To be done:
Yol is frightening. She is a devoted Cleric of Hel, the goddess of Death, Poison and Disease. Her very presence scares those weaker than herself and makes everybody else uneasy. She completely lacks Veracity's attractiveness and allure. Unlike Veracity, she takes no real pleasure in causing pain. In fact, Yol is probably incapable of feeling joy, and it shows on her face. Her scowl is not one of anger, but a grim one, showing her resignation to death. When she smiles at all, it is a just fleeting smirk, as if she just confirmed that things are as bad as she believes they are. She is 5' even, 88 lbs (normal drow size) with white hair and red eyes. She wears a dark cloak.
Yol CR 20 AC 42, touch 32, flat-footed 36 hp 146 (19 HD) Immune magic sleep spells and effects (elf trait); disease, poison (Hel's boon) Resist evasion, SR 30, fire 15 (75/day) Fort +17, Ref +17 (+19 vs. dragon breath), Will +23 (+25 vs. spells, +27 vs. Enchantments, +30 vs. death & inflict spells); Speed 40 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect), freedom of movement Melee +1 warding longsword +12/+7 (1d8+2/19-20x2) or Ranged dart +16/+11 (1d4+1) Base Atk +10; Grp +11 Attack Options spells, spell-like abilities Special Attack rebuke/command/bolster undead 5/day at CL 23 Combat Gear none Magic Rating 19 Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 19 or CL 23 for Necromancy spells): 7th destructionDN (2) (DC 25), fortunate fate, mass restoration 6th harmDN (DC 24), energy immunity, heal (2), heroes' feast 5th flame strike (DC 22), mass contagionN (DC 23), mass inflict light woundsDN (DC 23), summon undead V, true seeing 4th assay spell resistance, death wardDN (2), poisonN (DC 22), recitation, sheltered vitality 3rd contagionDN (DC 21), invisibility purge, know vulnerabilities, mass conviction, remove curse, remove disease, speak with dead 2nd augury, death knellDN, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, resist energy (2), silence (DC 19), spiritual weapon 1st bane, cause fearDN (DC 19), comprehend languages, deathwatchDN, detect undead, protection from evil (3) 0 detect magic (3), detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink D Domain spell. N Necromancy spell at CL 23. Domains Death (Death touch 1/day. Succeed with a melee touch attack against a living creature. If total of <cleric level>d6 is greater than creature's current HP, it dies.). 1stcause fear, 2nddeath knell, 3rdanimate dead, 4thdeath ward, 5thslay living, 6thcreate undead, 7thdestruction, 8thcreate greater undead, 9thwail of the banshee), Destruction (Smite power 1/day. Single melee attack gains +4 attack bonus and damage bonus equal to cleric level.) 1stinflict light wounds, 2ndshatter, 3rdcontagion, 4thinflict critical wounds, 5thinflict light wounds, mass, 6thharm, 7thdisintegrate, 8thearthquake, 9thimplosion. Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 19 or CL 23 for Necromancy or CL 24 for domain spells): 7th antimagic ray (DC 25), control undeadDN (DC 26), delayed blast fireball (DC 25), greater teleport 6th chain lightning (DC 24), circle of deathDN (DC 25), disintegrate (DC 24), greater dispel magicN (2) 5th cone of cold (DC 23), graymantleN (DC 24), greater blink, wall of force, wave of fatigueDN (DC 24) 4th assay spell resistance, dimension door (2), fearDN (DC 23), greater invisibility (2), stoneskin 3rd dispel magic, fireball (DC 21), fly, gaseous form, lightning bolt (DC 21), slow (DC 21), vampiric touchDN 2nd blindness/deafnessN (DC 21), false lifeDN, mirror image, scorching ray (DC 20), see invisibility, spectral handN (2) 1st charm person (DC 19), chill touchN (DC 20), familiar pocket fall, feather fall, magic missile (2), ray of enfeeblementN (DC 20) 0 detect poison, disrupt undeadDN (2) (DC 19), mage hand, read magic DDomain spell NNecromancy spell at DC +2 Wizard Domains Necromancy 0thdisrupt undead, 1stray of enfeeblement, 2ndfalse life, 3rdvampiric touch, 4thfear, 5thwaves of fatigue, 6thcircle of death, 7thcontrol undead, 8thhorrid wilting, 9thenergy drain. Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day: create undead (CL 23); 1/day: create greater undead (CL 23), dancing lights (CL 19), darkness (CL 19), faerie fire (CL 17), horrid wilting (CL 23, DC 27), energy drain (CL 23). Abilities Str 10 (12), Dex 16 (22), Con 12 (18), Int 20 (26), Wis 19 (25), Cha 12 (18) SQ cat familiar, drow traits, familiar benefits, major desecration, necromantic prowess +3 Feats Alertness (from familiar), Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Hevy), Daylight Adaptation, Dual Spontaneous Casting, Hel's Boon (Immune to Poison and Disease), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Still Spell, Weapon Group (Basic, Crossbows, Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Slings & Thrown Weapons). Feat from Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Dargas Feat. 2/3 General Feat Points available. Skills Concentration +26, Craft (Poisonmaking) +19, Heal +13, Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Nature) +20, Knowledge (Religion) +27, Knowledge (The Planes) +14, Perception +41, Profession (Herbalist) +18, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +11, Swim +2; Possessions headband of INT + 6, WIS + 6, CHA + 6 (108,000), third eye penetrate (8,000), amulet of evasion and fortune prevailing (32,500) (MIC 69), shirt of freedom of movement, CON + 6, natural armor +5 (126,000), twilight ghost ward blueshine called mithral chain +5 (51,600), greater crystal of lifekeeping (5,000), belt of battle and STR + 2 (16,000), cloak of protection +5 and resistance +5 (75,000), (hands slot free), ring of arcane might (20,000), dragon eye ring (diamond) (-), dragon eye ring (sapphire) (-), boots of DEX + 6, flying, striding & springing, translocation (96,350), +5 ghost ward called mithral buckler (39,020), greater clasp of energy protection (fire) (3,000), +1 warning longsword (8,315), lesser crystal of return (1,000), 4 darts (2), scepter of the netherworld (9,000), ioun stone (orange prism) (30,000), ioun stone (dusty rose prism) (5,000), metamagic rod: quicken (75,500), metamagic rod: reach (32,500), tome of worldly memory (1,500) (MIC 190), artificer's monocle (1,500) (MIC 72), spell component: true seeing (2) (500), spell component: restoration (2) (200), spell component: stoneskin (2) (500), spell component: augury (4) (100), Heward's handy haversack (2,000), backpack w/mundane items (100), healer's kit (50), focus for augury (25), silver holy symbol of Hel with verses of anathema (500), 12,178 gp. Other Possessions manual of gainful exercise +2 (used), tome of leadership and influence +2 (used), golden cuirass (1,000), box of paper preservation (750), silver holy symbol of Hel (25), The Nathlum (5,000), Irae T'sarran's religious texts relating to worship of Kiaransalee, Cabrath's worship book of Kiaransalee (450). Spellbook 0detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, mage hand, read magic; 1stcharm person, chill touch, detect undead, feather fall, grease, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, sleep; 2ndblindness/deafness, false life, invisibility, mirror image, scare, scorching ray, see invisibility, spectral hand, stinking cloud; 3rddispel magic, fireball, fly, gaseous form, lightning bolt, slow, vampiric touch; 4thassay spell resistance, dimension door, enervation, fear, greater invisibility, ice storm, stoneskin, wall of ice; 5thcloudkill, cone of cold, graymantle, summon undead V, wall of force, waves of fatigue; 6thcircle of death, chain lightning, disintegrate, eyebite Cat Familiar: Yol has a fiendish black cat familiar named Nightlife. Drow traits: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma (included in listed statistics); Spell-like abilities 1/daydancing lights, darkness, faerie fire as a sorceress of her character level; darkvision up to 120 feet; Entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round. While operating in bright light, suffer -1 circumstance penalty to attacks, checks, and saves. (removed by Daylight Adaptation Feat); Spell resistance of 11 + character level; Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities; additional +2 racial bonus on saves against Enchantment spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks (already figured into the statistics given above); Preferred class: Wizard (male) or Cleric (female); Level adjustment +2. Familiar Benefits: As long as her familiar Nightlife is within reach, Yol has the benefits of the Alertness feat (already figured into the statistics above), and the following additional benefits. Empathic Link (Su): Yol can communicate telepathically with Nightlife at a distance of up to 1 mile. She has the same connection to a person, item or a place that Nightlife does, for the purpose of scrying or teleportation. Share Spells: Yol may have any spell she casts on herself also affect Nightlife if the latter is within 5 feet at the time. She may also cast a spell with a range of Personal on her familiar. Touch: Nightlife can deliver touch spells for Yol. Hel's Boon: Yol is immune to all poisons and diseases. Major Desecration (Su): Yol exudes an aura of negative energy that extends to a radius of 110 feet. This aura is identical to the effects of a desecrate spell except that it affects only allied undead. Necromantic Prowess +4 (Ex): Whenever Yol rebukes undead, casts a necromantic spell, or uses a spell-like ability that mimics a necromancy spell, her effective caster level increases by her Necromantic Prowess value.
