Why don't we do that first? See if we can find out more. Carric - only Phineas seems shady. No reason to investigate the neighbors at this time. Caelesti, I'm all for it! Let's go. Yoshi, I don't see any reason to. A messenger comes in and speaks to the tavern keeper - who points to our table Talon. Messenger focuses on Carric - You are Master Carric? Carric - yes, I am Carric of Balanis Messenger - of Blameness? Carric - of BA-LANE-NESS Messenger holds out his hand for tip in exchange for note from Nessey's parents. Message is a summons to come at our convience and speak to them. Caelesti - let's go now! Talon - I agree Carric - I see no reason to wait Yoshi - Let us proceed The butler, who may have a name, let's call him "Retainer," recognises us and shows us in, but doesn't recognize Mavis. Nessey's Father - we are pleased that you were not the guilty perps that took away our daughter although that is what she swore up and down when we scried her last - and we have done mcuh scrying and I think we have discovered some information and we would like you to go and find her, if you will? Carric, We have intended to do so. Nessey's Mother - we love her very much and will give you a reward Yoshi - that's not necesary Dad - don't worry, the reward will come out of her stipend Yohis is nonplused, thinks Dad is too harsh, happy to get her as good is own reward Caelesti asks about the weather Father - we scried her a number of times - saw her in company of people who carry a banner as tribes do, had a characteristic emblem (see link). We see flag with otter on it. The otter tribe Nessey's father tells us, this tribe tends to stay near the big river during the summer, but like all barbarian tribes, they head west for winter and don't return again until Spring. So we would prefer you not wait all the way until summer to go there. About 4 days north of here is where they hang out during summer by the river. Crric - maybe we can meet them on their way back? Father - we will give you a map of the steps, which might help you some, but we know nothing of the interior of their lands. As you see, on this map, there are some landmarks and towns to the far west. We are at far the East end of the map, as you see. We will give you 1K gp EACH, if you bring back our daughter. Carric, that's very generous of you, I mean, of Nessey since it comes out of her allowance. Yoshi - Sir, are you aware of any protcol or courtesty appropriate to these tribes? Father - they are used to the occassional traders or such. Do not approach as an armed band. Do not challege them. Approach as traders, then they will likely overlook differences in customs Carric - when you scried - did you get a sense of when Nessey was kidnapped? Talon - did she mention anything about selling a book? Father (to Carric) - she said you sold her to a slave trader who locked her in a basement and then took her across the river and sold her to the barbarians. Caeleisti - you didn't talk to her? Father - no, the last couple times we just looked at where she is and what she is doing. We saw her riding a horse and shooting a bow and not tied up anymore - and that bothers us too - as going native is not what we expect of our daughter. Carric - well, there is no place for her to go, so they probably don't need to keep her tied up and so she is probably just making the best of her situation Father - well, running around like a Barbarian is not acceptable for our fine noble aasimar daughter. You bring her back! Carric - why did she think we kidnapped her? Father - oh, she was very clear on that - she said you sold her and had her locked in a basement and sent her over the river. Carric, that sounds like the basement in that house in Meadowbrook, the place where we found the assimar hair in the manacles and then had Ginnesa scribe the golden hair. Caelesti - but it wasn't Nessey who Ginnessa saw Carric, Now we know more it seems to be one in the same. Caelesti - But-- Carric, If someone is dressed as a Barbarian and shooting an arrow and Gennessa can't see her face, she would assume it was not Nessey, but now it sounds like it WAS Nessey. Yoshi, but what you are suggesting is fantastic, that we spent the whole trip back to Rowansmeade with an imposter! Carric, you would think we would know. I mean, yes, she acted odd, especially at the end...but.... Yoshi - these imposters must be very sophisticated.. they can fool anyone so easily? Talon - how many imposters are there around, do you think, Yoshi? Yoshi- I think there could be many of them. Caelesti - there are probably imposters of ALL of us!! Carric, yeah, and if someone is going around like all of us and committing evil deeds, then we will get the blame and whoever encounters us will not be as nice to us as the priests of Nuadu Caelesti, I don't think I'm an imposter, but I'm not sure. Carric, yeah, you would say that if you were. Carric (to Yoshi) you might persuade Father Galen to give us letters of athenticity that we are who we say we are. Yoshi - unless the letters get stolen Carric - well, yes, that's a possiblity, but in the meantime, it might give us some credibility. Mavis, that is a great scheme - then we can do ANTYHING and blame it on our evil twins. Yes, let's do that. Carric, I'm concerned about my own reputation Talon (to Carric) you said it was good to have a reputation Carric, I want to have the fun of making my own reputation - not someone else doing it for me. Caelesti - I hope my double is a good dancer. My letter of authenticity should say that I'm a good dancer - that way the guards can find out if I'm the right one. Mavis (winking), Carric can sing from what I hear Crric, yeah, and if I don't sing well, then the guards know it's not me. Caelesti, - how do we know if we get to Nessey that it's the right Nessey? Carric, while we are here, at Nessey's house, I want to see if we can borrow some scryable item so that we can see where she is while we are looking for her. Talon, what do you have in mind, soiled underwear? Carric, keep your dirty mind to yourself, Talon. Mister and Misses Nessey, I might be able to scy sometime in the future, so I would like to get perhaps some hair from Nessey's hairbrush. Talon, and then if the imposter used the hairbrush last, then we will see where the imposter is - cause the hair will be the imposter's hair Yoshi - we think Nessey was taken before we got back to Rowansmeade and the imposter was here, why didn't her parents notice? Carric - I expect it was dark and they were not expecting a switch