Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Yol - Stats

To be done:

  • Description of Nightlife.

Copyright © 2003 by Eden Celeste
All rights reserved.
Female Drow Cleric 3/Domain Wizard (Necromancy) 3/True Necromancer 13, age 141 (adult).

Yol is frightening. She is a devoted Cleric of Hel, the goddess of Death, Poison and Disease. Her very presence scares those weaker than herself and makes everybody else uneasy. She completely lacks Veracity's attractiveness and allure. Unlike Veracity, she takes no real pleasure in causing pain. In fact, Yol is probably incapable of feeling joy, and it shows on her face. Her scowl is not one of anger, but a grim one, showing her resignation to death. When she smiles at all, it is a just fleeting smirk, as if she just confirmed that things are as bad as she believes they are. She is 5' even, 88 lbs (normal drow size) with white hair and red eyes. She wears a dark cloak.

Yol CR 20
Female drow Cleric 3/Domain Wizard (Necromancy) 3/True Necromancer 13
CE Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +17; Senses darkvision 120'; Perception +41
Languages: Drow, Undercommon, Elvish, Common, Abyssal, comprehend languages
Height 5 ft. 0 in., weight 88 lb., age 141.
XP: (ECL 21) 210,000 + 4,429 = 214,429 + 16,571 = 231,000 (ECL 22)

