The following is extracted from Appendix 1 (pages 215-217) of The Drow War III: The Darkest Hour (ISBN 1904854907), written by Adrian Bott for Mongoose Publishing (March 28, 2006), and is copyrighted by them. This page is for the use of the players in the Dargas campaign, whose high-level characters are currently experiencing that epic adventure.
HistoryAny Player Character can recall this information with a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 25), a Knowledge (history) check (DC 25), or a Bardic Lore check (DC 25). Note that this is the history of the Scripts, not the Scripts themselves. To consult the Scripts, a character must actually possess a copy. A good copy of the Eschatonic Scripts can be had for 80-100 gold pieces from a good bookseller in a major city. Although the book is inexpensive compared to other items, it is sufficiently scarce that only a major city is likely to have it. Alternatively, a Player Character can expect to find a copy in any arcane library worth the name. The Eschatonic Scripts are a collection of scraps of prophecies assembled into one volume by persons unknown. They are composed of four sections. The oldest section, the so-called Quatrains of Anak Xul, date from the time before the first Equinox of Heroes and are widely believed to refer to the events that took place in that Equinox. They are thus discharged prophecies, though modern speculators never tire of finding new meanings for them. The Sayings of Good Mother Fubbage are the most urbane of the Scripts, resembling the prattle heard in fortune-tellers' huts the world over. The most respected section is the Cryptic Mutterings of Thuz. Wizards invest more significance in this section than any other, no doubt because the author was a wizard himself. Thuz was a definite historical figure, a wizard of Jehannum (on Ashfar). His evil and power were such that he was the de facto ruler of Jehannum for a century and a half. The most recently authored section is the Visions of Septimus Jessop, the rantings of a common peasant who was taken for a prophet. His conviction was such that many nobles as well as commoners were persuaded to take his words seriously; it was one such noble who provided a scribe to take down Jessop's words as he spoke them. Jessop's prophecy, though short, caused mass hysteria the last time there was an eclipse of the sun, as an increasing number of people took this as the 'seventh sign' to which Jessop refers, although the world failed to end.
The Quatrains of Anak Xul
The lamps of Heaven tumbled down, burning still;
I see a tower like a shadowed man,
When shadow turns on shadow, black on black,
After bright stars have nailed down the night
The tryst is forged on a world not this world,
The Cryptic Mutterings of Thuz
In the midst of many storms I see a table where the wicked and the wise dine together.
The Sayings of Good Mother Fubbage
When the Final Days draw near,
Never did a man rejoice to tread upon a thorn;
If wizards never had walked the land
Trust the fire to burn you, and trust the snow to chill,
One a prince in sackcloth dressed,
A sinful nation shall arise,
The Vision of Septimus Jessop
The angel came before me once again, bearing a crown of flame upon his head and a trumpet that was also a sword, and this he did say: Ye shall know that the last days are come when the signs are sent unto you, and ye shall know the signs thus. Seven are there.
The first sign is the tearing of the Heaven like unto a hempen cloth.
Copyright © 2013 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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