Yoshi's notesDate 7/29/2004 17th year of the reign of King Kevin. Fifth day of "July". Late afternoon. Weather is partly and sunny. Characters Carric Dendreu - Male Aasimar Druid 1 (with eagle Tan Kuran) n Caelesti - Female Feytouched Rogue 1 Lady Lyonessey "Nessy" Lavena Rowane - Female Aasimar Aristocrat 1 Yoshi - Male Human Monk 2 Introduction "I don't know about coming up with an alias at this point:it's too late now!" says Nessy. "Well, perhaps for the future," says Yoshi. "Yes, for the future, after we leave this town." "Even in this town there may be a need." "Call me 'Vena', then." "On reflection, it is probably too late for this town," says Yoshi. "In the future, you can call me 'Miss Vena'," she says to Yoshi. "Short for 'Lavena', which is my middle name." Yoshi says, "Do we wish to find a townsfolk to help us with this pelt?" Nessy says, "Yes, and Caelesti and I want silver daggers." There is a main road going through the village. There are probably 80 villagers cottages containing families. The village is surrounded by heavy forests and farmlands. There is a village smith and a mill. There is not really a general store as such; tinkers come through with packs of mules and such. In general, the families make what they need. "We should go to the blacksmith. Perhaps he can tell us where to go to take care of our skins," Yoshi says. "And get a silver dagger!" says Caelesti. We head off to the blacksmith. Caelesti approaches the blacksmith. "Can I help you, missy?" "Yes sir, my big man, we're looking for a couple silvered daggers. Do you happen to have one, at a good price?" "Not a common request, I must say. I have one on hand" "Can you fix one up for us?" "It might take a couple days. What's your name?" Caelesti speaks her name. "We can't really wait for a couple days; if you started now, could you have it by morning?" "Caelesti, I don't really want to work over night, but for you, I might consider it." "How much?" "Thirty gold." "Okay, that sounds good. Carric, you could lend me that,couldn't you?" Nessy says, "And how much for the one on hand?" "Thirty each." The blacksmith introduces himself as "Fergus" and asks everyone's name. "You want one now, you want a rush job, 55 for the two." The party - really, Nessy - gives him some sass, so he says he'll sell the two for 60. We dig out 55 GP. The blacksmith looks at Caelesti, and comments, "nice studded leather armor!" Caelesti tries to charm the group. The blacksmith brings out a silver dagger, and tosses it into a bale of hay. He gets it and hands it to Caelesti, who hefts it and throws it, plunging it right into the same spot. She saunters over and pulls it out. "You are quite adroit with this. I will create you a dagger tomorrow morning." Caelesti asks, "Is there someone who can help us with a pelt we have?" "We have any number of trappers; you could find any one of them. Couldn't say which would be out checking their traps. Hmm. Seamus down the street hurt his arm recently; he might be able to help you." We head over to Seamus' cottage. Nessy and Yoshi stay outside to "tend the mules". Carric and Caelest knock. A middle-aged woman comes to the door. "Hi, we're looking for Seamus, the trapper/furrier?" "Ah, yes, my husband." "We have a pretty big fur here." A minute later, a burly man comes out and says, "Yup? Got a fur I hear? Yup?" "Yes, and Fergus recommended you. Said you were the best trapper in town." "Glad to hear it. So, what do you have?" "This pelt here." Seamus looks at the pelt. "I must say, this has been expertly skinned!" Carric says, "Thank you." "Ah, you did this! You'd be a good trapper; good at killing wild animals and such." After some chit-chat, and further examination, he says,"Yes, we need to treat this right away in order to preserve it. You want my services for that? to tan it for you?" "Yes, and maybe to sell it. Should we sell it to you so that you can sell it?" "It's hard to sell a pelt this big, really. Out here in Oakrill, there's not really much market for weasel pelts. It's a lot of trouble, and really not much market out here in Oakrill. I would give you 20 GP for the pelt." "How much would it cost to tan it?" "Well you really do want to preserve this well. It's a nice fur, but not that valuable in this particular situation. Are you going to be staying around here for a while?" "Not sure. Currently we're just passing through." "Very well, I will tan it for you for just 20 GP." "And how long will that take?" "Three days before you'll be able to travel with it." "We'll have to discuss it with the others." Caelesti says to Nessy and Yoshi, "seems steep." Yoshi suggests it's not worth bargaining about. Nessy suggests we fix his arm in lieu of payment. Caelesti and Carric go back. "Ah, you're back!" "We'd like to have it tanned." "Excellent. 