AC 42, touch 32, flat-footed 36
hp 146 (19 HD)
Immune magic sleep spells and effects (elf trait); disease, poison (Hel's boon)
Resist evasion, SR 30, fire 15 (75/day)
Fort +17, Ref +17 (+19 vs. dragon breath), Will +23 (+25 vs. spells, +27 vs. Enchantments, +30 vs. death & inflict spells);
Speed 40 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect), freedom of movement
Melee +1 warding longsword +12/+7 (1d8+2/19-20x2) or
Ranged dart +16/+11 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +10; Grp +11
Attack Options spells, spell-like abilities
Special Attack rebuke/command/bolster undead 5/day at CL 23
Combat Gear none
Magic Rating 19
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 19 or CL 23 for Necromancy spells):
7th— destructionDN (2) (DC 25), fortunate fate, mass restoration
6th— harmDN (DC 24), energy immunity, heal (2), heroes' feast
5th— flame strike (DC 22), mass contagionN (DC 23), mass inflict light woundsDN (DC 23), summon undead V, true seeing
4th— assay spell resistance, death wardDN (2), poisonN (DC 22), recitation, sheltered vitality
3rd— contagionDN (DC 21), invisibility purge, know vulnerabilities, mass conviction, remove curse, remove disease, speak with dead
2nd— augury, death knellDN, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, resist energy (2), silence (DC 19), spiritual weapon
1st— bane, cause fearDN (DC 19), comprehend languages, deathwatchDN, detect undead, protection from evil (3)
0— detect magic (3), detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink
D Domain spell. N Necromancy spell at CL 23.
Death (Death touch 1/day. Succeed with a melee touch attack against a living creature. If total of <cleric level>d6 is greater than creature's current HP, it dies.).
1st—cause fear, 2nd—death knell, 3rd—animate dead, 4th—death ward, 5th—slay living, 6th—create undead, 7th—destruction, 8th—create greater undead, 9th—wail of the banshee),
Destruction (Smite power 1/day. Single melee attack gains +4 attack bonus and damage bonus equal to cleric level.)
1st—inflict light wounds, 2nd—shatter, 3rd—contagion, 4th—inflict critical wounds, 5th—inflict light wounds, mass, 6th—harm, 7th—disintegrate, 8th—earthquake, 9th—implosion.
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 19 or CL 23 for Necromancy or CL 24 for domain spells):
7th— antimagic ray (DC 25), control undeadDN (DC 26), delayed blast fireball (DC 25), greater teleport
6th— chain lightning (DC 24), circle of deathDN (DC 25), disintegrate (DC 24), greater dispel magicN (2)
5th— cone of cold (DC 23), graymantleN (DC 24), greater blink, wall of force, wave of fatigueDN (DC 24)
4th— assay spell resistance, dimension door (2), fearDN (DC 23), greater invisibility (2), stoneskin
3rd— dispel magic, fireball (DC 21), fly, gaseous form, lightning bolt (DC 21), slow (DC 21), vampiric touchDN
2nd— blindness/deafnessN (DC 21), false lifeDN, mirror image, scorching ray (DC 20), see invisibility, spectral handN
(2) 1st— charm person (DC 19), chill touchN (DC 20), familiar pocket fall, feather fall, magic missile (2), ray of enfeeblementN (DC 20)
0— detect poison, disrupt undeadDN (2) (DC 19), mage hand, read magic
DDomain spell NNecromancy spell at DC +2
Wizard Domains Necromancy
0th—disrupt undead, 1st—ray of enfeeblement, 2nd—false life, 3rd—vampiric touch, 4th—fear, 5th—waves of fatigue, 6th—circle of death, 7th—control undead, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—energy drain.
Spell-Like Abilities:
2/day: create undead (CL 23);
1/day: create greater undead (CL 23), dancing lights (CL 19), darkness (CL 19), faerie fire (CL 17), horrid wilting (CL 23, DC 27), energy drain (CL 23).
Abilities Str 10 (12), Dex 16 (22), Con 12 (18), Int 20 (26), Wis 19 (25), Cha 12 (18)
SQ cat familiar, drow traits, familiar benefits, major desecration, necromantic prowess +3
Feats Alertness (from familiar), Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Hevy), Daylight Adaptation‡, Dual Spontaneous Casting, Hel's Boon (Immune to Poison and Disease)†, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Still Spell, Weapon Group (Basic, Crossbows, Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Slings & Thrown Weapons). ‡Feat from Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. †Dargas Feat. 2/3 General Feat Points available.
Skills Concentration +26, Craft (Poisonmaking) +19, Heal +13, Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Nature) +20, Knowledge (Religion) +27, Knowledge (The Planes) +14, Perception +41, Profession (Herbalist) +18, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +11, Swim +2;
Possessions headband of INT + 6, WIS + 6, CHA + 6 (108,000), third eye penetrate (8,000), amulet of evasion and fortune prevailing (32,500) (MIC 69), shirt of freedom of movement, CON + 6, natural armor +5 (126,000), twilight ghost ward blueshine called mithral chain +5 (51,600), greater crystal of lifekeeping (5,000), belt of battle and STR + 2 (16,000), cloak of protection +5 and resistance +5 (75,000), (hands slot free), ring of arcane might (20,000), dragon eye ring (diamond) (-), dragon eye ring (sapphire) (-), boots of DEX + 6, flying, striding & springing, translocation (96,350), +5 ghost ward called mithral buckler (39,020), greater clasp of energy protection (fire) (3,000), +1 warning longsword (8,315), lesser crystal of return (1,000), 4 darts (2), scepter of the netherworld (9,000), ioun stone (orange prism) (30,000), ioun stone (dusty rose prism) (5,000), metamagic rod: quicken (75,500), metamagic rod: reach (32,500), tome of worldly memory (1,500) (MIC 190), artificer's monocle (1,500) (MIC 72), spell component: true seeing (2) (500), spell component: restoration (2) (200), spell component: stoneskin (2) (500), spell component: augury (4) (100), Heward's handy haversack (2,000), backpack w/mundane items (100), healer's kit (50), focus for augury (25), silver holy symbol of Hel with verses of anathema (500), 12,178 gp.
Other Possessions manual of gainful exercise +2 (used), tome of leadership and influence +2 (used), golden cuirass (1,000), box of paper preservation (750), silver holy symbol of Hel (25), The Nathlum (5,000), Irae T'sarran's religious texts relating to worship of Kiaransalee, Cabrath's worship book of Kiaransalee (450).
Spellbook 0—detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, mage hand, read magic;
1st—charm person, chill touch, detect undead, feather fall, grease, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp, sleep;
2nd—blindness/deafness, false life, invisibility, mirror image, scare, scorching ray, see invisibility, spectral hand, stinking cloud;
3rd—dispel magic, fireball, fly, gaseous form, lightning bolt, slow, vampiric touch;
4th—assay spell resistance, dimension door, enervation, fear, greater invisibility, ice storm, stoneskin, wall of ice;
5th—cloudkill, cone of cold, graymantle, summon undead V, wall of force, waves of fatigue;
6th—circle of death, chain lightning, disintegrate, eyebite

Cat Familiar: Yol has a fiendish black cat familiar named Nightlife.

Drow traits: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma (included in listed statistics); Spell-like abilities 1/day—dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire as a sorceress of her character level; darkvision up to 120 feet; Entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light blinds drow for 1 round. While operating in bright light, suffer -1 circumstance penalty to attacks, checks, and saves. (removed by Daylight Adaptation Feat); Spell resistance of 11 + character level; Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities; additional +2 racial bonus on saves against Enchantment spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks (already figured into the statistics given above); Preferred class: Wizard (male) or Cleric (female); Level adjustment +2.

