Caelesti's notes
The party searched the dead Aranea and found nothing. Caelesti cast
Detect Magic, locating nothing new. Talon suggested that Grimble could
fly around looking for the treasure, but he preferred waiting until
morning. Watches continued for the rest of the night.
While the party finished their morning preparations, Grimble flew about
looking for clumps of webs that might contain the Aranea's treasure. He
successfully located some near the area where the party first met the
mock-elf, Alanis. The party packed up and traveled there. Grimble flew
up into the tree and set up a rope for Caelesti to climb. She climbed up
to the webbing. After testing that it was not sticky, Caelesti climbed
into the web and collected Alanis' possessions. Caelesti put on the
backpack, bow, and quiver, and dropped some leather armor down to
Carric. Then she climbed down.
The group inspected the items. Inside the backpack was a sack with
coins, a pouch with gems (mossy-green, green, blue, and purple), a
statuette of a unicorn (made of bone), and a silver holy symbol of Nuadu
(Yoshi's Diety). The other equipment included masterwork leather armor,
a masterwork shortbow, and a quiver. Caelesti again cast Detect Magic,
detecting some on the arrows.
After some treasure division, Grimble zigzagged over the forest with the
Arrow of Crystal Detection. He returned to the party, excitedly
reporting that the arrow quivered. He led the party back to the spot,
but it took until dusk. Carric explained his "triangulation" plan to the
impressed party. Grimble would try that in the morning.
The party set up camp with new watches that separated those that could
see better at night. The night passed uneventfully.
In the morning, the party heard piping. After spending just a few
minutes preparing spells, they headed toward the sound. They came upon a
group of satyrs; one was piping the others were dancing. When the satyrs
spotted the party, the piper changed his tune and piped out a charm
spell; Siobhan and Carric were affected. Caelesti's knowledge of magic
recognized the music as a spell.
The piper convinced Siobhan to wander off behind a bush with her. Talon
played a Lullaby which mildly affected some of them. Caelesti cast sleep
which affected none. Siobhan disappeared with the satyr. The other
satyrs started harassing Talon and Caelesti. One offered to dance with
Caelesti; she agreed to dance, hoping to buy time, but not really
knowing what to do.
Talon tried to get away from those bothering her but failed until she
cast a Ghost Sound that lured three of them off. She tried to convince
the last one by them that Siobhan was going to infect the piper with
Lycanthrope, successfully bluffing those listening. Carric then ran to
save his friend from Siobhan, embarrassing her. The group left the area
with Siobhan mad at Carric and Talon.
Talon's notes
--Still night and critter is dead.
--Debate over searching now in tree for critter's stuff or waiting until daylight.
--Talon says Carric could cast Daylight.
--Carric and Grimble want to wait for actual Day.
--Talon and Siobhan discuss "Silence" vs "Cure Moderate Wounds." Siobhan confides that she can do "Silence" - perhaps Talon should take "Cure Moderate."
--On a general check of Cures in the Party, Carric pipes up that he has a Wand of Cure Light with 41 charges.
--Talon reconsiders taking Cure Moderate, then. Asks if Siobhan would be hesitant about "Silencing" Caelesti if Caelesti is spilling the beans. Siobhan says Caelesti should let others lead in Diplomacy. Caelesti says she has best Diplomacy of all of us - especially with men. Carric says yeah that's true - even though she gives as much information as she gets. Talon says we are confusing Diplomacy with Seduction. We debate some more. Siobhan and Talon feel that, despite Caelesti's Diplomacy skills, she's too gabby in return to act as party Diplomat. She's better at Bluffing and with men.
--We set the watches: Caelesti says she'll watch with Grimble. Someone asks if she intends to practice her Seduction skills with him. Someone says Grimble's too small for Caelesti. Carric says everyone knows it's not size that counts. Talon says - who says he's proportional. Grimble says nothing.
--Talon and Siobhan roll out their beds for the night, near each other. Carric goes and snuggles in between them. Talon complains that Carric's feet are cold. Carric offers to replace his feet with his weasel to "warm things up."
--After Grimble's watch, he drops acorns on the faces of Siobhan and Talon the wake them up. Acorn lands in Talon's mouth. She tries to spit it back at Grimble, but misses.
--All watches are uneventful.
--In the morning, Talon and Siobhan drop acorns on Grimble to wake him up. Talon says, "Good morning, Sunshine, it's another beautiful day!" in a sicky sweet voice. And, "Oh, Grimble, I think I'll call you "Sunshine" from now on."
--Carric, "let's go look for the loot!"
--Caelesti, "I know, we should look for webs."
--Grimble, "Good thinking."
--Carric, "Yeah, that's a great idea, Caelesti."
--Caelesti primps and offers to climb trees.
--Grimble flies up and spots clump of web.
--Grimble attaches rope for Caelesti to climb tree.
--Caelesti climbs successfully and find clumped web package and throws it down to us and then climbs down the tree.
