Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Treasure Stash

Claimed Magical Items
Value Cost Owner Item Source Notes
- - Brianna Serpent Ankh Shenau  
- - Kress The Bloodied Moon Captain Turpur  
- - Vandis Book of Eternity Animated statue of Set
- - Mambo Cleaver of Set Setem-nefer (High Priest of Set)
- - Zhaji Scepter of Set lightning-quick mummy  
- - Brianna Seal of Shadow vampire spawn lair  
- - Mambo Blackened Sun Altar of Evil  
- - Vandis Netherladder Necropolis "Final" Chamber  
0 0 Total
- 0 (per PC)

Current Hoard:

Cash Equivalent: 342,000
Sold Magic: 46,872
Party Expense: -10,000

Total: 378,872
Cash in per PC: 75,774

Claimed magic items: 5,666 gp
Stake per PC: +1,133 gp

Brianna keeps: arrow of demon slaying (1,141), potion of levitate (150) -> 1,291 gp
Wealth: +75,774 + 1,133 - 1,291 = 75,616 gp

Kress keeps: potion of cure serious wounds (375) -> 375 gp
Wealth: +75,774 + 1,133 - 375 = 76,532 gp

Mambo keeps: potion of gaseous form (375), potion of cure moderate wounds (150) -> 525 gp
Wealth: +75,774 + 1,133 - 375 = 76,382 gp

Vandis keeps: divine scroll of greater restoration (2,387), divine scroll of slay living (562), potion of cure disease (375), potion of minor restoration (150) -> 3,474 gp
Wealth: +75,774 + 1,133 - 3,474 = 73,433 gp

Zhaji keeps: nothing
Wealth: +75,774 + 1,133 = 76,907 gp

Current Character Wealth
PC Purse Claimed Stake Claimed Items (Claimed Cost) IOUs (Debts) Balance
Brianna 57,985 +0   -0   -0 57,985
Kress 16,313 +0   -0   -0 16,313
Mambo 11,493 +0   -0   -0 11,493
Vandis 3,990 +0   -0   -0 3,990
Zhaji 147,839 +0   -0   -0 147,839

Current Hoard

Claimed Magical Items
Value Cost Owner Item Source Notes
4,775 2,387 Vandis divine scroll of greater restoration Hall of the Slave Warriors  
2,282 1,141 Brianna arrow of demon slaying Hall of the Slave Warriors  
1,125 562 Vandis divine scroll of slay living Hall of the Slave Warriors  
750 375 Vandis potion of cure disease Hall of the Slave Warriors  
750 375 Kress potion of cure serious wounds Hall of the Slave Warriors  
750 375 Mambo potion of gaseous form Hall of the Slave Warriors  
300 150 Vandis potion of minor restoration Hall of the Slave Warriors  
300 150 Brianna potion of levitate Hall of the Slave Warriors  
300 150 Mambo potion of cure moderate wounds Hall of the Slave Warriors  
11,332 5,666 Total
- 1,133 (per PC)

(+ 4775 2282 1125 750 750 750 300 300 300)

Cash equivalent
Value Item Source
100,000 miscellaneous Burial chamber
50,000 miscellaneous Black devil throne
50,000 coffer of gems South secret room
40,000 antique coins North secret room
40,000 golden mask Necropolis "Final" Chamber
7,500 mask of Rahotep lightning-quick mummy
5,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
5,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
4,000 antiquities Necropolis "Final" Chamber
3,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
3,000 gem lightning-quick mummy
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 gem Necropolis "Final" Chamber
1,000 jewelry Hall of the Slave-Warriors
500 jewelry Hall of the Slave-Warriors
342,000 Total
68,400 (per PC)

(+ 100000 50000 50000 40000 40000 7500 5000 5000 4000 4000 4000 4000
4000 4000 4000 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1000 500)

Sold Magical Items
Value Cost Owner Item Source Notes
18,302 9,151   +3 dagger Hall of the Slave-Masters  
18,000 9,000   amulet of protection +3 Hall of the Slave-Masters  
11,000 5,500   rod of cancellation Utat-Nebbu  
8,312 4,156   heavy mace +2 South secret room  
8,310 4,155   battle axe +2 South secret room  
8,000 4,000   ring of protection +2 Utat-Nebbu  
7,500 3,750   arcane scroll of summon monster V, incendiary cloud, prismatic spray Utat-Nebbu  
4,000 2,000   cloak of resistance +2 Utat-Nebbu  
3,750 1,875   arcane scroll of power word, stun, web Utat-Nebbu  
2,970 1,485   wand of magic missile (9th-level caster) (22 charges) Utat-Nebbu  
1,900 950   arcane scroll of legend lore Utat-Nebbu  
950 475   arcane scroll of stoneskin Utat-Nebbu  
750 375   potion of heroism Utat-Nebbu  
- -   Utat Nebbu's soul object vampire spawn lair  
93,744 46,872 Total
- 9,374 (per PC)

(+ 18302 18000 11000 8312 8310 8000 7500 4000 3750 2970 1900 950 750)

Armor of Hapy

If all three magic items of Hapy - boots, cuirass, and helm - are worn by the same character, the set provides an additional +4 Armor bonus, for a total of AC +12.

Copyright © 2009 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
Created with
        Emacs Made on a