20 GP, in advance." "Can we get a reduced price and cure your arm?" "You know, you might! Nell's pretty good at fixing my arm,and all, but usually she wants more than I want to pay. Tell you what, if you fix my arm, I'll tan your pelt for 10 GP. It'll still take three days,though." We agree. Seamus compliments Carric again on his trapping potential as we leave. Nessy says, "So, Carric's going to become a trapper! Isn't that neat?!" Carric says, "I don't know if I'm into trappingÉ" Yoshi says, "Let's ask Seamus if there is a hostel in the village." Carric says, "We want to be in sight of Old Nell's. Let'scamp out there." About 100 yards beyond Old Nell's Cottage is a copse of trees that would allow us to see the hut (if not too dark) without being conspicuous. Carric suggests that after nightfall those with darkvision move within range. Caelesti objects. "But that would leave the rest of us unprotected! What if we move the whole camp in the middle of the night?" Yoshi suggests we make our camp within darkvision range of Old Nell's and if she is concerned, we make suitable excuses. Caelesti suggests we camp 120' away, and set up suitable scouts. The bright moon is about half full. The bane moon very full -very bright for it; very baleful. Yoshi takes the first watch. Nessy takes the second watch.Caelesti takes third watch. Carric takes fourth. Encounters Late in Nessy's watch, a couple hooded shapes come to Nell's door and enter. Nessy comes to the campsite to report. She wakes Carric so she can go back to her post. Carric wakes the others. He suggests that Caelesti go to scout. Caelesti goes forth shortsword in hand. She approaches the cottage; the curtains are drawn. Caelesti approaches but can hear only mumbling. She looks in. One appears to be female, with smallish earrings. The other has one earring and appears to be a male. Eventually they stop speaking, and gather some miscellaneous items, and head to a back room of the cottage. Caelesti hears a "clunk" as a door opening or closing. Caelesti moves to the side of the cottage, and sees three figures carrying a lantern, going out the back door, and off down a path into the woods. Caelesti runs back to Nessy. "The three of them are heading off into the woods! If we want to follow them we need to go now!" Caelesti rushes back to the cottage while Nessy goes to the campsite. Nessy rushes forward towards Caelesti, while Carric guides Yoshi. Caelesti follow the light and Nessy follows Caelesti, with Carric and Yoshi behind. We start to ascend a hill. Carric and Yoshi catch up with Nessy. We go along for several minutes more. The path opens up and flattens out. As we get closer we see a few standing stones in the middle ofÊ a clearing about 200' across. Caelesti approaches the top of the hill, at the edge of the woods, and peers into the clearing. Nessy, Carric, and Yoshi stop 30' back. Nell and the strangers go to the center of the standing stones. Yoshi signals to Nessy and Carric to stay put and moves to join Caelesti. In the center of the standing stones is a stone altar with a cauldron sitting on the left side. Coming up from another path, three more people are joining. One of them seems to carrying something in their arms, but we cannot tell what. Old Nell walks up with one of the cultists and lights a fire under the cauldron. She tosses in some herbs and a foul smell comes forth. She stands there for a while and looks up at the bane moon, which is continuing to climb in the sky. The bright moon has already set. The bane moon is large and impressive in its way. Nell holds up ... something, perhaps a dagger ... towards the moon. Old Nell starts to incant. The moon rises further. She holds up her dagger. As the moon approaches its peak, she nods to the person holding the bundle, who brings it forth and lays it on the altar. It appear to be some sort of young animal, perhaps a lamb. The noxious vapors coming from the cauldron continue to waft. When the moon achieves its zenith, Old Nell slashes the animal with her dagger. They add some of the blood to the cauldron, which sparks.The vapors continue spreading out, and a spot appears in the bane moon, and, as if it were a falling star, a light "falls" out and lands, perhaps, somewhere far to the south. When the ritual ends, the group starts to disband. Caelesti grabs Yoshi and we return to Nessy and Carric. "They're heading back this way! Sure seems like a lot of effort to make a cure for filth fever! No wonder it's so expensive!" On the way back, we head off 80' to the side to let them pass. They do and we follow Nell and her companions. They enter Old Nell's back door, closing the door. Yoshi asks Caelesti to guide him forth and moves to listen. Nessy and Carric to back to the "watch" spot between the camp and cottage. We hear some soft voices. The male voice says, "Mistress, she heard us." Old Nell says, "Yes, indeed. I think she was pleased. We will see what we will see." "Is there more that we need to do now?" "Oh no. Go home. I'd say within the next tenday the results of what we did tonight will begin to be known." "Very well. Good night." Then, out the front door depart the two visitors. Caelesti follows them. They enter the village; one heads off into one cottage and the other into another. When Caelesti returns, Nessy intercepts us and says, "What's going on? What happened??" We return to the camp and report. Nothing happens for the rest of the night. In the morning, we discuss the nights events. Yoshi says that we should leave right away so that he can report to his temple. We decide that Caelesti will charm the male cultist after we speak with Old Nell. First we will speak with the blacksmith and tanner. We go to the blacksmith to pick up the silvered dagger. We wait until afternoon. Carric prays to Bellenus and gets his spells for the day. We go to the trapper. Yoshi asks Caelesti to persuade Saemus to store our pelt until we return, within a month. Carric determines that Seamus needs a cure light wounds, for 7 points. "Nell could