Familiar Benefits: As long as her familiar Nightlife is within reach, Yol has the benefits of the Alertness feat (already figured into the statistics above), and the following additional benefits.

Empathic Link (Su): Yol can communicate telepathically with Nightlife at a distance of up to 1 mile. She has the same connection to a person, item or a place that Nightlife does, for the purpose of scrying or teleportation.

Share Spells: Yol may have any spell she casts on herself also affect Nightlife if the latter is within 5 feet at the time. She may also cast a spell with a range of Personal on her familiar.

Touch: Nightlife can deliver touch spells for Yol.

Hel's Boon: Yol is immune to all poisons and diseases.

Major Desecration (Su): Yol exudes an aura of negative energy that extends to a radius of 110 feet. This aura is identical to the effects of a desecrate spell except that it affects only allied undead.

Necromantic Prowess +4 (Ex): Whenever Yol rebukes undead, casts a necromantic spell, or uses a spell-like ability that mimics a necromancy spell, her effective caster level increases by her Necromantic Prowess value.

Spell-like Abilities: 2/day: create undead (CL 20);
1/day: create greater undead (CL 20), dancing lights (CL 17), darkness (CL 17), faerie fire (CL 17), horrid wilting (CL 20, DC 28).

Yol's familiar is a fiendish black cat named Nightlife.

Nightlife: Female black cat familiar;

Skills and Feats:

Improved Evasion (Ex): If Nightlife is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, he takes no damage on a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Dragon Eye Ring (Minor Artifact)

This is a set of five rings, each wrought of gold in the form of a dragon twisting around the wearer's finger. Just as every dragon is unique, every dragon eye ring is different. On each ring, the dragon's head is seen from a side-view and has a small gem inset as the eye, intent upon the viewer. One ring has an emerald, one a sapphire, one a ruby, one a clear diamond, and one a piece of jet.

detect magic reveals an aura of strong abjuration.
identify and analyze dweomer reveal nothing.

legend lore revealed that this minor artifact set is very rare. These rings are badges of honor to the Dragonmasters of Lynn, though a few rings have made their way to Eastern Oerik. Their manufacture is held as a secret by the artificers of that secretive order, so these may not be reproduced.

Experimentation and powerful divinations might reveal the powers of the rings.

(Having done so, the party has determined the following):

Each of the five rings grants continuous see invisible to the wearer, provides a +10 competence bonus to Perception (Spot and Listen), grants a 20 ft. enhancement bonus to the fly speed of the bearer and all allies within 30 feet, and gives a +2 (typeless) bonus to Reflex saves vs. Dragon Breath.

Each individual ring provides an additional bonus to the wearer, appropriate to the color of the stone interpreted as a particular type of chromatic dragon:

Emerald: 50% damage from an initial failed fortitude save vs. poison, eliminates need to make a second fortitude save a minute later.
Ruby: -25% damage from fire
Sapphire: -25% damage from electricity
Jet: -25% damage from acid
Diamond: -25% damage from cold

Caster level 12th. Market Value: ?

Golden Cuirass

This magical cuirass is made of a strange flaky metal. Closer inspection reveals that it appears to be reshaping and reforming its own metal surfaces, constantly writhing and changing as it rebuilds itself.

This function as a masterwork breastplate that provides an unknown (to you) protection against an unknown kind of transformation.

It is worth 1,000 gp due to its curious and unique nature.

Dragon Eye Ring (diamond) (Minor Artifact) Dragon Eye Ring (sapphire) (Minor Artifact)

This is a set of five rings, each wrought of gold in the form of a dragon twisting around the wearer's finger. Just as every dragon is unique, every dragon eye ring is different. On each ring, the dragon's head is seen from a side-view and has a small gem inset as the eye, intent upon the viewer. One ring has an emerald, one a sapphire, one a ruby, one a clear diamond, and one a piece of jet.

detect magic reveals an aura of strong abjuration.
identify and analyze dweomer reveal nothing.

legend lore revealed that this minor artifact set is very rare. These rings are badges of honor to the Dragonmasters of Lynn, though a few rings have made their way to Eastern Oerik. Their manufacture is held as a secret by the artificers of that secretive order, so these may not be reproduced.