--Find: Backpack with sack with gold and silver coins, pouch of 4 gem stones, rations, rope, statuette of unicorn made of bone, silver holy symbol of Nuadu (Yoshi's god, Lawful Neutral), and a wine skin filled with water - yuck! Also find: masterwork short bow and quiver. Masterwork leather armor.
--Caelesti does Detect Magic and 11 (out of 21) quiver/arrows radiate magic. Of magic ones: One arrow is painted white and radiates magic. Other 10 look normal, but radiate magic.
--At first we think Talon might be able to use short bow, but actually she's only trained in crossbow.
--Talk of how Nessey could have used the short bow and would have liked it. Talk of how Nessey didn't seem herself those last few days before she went off. Talking of going back and making amends after our quest here, sometime.
--Divide the money: 77 gold and 160 silver 5 ways. Then Grimble grumbles that he doesn't want to carry coins - would rather have one or all of the gem stones.
--Talon suggests Grimble be allowed to pick - his choice - *one* of the 4 gem stones. Carric suggests the rest of us divide the coins 4 ways then and carry shares of other stuff - temporarily - to be adjudicated later when we get everything appraised. Everyone agrees.
--Grimble eagerly snatches up the purple Amethyst. Talon picks the Moss Agate. Siobhan the blue Chalecdony. Carric the green Malikite. Caelesti the unicorn statuette. Carric takes off his normal leather and replaces it with the master work set. He looks infinitely more spiffy!
--Caelesti dons her bright pink dancer outfit today and her pair of soft boots.
--Talon pulls out the festively-colored matching hats and all the girls wear them. The boys decline.
--Carric jokes about his Wand of Cure White Lunes and wonders if we are likely to meet any injured Lunes along our path.
--Grimble grumbles that he heard we declined to sell a perfectly good spell book on our previous plane. He says we should give more thought to getting rich. We tell him that we do good for good's sake. He tells us we will always be poor. We tell him good is it's own reward. He pelts some of us with acorns - mainly Talon. Talon asks Carric if Grimble is going to get to work (flying overhead with the special arrow) or if he's going to goof around all day.
--Grimble hits Talon with a rock. Talon casts Unseen Servant - which pinches Grimble's bottom and blows in his ears. Grimble flies up high to get away from the Unseen Servant and taunts Talon. Talon ignores Grimble. Grimble *finally* flies off on his task with the arrow.
--While Grimble is gone, Carric divides the money between the 4 of us - 23.25 gp each.
--After 4 blissful hours of merriment, Grumbly Grimble returns all excited and announces that arrow quivered and leads in the direction. We eat some cakes along the way to celebrate.
--It is close to evening when we get into the right territory. Carric suggests we camp for the night and do "Triangulation" on the location of the segment in the morning. Carric explains to us what "Triangulation" means and we are all pleasantly surprised that Carric can be so intelligent and clever
--We debate setting up watches so that people with good night vision are on each watch, for a change. Caelesti and Talon. Siobhan and Carric. Grimble and Tan Kuran.
--Watches are uneventful.
--At down, Grimble pelts Carric with acorns. Carric wakes up and nudges Siobhan (together in same bedroll Grimble drops rocks near Talon's head to wake her, then wops her on the nose with an acorn. Talon is not amused.
--Talon (20) and Caelesti (19) are the most conscious and attentive that morning - they hear the lovely, hauntingly pretty sound of piping from the distance.
--Talon is concerned that it is away from our triangulation - as just recently established by Carric and Grimble. But the sound is so happy and delightful, we decide to take a side trip and check it out.
--On the way, we Bards brush up on our music and spells and Caelesti sways and dances in time to our tunes, then in time to the music of the pipe - as we get closer.
--Up ahead, we see: a group of five horned men with goat legs. Talon identifies them as Satyrs. The Satyrs are playing pipes and dancing. Their eyes bug out at the sight of we 3 comely young ladies and the piper changes his tune from "Pan Flute" to Motown "Love Machine."
--Talon and Caelesti (and perhaps Grimble, who knows?) are unimpressed by the gyrations and cat calls of the Satyr group, but Siobhan and Carric think these randy fellows are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
--Carric introduces us all and babbles happily with the Satyr nearest him, thinking to ask about Tree and Forest Folk. But the Satyrs don't want to chat much with Carric and are not interested in helping us find Tree/Forest Folk - they want to cavort with the ladies!
--Siobhan runs eagerly to one of the Satyrs. He cuddles her and whispers in her ear and she giggles and follows him off into the bushes.
--Talon and Caelesti don't know how to react. Is Siobhan under her own free will or not? Will she regret this or not? Should they try to "save" her or not? They hesitate while the Satyrs close in and ogle them.
--Caelesti calls out to Siobhan, but Siobhan does not respond.
--Talon agrees to play music for the remaining Satyrs, on Carric's suggestion, but plays a lullabye which makes some of the Satyrs groggy and less attentive for a while. Caelesti then tries to sleep them but to no avail. And they gather around us, more attentive that ever!