do better, but, not bad at all! Thank you! I will have your pelt ready two days from now." Caelesti asks if he can store it for a tenday or so, and he agrees. Carric says we hope we'll be back in a tenday but it may be longer."That's okay. Come back anytime! I'd be willing to give you 30 or 40 GP for pelts like this. I admit 20 was a little low." We go forth to Old Nell's. Yoshi and Nessy "tend the mule".She welcomes in Carric and Caelesti. "Where are your friends?" "They are out tending the mule." "A pity." She rummages in her cupboard and pulls out two small flasks. "Now. This is not a cure as such for filth fever. For a mere5 GP you cannot hope for that. But this will build up your resistance to this particular disease and make it easier for you to recover. If you want a full cure, I can do that, but it will cost far more than 5 GP. Specifically, 900 GP." "Drink half of this today and half of it tomorrow. And - no guarantees - but you will be much more resistant and you may well be cured." She hands out the vials. "If you need any further services - curing, herbalistic, or even prophetic assessments... I am sorry you did not bring your companions. Lady Nessy, for example, I would be very interested in seeing what the fates have to say about her... But, these things cost..." Carric says, "It has been nice meeting you." She gazes into his eyes, raises her eyebrows, nods. "Yes. I may see you again if you stop by. Good luck!" Carric says, "Until we meet again!" "Farewell." She closes the door behind them. Carric and Caelesti come forth and tell us what happened. Carric casts detect poison when we are out of sight of the house. They do not appear to be poison. Caelesti takes her dose. Carric watches. CaelestiÊ seems to be doing well, and does not suffer any ill effects from the filth fever. After about half and hour Carric drinks half his potion. Nessy says, "Before we go interview the guy in the cottage,perhaps we could learn how much she would charge us to tell our fortune. I have some antitoxin in trade. What do you think, Carric?" Carric thinks we should interview the cultist first. So, we go down to the cultist's cottage. Caelesti approaches by herself, wearing her cloak with the hood up. She knocks. A woman's voice calls, "Coming! Coming!" When she answers the door, she looks quizzically at Caelesti and says, "May I help you?" "Yes, I was interested in some events of last night: I had a question about the cauldron at the top of the hill. Is your husband here?" "No, he left at dawn. I know nothing about a cauldron at the top of a hill. Please leave my property." We go instead to the other cottage, where the female culstist lives. Caelesti knocks. "Coming!" She opens the door, wearing the same earrings from the night before, and Caelesti casts her spell. "Hello!" the cultist says. "Hi!" "I don't how you are, but I'd like to! What is your name?" "Meagrim." "Isn't that a male name?" "I get that all the time!" "Do you like tea?" "Yes I do!" The woman pours tea. "You are Fey, clearly. I love the woods. Are you from around here? I have not seen you before." "I've just come here from the top of the hill where the cauldron is." "You are surely not from the top of the hill!" "I'm from the area, and when we were up at the top of the hill it was hard to tell who was who under the hoods." "So you must have come with Carrie from over in the next village." "Actually, Fiona sent me from Rowansmeade." "I don't know Fiona. So, what do you think of Carrie's group?" "Oh, I don't know. I was just wondering if you know what's going to happen in a tenday." "I really don't know. You'll have to ask Carrie or Nell." "Well, Carrie wouldn't tell me." "Nell wouldn't tell me either." "Well, I guess we'll have to see what happens." "Well, Cerridwen will have her day. Sister, where is your emblem?" "Oh. I guess it is still with my travel gear. I'm making a trip today." "Is there anything I can do to aid you in your journey." "Do you have some food?" "I can prepare you some food. Where are you heading?" "A few days west." "Why are you leaving? The time is upon us!" "I'll be back!" "Well, let me pack a mule for you. Prepare some traveling food. Meagrim, take this, and with Cerridwen's will go forth and come back!" "When's the next ritual? I do not want to be late for it." "I have not been summoned. Perhaps in a few days." Caelesti leaves. Nessy says, "Go get her name while she's still under the spell!" Caelesti goes back and gets her name. We then decide we could go to Old Nell to get a prophecy for Nessy. Caelesti knocks, and Old Nell answers. "Ah, you have all come back." Nessy says, "Greetings, Old Nell, we came back to get my fortune! How much will it cost?" "Lady Nessy, I could tell just by looking at you that your fate will be interesting. How deeply into the truth do you wish to dell?" "Well, I don't know anything about these things." "I can invoke the aid of the gods to delve into your future for 925 GP." Yoshi says, "We have to leave now. Perhaps when we return." Old Nell says, "Good fortune on your journey, Lady Nessy." "Oh, are you saying that professionally? Is that what you see?" "No. Those are just my wishes for you." When we leave, Yoshi says, "We must go back to Rowansmeade and report to my temple right away." Prev Top Next
Copyright © 2009 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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