Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...














The current adventure.

Dramatis Personae

Player Characters
Name Sex Race Alignment Classes Notes
Brianna Female Tiefling Neutral Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 2/Bard 3/Druid 3/Lyrist 8 Khemetian diety: Hathor
Kress Male Human Chaotic Neutral Fighter 19 Khemetian diety: Menthu
Mambo Female Half-Dragon/Half-Goliath Chaotic Good Barbarian 7/Sorceress 1/Dragon Disciple 10 Intense and scary. Khemetian diety: Pakhut
Vandis Male Human Chaotic Good Fighter 4/Cleric 16 Khemetian diety: Sekhmet the "Lady of Pestilence"
Zhaji Jilad Female Human Chaotic Good Sorceress 19 Khemetian diety: Isis

Non-Player Characters
Name Sex Race Notes
Tehi-neken Male Human Superior Priest of Thoth. Gave the party a commission to investigate a growing evil in the Gorge of Osiris, remove the evil ones who lurk there, and bring proof of the wickedness and malign deeds done by any they slay.
Heru-nib-cheru Male Human Son of Atmu-thoth-rahat of Aartuat
Abfernehu Male Human Proprietor of "The House of Horus' Fortune"
Afu-abtem Male Human Hept-f-hra's youngest son. The only good egg in the family.
Atmu-thoth-rahat Male Human Proprietor of "The House of All Neteru"
Behutt-aa Female Human Wife of Abfernehu at "The House of Horus' Fortune"
Demoncroc - Fiend Summoned by Shenau. Slain by party.
Fa-t-tep Female Human Hept-f-hra's wife. Slain by Brianna
Gerhit Male Human "Fisherman". Captured and turned over to authorities in Thebes.
Hept-f-hra Male Human Evil merchant. Slain by Vandis
Hep-thait Male Human Beggar boy & thief
Hunitper Female Human Slave at Hept-f-hra's establishment. Wife of Tefu-tep.
Khepifar Female Human Dancing girl at "The House of Horus' Fortune". Brianna's friend.
Khonsu-khaibet Male Human Party's contact in Aartuat from the temple of Thoth
Maq-t Male Human Guard at Hept-f-hra's establishment. Slain by Brianna and Zhaji.
Mastuti Female Human Dancing girl at "The House of Horus' Fortune". Brianna's friend.
Merha-aptut Male Human Priest of Hapy
Nehsi Male Human Guard at Hept-f-hra's establishment. Slain by Kress.
Nektinefar Female Human Hept-f-hra's daughter. Captured and taken to temple of Thoth.
Pansbek Male Human Hept-f-hra's middle son. Slain by Kress
Rutat-om Male Human Bartender at "The House of Horus' Fortune"
Sba-bennu Male Human Hept-f-hra's eldest son. Slain by Mambo
Shenau Male Human "Fisherman". Slain by party.
Tefu-tep Male Human Slave at Hept-f-hra's establishment. Husband of Hunitper.
Hu-Benti Male Human Priest of Set. Slain by party.
Captain Turpur Male Human Captured and taken to temple of Thoth.
Pylon of the Duat
"Anubis" Male Human Insane priest/mage. Cured by party.
Temple of Osiris
Tcheripep Male Human Priest of Set. Slain by party.
"Isis" Female Human Priestess of Set. Slain by party.
"Nepthys" Female Human Priestess of Set. Slain by party.
Setem-nefer Male Human ("Set's works are beautiful") High priest of Set. Slain by party.

Dramatis Loci

Sigil City Metropolis in the Outlands; Hub of the Multiverse; Home of Brianna, Kress, Vandis, and Zhaji
Khemit Nation Egypt-like land in an alternate Prime Material Plane. It is ruled by a Pharoah, watered by the river Nylle, and has its capital in Thebes.
Thebes City Large city on the Nylle, capital of Khemit.
Farnoc Town 60 miles west of the Nylle.
Aartuat Village 60 miles west of Farnoc.
The House of Horus' Fortune Tavern and Brewery The party's "digs" in Aartuat.
The House of all Neteru Pantheon Palace Atmu-thoth-rahat, proprietor.
House of Hept-f-hra General Store Home and business of Hept-f-hra and his family
Vicinity of Gorge of Osiris - Several miles north of Aartuat
Pylon of the Duat Gateway At entrance to the Gorge of Osiris. Approach.
Temple of Osiris Temple At entrance to the Gorge of Osiris.

Evil Objects
Item Owner Source
Serpent Ankh Brianna Shenau
The Bloodied Moon Kress Captain Turpur
Book of Eternity Vandis Statue of Set
Cleaver of Set Mambo Setem-nefer
Scepter of Set Zhaji Lightning-quick mummy
Seal of Shadow Ankh Brianna Lair of vampire spawn
Blackened Sun Mambo Altar of Evil
Netherladder Vandis Necropolis "Final" Chamber

The Story

The adventure begins on 2995. when each member of the party receives a personal invitation to meet in a back room at a decent but not overly expensive tavern in Sigil. Tehi-neken, a Superior priest of Thoth from the land of Khemit interviews us and offers us a job: come back with him to his plane to investigate a growing evil in the Gorge of Osiris and deal with it.

Session Encounter Synopsis
1 Aartuat In which the group accepts the commission, travels to Thebes in Khemit, and thence to the village of Aartuat.
2 Demoncroc In which the group meets Khonsu-khaibet and is used as bait for a Demoncroc by Gerhit and Shenau.
3 Pool of Hapy In which ...
4 Hept-f-hra and family In which ...
5 Ambush In which ...
6 Lair and Pylon In which ...
7 Anubis In which ...
PT1 Plague Tree 1 In which ...
PT2 Plague Tree 2 In which ...
8 Entrance to the Temple of Osiris In which ...
9 Into the Osirium In which ...
10 Restoration of Osiris In which ...
11 Battle with Temple Priests In which ...
12 Victory! In which ...
13 Exploration of Temple of Osiris In which ...
14 The Gorge of Osiris In which ...
15 Entering the Tomb of Rahotep In which ...


The party has already started amassing loot.

Adventure Numbers

Here's a table cross-referencing "adventure numbers" with the dates of the gaming sessions and the encounters spanned by those sessions.

N# First Date Last Date First Encounter Last Encounter
563 09/20/2007 11/05/2007 Aartuat Hept-f-hra and family
564 11/20/2007 12/18/2007 Ambush Lair and Pylon
565 1/10/2008 Anubis -
566 1/25/2008 1/31/2008 Plague Tree 1 Plague Tree 2
567 2/28/2008 6/13/2008 Entrance to the Temple of Osiris Exploration of Temple of Osiris

Copyright © 2009 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
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