--Various Satyrs try, very clumsily, to grope Caelesti and Talon. Both dance away, but can't distance themselves enough.
--Talon conjures Ghost Song - in the distance are heard voices and movements of several giggle young ladies: "Oh, I wish we could find some nice burly men around here. I'm sooo lonely! Me too. Ouch! I snagged my dress on that bush and tore it clean off. What will I do? If only I had a nice strong man to keep me warm... heee...heee...heeee...giggle... I wish we could find some really nice men to *help* us...we're sooo lost... and sooo *lonely*...." Moving off away from our area.
--Two of the Satyrs run off in hot pursuit of the phantom ladies in distress.
--The remaining Satyr tries to grope Talon and Caelesti in turn.
--Talon, "We're NOT interested."
--Calesti, "I'll dance, but nothing else."
--Talon, "Back off!"
--Satyr, "How can I back off when I have another lady behind me? How about it, missy? We could go in that bush over there!"
--Caelesti sneaks out her dagger. Talon follows suit. Carric finally notices we are NOT willing.
--Carric to Satyr, "hey, you shouldn't force anyone! That's not nice!"
--Satyr, "You'd do the same."
--Carric, "I would not!!"
--Satyr, "No wonder you don't get lucky."
--Talon, "Get away."
--Caelesti, "I don't want to do that."
--Talon runs over to Carric and puts an arm around him. "I can't. I already have a lover. He's my boyfriend."
--Carric grins and snuggles Talon.
--Satyr to Caelesti, "Oh, but you're free..." He tries to grapple her.
--Talon, "She's my lover too!"
--Caelesti runs over to Talon. Talon puts her other arm around Caelesti. Talon, "We're married; all three of us!"
--Satyr shakes his head, "Well, I'll be.. never would have thunk it.."
--Carric beams. Carric, "Not so unlucky, after all, am I?"
--Talon, "We need to get out of here. And I'm worried about my cousin."
--Satyr, "There are plenty of bushes to go around."
--Talon, "I'm worried because she has lycanthropy. She got it from that Whererat in the forest. But it's only transferred through bodily fluids..."
--Carric is alarmed, "Lycanthropy! That's serious! Why didn't she tell me?"
--Talon, "She can't help herself. And she gets REALLY out of it during a full moon! But we're safe. She's only contagious within 28 days of a full moon. And we aren't within 28 days, are we?"
--Carric figures on his fingers. "We are! Oh, no! I have to warn my friend!"
--Carric runs off in the direction of Siobhan and her Satyr - and confronts them in the bushes.
--Carric, "Stay away from her - she has Lycanthropy! She's contagious!"
--Satyr, "What!" Satyr pushes away Siobhan with disgust.
--Siobhan, "Damn you, Carric, what are you talking about?"
--Carric, "Talon told us how it happened. You were bitten by that Wererat too!"
--Siobhan, "Too? Too? What the--?"
--Carric, "You should have told me!"
--Siobhan, "Talon, what did you say?"
--Talon, "I had to tell them, Siobhan. It's only right that they know."
--Satyr, "Get away from me. Yuck!"
--Siobhan runs over and slaps Talon's face. "What's gotten into you? You're deranged!"
--Carric, "You need to come away with us, Siobhan; you're sick; you need help."
--Siobhan to Carric and Talon, "Get away from me! Both of you - you traitors! Caelesti, you seem like the only sane one around here. I'll go with you."
--We four make our way away from the two remaining Satyrs and back to the territory of the quivering arrow.
--Once back at camp, Carric, "Grimble, I'm sorry you had to witness that."
--Grimble flutters and grunts.
--Siobhan accuses Talon of lying.
--Carric starts to doubt.
--Siobhan attacks Talon, slaps her and tries to scratch her face. Carric holds Siobhan back. Siobhan spits on Carric.
--Talon confesses that she thinks she must have been spelled. Disoriented or Dominated or something. Hasn't been feeling herself and couldn't help herself saying crazy things. She asks for forgiveness.
--Siobhan ignores Talon the rest of the night and calls Carric, "Mister Stinky."
--Carric agrees Talon must have been spelled. He eats crow for Siobhan, but it is still an-un-romantic night. Carric says, "Well, that turned out unhappy all round. We should keep away from those Satyrs in the future."
--Caelesti looks around confused at who is and isn't under the influence of magic.
--We set up watches. It is a "chilly" and uneventful night. Siobhan declares her intent to leave our party at the first opportunity. We hope she'll feel differently in the morning.
--Talon sets up her hammock and sleeps on the opposite side of camp from Siobhan.
--In the morning we hear piping in the distance and agree to stay clear.
--Grimble and Carric complete their Triangulations with the quivering arrow.
--We travel to the mid-point and find an especially lush grove of trees.
--Talon suggest Carric do a speak with animals.