This is a prestige class specifically intended to appeal to Fochlucan Lyrists who have achieved level 10 of that class and want a somewhat different twist to their advancement in Epic levels. Although any character who qualifies for the class must be an epic character, the class itself is not suitable as an "epic" class, since it is not open ended; it grants a specific series of powers over the course of 10 levels, and is not open-ended. A Fochlucan Lyrist is skilled, talented, and self-sufficient, willing to go anywhere, face any challenge, talk her way out of trouble with her silver tongue, use bardic or druidic magic as needed, and fight well with weapons, if it comes to that. Most Fochlucan Lyrists - like the vast majority of ALL characters - never leave their home plane. Some few, however, have spent a good part of their careers traveling across multiple planes, talking to and/or battling with many planar creatures. Such Lyrists, after achieving the 10th level of their prestige class, may choose to embrace the planes and advance as a Plane Dancer. A Plane Dancer is an expert in moving through the planes at will and interacting with its inhabitants. Just as she was when she was a "mere" Fochlucan Lyrist, she is self-sufficient, willing to travel alone and face any challenge. REQUIREMENTS To qualify to become a Plane Dancer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Classes: Fochlucan Lyrist 10 Hit Die: 1d6 (as Fochlucan Lyrist)
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),
Craft (any) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise
(Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide
(Dex), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (n/a),
Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic
Device (Cha). Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + int modifier (as Fochlucan Lyrist) CLASS FEATURES
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A Plane Dancer adds her class levels to
her Bard level and Fochlucan Lyrist level for Bardic Knowledge
Checks. The Planar Sanctum can be formed off either the Astral or the Ethereal plane. The Plane Dancer must spend at least three months of planning, carefully specifying all the details of the plane she will create. Having done so, she must travel to the Astral or Ethereal Plane or to a plane that has access to one of those planes (such as the Material Plane) and spend 8 hours concentrating. At the end of this time the plane springs into existence from a point and instantly expands to a radius of 10 x (Caster Level) feet. The plane will continue to expand forevermore at a rate of 1 ft. radius per day. The new demiplane will initially have a single portal to the location at which it was formed, although other portals can be added later, using the usual methods. The new plane will be filled with air or water (decided by its creator). The terrain can be a flat featureless plain, rolling hills, craggy and foreboding mountains, an ocean dotted with islands, or anything that the Plane Dancer can imagine. Obviously, there will not be room for large natural features in a 300 ft. radius sphere, but as the plane expands, the terrain expands to fill it, as specified, and large features will develop over the years. The Plane Dancer specifies the environmental conditions of the plane (usually those of a temperate spring day on the Material Plane) and the plane's light level (bright, normal, dim, or darkness), which can differ for the two sides of a "flat" plane. Unless the plane has the Bountiful attribute, there are no native creatures or plants on this plane, though the Plane Dancer may bring some there (if the plane's light is bright or normal, it counts as sunlight for growing plants). The environment of the plane counts as normal terrain for the purpose of effects that target earth, stone, wood, and so on. For example, one could use move earth to create a hill or wall of stone to create a barricade. If the Plane Dancer gave the Morphic trait to her demiplane, she can do this at will (at a reduced casting time) without needing to use spells. As a standard action, the Plane Dancer may eject a creature from her Planar Sanctum. The creature may resist with a Will saving throw vs DC (Caster Level + Charisma bonus). An ejected creature goes to the closest plane to the demiplane (usually the Astral Plane or the Ethereal Plane, but if the Planar Sanctum was created from the Material Plane, the creature is sent to the Material Plane). The Plane Dancer may specify optional attributes of the plane at the time of creation. After creation, while within her Planar Sanctum, the Plane Dancer can tweak the parameters as desired, although she must spend at least a week carefully planning the change. The Plane Dancer can own and manage exactly one Planar Sanctum at a time unless all portals to an existing one are destroyed. The optional planar traits that a Plane Dancer can apply to her Planar Sanctum include the following: Alignment: The plane gains the (mildly) chaos-, good-, evil-, law-, or neutral-aligned alignment trait (see Alignment Traits). The Plane Dancer cannot give her Planar Sanctum an alignment trait for an alignment she does not have. Bountiful: The plane gains a