Spell-like Abilities: 2/day: create undead (CL 20); Yol's familiar is a fiendish black cat named Nightlife. Nightlife: Female black cat familiar; Skills and Feats: Improved Evasion (Ex): If Nightlife is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, he takes no damage on a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails. Dragon Eye Ring (Minor Artifact) This is a set of five rings, each wrought of gold in the form of a dragon twisting around the wearer's finger. Just as every dragon is unique, every dragon eye ring is different. On each ring, the dragon's head is seen from a side-view and has a small gem inset as the eye, intent upon the viewer. One ring has an emerald, one a sapphire, one a ruby, one a clear diamond, and one a piece of jet.
detect magic reveals an aura of strong abjuration. legend lore revealed that this minor artifact set is very rare. These rings are badges of honor to the Dragonmasters of Lynn, though a few rings have made their way to Eastern Oerik. Their manufacture is held as a secret by the artificers of that secretive order, so these may not be reproduced. Experimentation and powerful divinations might reveal the powers of the rings. (Having done so, the party has determined the following): Each of the five rings grants continuous see invisible to the wearer, provides a +10 competence bonus to Perception (Spot and Listen), grants a 20 ft. enhancement bonus to the fly speed of the bearer and all allies within 30 feet, and gives a +2 (typeless) bonus to Reflex saves vs. Dragon Breath. Each individual ring provides an additional bonus to the wearer, appropriate to the color of the stone interpreted as a particular type of chromatic dragon:
Emerald: 50% damage from an initial failed fortitude save vs. poison, eliminates need to make a second fortitude save a minute later. Caster level 12th. Market Value: ? Golden Cuirass This magical cuirass is made of a strange flaky metal. Closer inspection reveals that it appears to be reshaping and reforming its own metal surfaces, constantly writhing and changing as it rebuilds itself. This function as a masterwork breastplate that provides an unknown (to you) protection against an unknown kind of transformation. It is worth 1,000 gp due to its curious and unique nature. Dragon Eye Ring (diamond) (Minor Artifact) Dragon Eye Ring (sapphire) (Minor Artifact) This is a set of five rings, each wrought of gold in the form of a dragon twisting around the wearer's finger. Just as every dragon is unique, every dragon eye ring is different. On each ring, the dragon's head is seen from a side-view and has a small gem inset as the eye, intent upon the viewer. One ring has an emerald, one a sapphire, one a ruby, one a clear diamond, and one a piece of jet.
detect magic reveals an aura of strong abjuration. legend lore revealed that this minor artifact set is very rare. These rings are badges of honor to the Dragonmasters of Lynn, though a few rings have made their way to Eastern Oerik. Their manufacture is held as a secret by the artificers of that secretive order, so these may not be reproduced. Experimentation and powerful divinations might reveal the powers of the rings. (Having done so, the party has determined the following): Each of the five rings grants continuous see invisible to the wearer, provides a +10 competence bonus to Perception (Spot and Listen), grants a 20 ft. enhancement bonus to the fly speed of the bearer and all allies within 30 feet, and gives a +2 (typeless) bonus to Reflex saves vs. Dragon Breath. Each individual ring provides an additional bonus to the wearer, appropriate to the color of the stone interpreted as a particular type of chromatic dragon:
Emerald: 50% damage from an initial failed fortitude save vs. poison, eliminates need to make a second fortitude save a minute later. Caster level 12th. Market Value: ?
Copyright © 2016 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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