Mavis, and perhaps she was talking all the time Yoshi - I think the imposters must have magical ways of learning about their victims. I don't think any of Nessey's belongings are reliable. Carric - while we are here, in Rowansmeade, we should see if anyone knows about doubles and magic and imposters and kidnapping rings Mavis, what makes you think it was kidnapping ring, Carric? Carric, - becaue someone was trying to kidnap Nessey when we first met her and a tavern keeper and others seemed to be in on the kidnapping plot. Mavis - you think they were kidnapping lots of people? Carric, I can't see them just kidnapping the one person and selling her into slavery, so they must be kidnapping lots of people, and maybe Nessey had a higher value as Aasimar. Mavis - I don't agree. I think they must have had some special purpose in taking that one person - that they targetted Nessey for some greater reason. Carric, well, I can't think of any reason other than to get a ransom and they didn't ask for a ransom Talon - Caelesti, do you still think Nessey is in league with slavers? Caelesti, Anything is possible. I thought Ginnessa said it was not Nessey she scried. Carric - that was MY fault - Gennessa said she saw a short Aasimar on a horse shooting arrows and didn't see her face... but it was my fault cause it didn't fit my mental image of what Nessey would look like. I expected Nessey to be in her regular clothes and tied up. So I think I steered Gennessa the wrong way. Caelesti - these things can be determined. I think a cleric could ask magical questions Talon - could Yoshi do that? Carric - I don't think Yoshi has those kinds of spells, but Fr Cathall might, with a suitable donation to defer his expenses. Caelesti - then we can ask if a double went with us back to Rowansmeade. Mavis - that will be too expensive Caelesti - we just got reward money Meanwhile Nessey's parents look askance at us when we cast doubt on Nessey's character. Talon quickly shuts up about it. Caelesti is oblivious and continues on with her current train of thought. Caelesti - it might cost us less to ask yes or no questions The parents usher us out - as they get tired of hearing us plan. Carric thanks Nessey's parents for a hair brush with hair. With - somebody's hair Carric, I'm tempted to collect hair from everyone I know and keep it in an envelope. Caelesti, what if we are all duplicates already? Carric, next level I can scry and find out Mavis - if we can hook up with our originals, that would double the size of our party and our effectiveness Talon says she is confused about Nessey's nature. There seems to be no agreement among her companions as to whether she is in league with slavers or not? And a double or not? Are we walking into a trap? Carric - Nessey's father mentioned that Nessey kept up an annoying prattle. So maybe he kidnapped her and sent her to Barbarian lands Caelesti - maybe they have white pigs in the back of their house? Mavis - I'm up for looking. Yoshi - I don't think so. Caelesti - maybe her parents and everyone on Nessey's street chipped in and had her taken away Talon - Then why would her parents pay us 1K gp each to get her back? Yoshi - yeah, I wonder that too. That's what I said. Could we put a lid on it and discuss our immediate plans? Carric, we want to do a commune. Mavis, my opinon is that that is too expensive. Talon - how much is it? Carric - let's calculate Meta- page fault - spells, spells... DMG p 107 10gp per spell level times caster level = 5x9 is 45 times 10 + 500 is 950 Yoshi - that's nothing, let's do two Carric - we can all chip in. Mavis does a long calculation of how much we'd have if we didn't do a commune. She doesn't care if we find the real Nessey or not - as long as we get the profit for bringing back whomever Yoshi - the real purpose of our mission is to find our friend, Talon. The money is irrelevent. Mavis - but why waste money upfront? Talon - so we know she is the one and we are not walking into a trap Yoshi - let us think of our questions Talon - how many? Carric - Fr Cathall is a 9th level Cleric, so 9 questions Yoshi - do we want to know if Nessey wants to be recovered? Caelesti - she might be mad at us and say, "no" cause she thinks we sold her. Carric - yeah, she might not be in her right mind Yoshi - okay, so that is not a useful question Mavis, even if she is mad now, she will thank us later Caelesti - that depends if we bring her back tied up or not. Mavis, remind me to bring extra rope Yoshi and Caelesti say - let's ask if there are duplicates of us and if any of us ARE duplicates right now Carric - and if it was the real Nessey who accompanied us back to Rowansmeade? Yoshi - and if any of us are our real birth selves. Caelesti - are any of us duplicates? that's how to phrase the question. Carric - if so, I can get hair from each of you in case you start acting strange, then I'll know if you are just strange
Talon - I'll start writing down the questions: Talon: Talon why not ask about Sir Phineas? Yoshi and Carric yawn, oh he's not important. If, any of us are "yes" duplicates - then we can say - male? female? narrow it down Carric I'm also concerned about the egg from the Bane Moon and we can ask if any of the people who kidnapped Nessey are still in Rowanesmeade
Talon: Carric - let's adventure again and get more money before we do another set of these or find a cleric of a different god, cause we want a second opinion
Talon, if you can't think of more, I want to ask about Phineas: Carric - can I pop here in Rowansmeade? DM: Nope Then DM reminds us of Valley of the Bridgers we have yet to do in or after Barbarianville. Talon: Sorry, Carric, but maybe you can get Ginnessa will go with us? Carric: no, I want to pop and do scry spells Yoshi, why don't you settle for popping Ginnessa Mavis, Carric doesn't get lucky cause he keeps insulting all the women around him. Carric, I am going back to Grandma's. Talon, Maybe you are more lucky with her. Carric, Hey, watch what you imply about my family. Talon - ha-ha! Mavis - you need to be nicer to the ladies, Carric. Carric - I'm leaving now while ill is being spoken of me. Caelesti - I wish we could go to Barbarian lands right away. Yoshi - let's work on the exact wording of our commune questions. And we might think of some more questions together and some better ones. Talon - okay, but I've got these 9 written down just in case. Prev Top Next
Copyright © 2009 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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