thriving natural ecology, with streams, ponds, waterfalls, and plants. This provides enough plant-based food (nuts, grains, fruit, fungi, and so on) to support one Medium creature for every 10-foot square of surface area. The demiplane does not have any animals unless they are imported, but the ecology can sustain itself for as long as the demiplane exists without requiring watering, gardening, pollination, and so on, and dead organic material decays and returns to the soil in the normal manner. If the demiplane has ambient light, these plants are normal, familiar surface plants; if it is a realm of twilight or darkness, these plants are fungi and other plants adapted to near-darkness or underground locations. Elemental: The plane gains the air-, earth-, fire-, or water-elemental dominant trait (see Elemental and Energy Traits). Gravity: By default a demiplane's gravity is normal and oriented in one direction, like what most creatures are used to on the Material Plane. By selecting this feature, the plane's gravity is heavy, light, none, objectively directional, or subjectively directional (see Gravity). Seasonal: The demiplane has a seasonal cycle and a light cycle, usually similar to those of a land on the Material Plane, but customizable as the Plane Dancer sees fit (for example, the demiplane could always be winter, day and night could alternate every 4 hours, and so on). Shape: By default, the demiplane has a fixed shape and borders. The plane may be self-contained so it loops upon itself when a creature reaches one edge (see Shape and Size). The Plane Dancer may designate areas or locations on the edges of her plane where this occurs (such as a pair of secret doors or a path in the woods) or apply it to the entire plane. If it applies to the entire plane, a creature on this plane is effectively on the surface of a sphere, except that the "horizon" does not curve. If the plane does not loop, the Plane Dancer decides how the "edges" operate. The "surface" of the plane may be spherical, in which case the plane is effectively a planetoid with a surface area equal to a disk of the current "radius" of the plane. Otherwise, the plane will be flat, and the edges may end in mist, a featureless void, a wall, or a similar unreal-looking barrier. Such a plane can have two surfaces: one facing "up", and the other "down", with gravity (if the plane has any), directed to the "floor" of both faces. If the edges of such a plane wrap, the only access between the two sides is through a hole or cavern between them. Otherwise, it may be possible to pass from one side to the other at "the edge of the world". Structure: The demiplane has a specific, linked physical structure, such as a giant tree, floating castle, labyrinth, mountain, and so on. (This option exists to allow a theme for the plane without having to worry about the small details of determining what spells are needed for every hill, hole, wall, floor, and corner). Energy: The plane gains the (minor) negative- or positive-dominant energy trait (see Elemental and Energy Traits). A plane cannot have both the negative-dominant and positive-dominant energy traits. Magic: The plane gains the dead magic, enhanced magic, impeded magic, or wild magic planar trait (see Magic Traits). A plane with dead magic permits entry/exit only through a permanent planar portal. A plane with enhanced or impeded magic applies it to one type of magic, such as "effects with the fire descriptor or that manipulate fire" or "death spells and spells from the Death or Repose domains." A plane cannot be enhanced and impeded for the same kinds of spells. Morphic: The Plane Dancer may use move earth at will in the demiplane at one-tenth of the spell's normal casting time, and can reshape normal plants in the same manner (such as by twisting trees into a fence or humanlike shapes). She is even able to affect rock formations with this ability, though the casting time for this is only half normal. Portal: Your demiplane gains a permanent gate to one location on another plane, which can only be used for planar travel. This location must be very familiar to you. This gate is always open and usable from both sides, but you can secure it using normal means (such as by building a door around it). Time: By default, time passes at the normal rate in the demiplane, however the plane may have the erratic time, flowing time (half or double normal time), or timeless trait (see Time). Note: Planar Sanctum is under development. Since the Plane Dancer prestige class was inspired in part by the V3.0 Planeshifter prestige class from the Manual of the Planes, that class's 10-level power is the original inspiration for this power. Since a Plane Dancer 10 must be at least Character Level 30, it is intentionally designed to have epic-level "oomph". The sources used as inspiration were the Planeshifter's Demiplane Seed, the genesis spell (Sor/Wiz 9 or Creation 9) and/or the genesis Psionic power from the V3.5 SRD, and by the create demiplane series of spells from the Pathfinder PRD. All of the above can be found at the Demiplanes page on this site.
Copyright © 2016 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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