Experimentation and powerful divinations might reveal the powers of the rings.

(Having done so, the party has determined the following):

Each of the five rings grants continuous see invisible to the wearer, provides a +10 competence bonus to Perception (Spot and Listen), grants a 20 ft. enhancement bonus to the fly speed of the bearer and all allies within 30 feet, and gives a +2 (typeless) bonus to Reflex saves vs. Dragon Breath.

Each individual ring provides an additional bonus to the wearer, appropriate to the color of the stone interpreted as a particular type of chromatic dragon:

Emerald: 50% damage from an initial failed fortitude save vs. poison, eliminates need to make a second fortitude save a minute later.
Ruby: -25% damage from fire
Sapphire: -25% damage from electricity
Jet: -25% damage from acid
Diamond: -25% damage from cold

Caster level 12th. Market Value: ?

The Nathlum (Pages from the Mages)

Unconverted from the 2e sourcebook.

History and Description

A nondescript volume of brown, curling parchment leaves sewn to a gray canvas cover, The Nathlum is powerful and wholly evil. Its protective magic cannot be dispelled (at least, not by the dispel magic spell), and these protections cause all creatures of good alignment and instinct to suffer blinding, burning pain in the eyes and head. (Elminster offers a confusing description of the symptoms which need not be detailed here but can be interpreted thus: Anyone of good alignment suffers 1-4 points of damage per round that the book is in his or her hands.) Its origin and the reason for its name are unknown; its first definite identification is in the catalog of Tymor Threeshields, an inventory of the booty he brought back from the Orcfastings war. Hints of it can be traced through the scanty written records of the orcs under the leadership of Wund. Orfidel writes almost 400 years ago of his meeting with the evil mage Lethchauntos the Black, who went to dwell among the orcs, and describes what could well be The Nathlum in Lethchauntos's possession. From Tymor's hall, the volume went to Neverwinter as part of the dowry of Tymor's daughter Nulauznee (Elminster suspects that Tymor wished to be rid of it). Nothing more is heard of it until The Nathlum passes unexpectedly into the hands of Phrandjas of Port Llast (a northern town), a thaumaturge whose careful and exacting studies enabled him to subsequently rise quickly in the ranks of the Art.

Phrandjas takes characteristic pains over his notes regarding The Nathlum; we learn that it appeared to be complete when he received it, and held sixteen recipes for poisons, four glyphs of warding set down nowhere else, and the formula of the spell maze. Phrandjas, despite the pain caused him by perusing the book (because he was good), copied certain of the recipes for later sale to the alchemists of the town, and all of the glyphs, and Elminster has passed on some of this information.


The poison recipes have not been made known by Elminster; in his words, "They are largely simple to make, and recipes will undoubtedly fall into the wrong hands, given your sometimes too efficient communications." For adventurers, however, he has provided the means of identifying the substances.

Lhurdas (also known as "the yellow death" and"Beltyn's Last Drink") is a wine-based poison. It has a sharp, dry white-grape wine taste, and will readily mix with white wine. It reacts with the digestive acids in the stomach (and is effectual in human, orcish, and elven body chemistries) to eat away internal organ tissues. Ingestion produces rapid (within two rounds) nausea, convulsions, and terrific internal cramps and burning pain, doing 1-6 points of damage in its first effective round, 2-12 in the second, and 1-4 in the third. Thereafter it will do no more damage, regardless of dose, and further exposure to lhurdas will cause discomfort and inhibit healing, but cause no greater damage to the body for a period of 3-24 days. It is ineffective if applied externally. (Save for half damage.)

Varrakas is a black, thick syrup. To avoid detection, single drops are usually added to gravy or dark sauces, but the effects increase with the dose ingested. Varrakas has a slightly oily taste, but no strong flavor. Every drop of varrakas does 1-4 points of damage when it enters the bloodstream (it passes the digestive system masquerading as a nutrient), and does not act for a period of 19-24 turns after ingestion. Varrakas is harmless if applied externally, and is effective in all mammals. (Save for half damage.)

Prespra (also known as "Mother's Bane") is an odorless, colorless liquid that mixes readily with all drinkable liquids except milk and dairy products, from which it separates. Effective only in humans and only when ingested, it causes sudden dizzy spells and visual distortion, beginning 1-3 rounds after contact and lasting for 1-12 rounds. During this time the victim moves unsteadily and fights at -2 to hit, -2 penalty on AC if having only normal (distorted) vision, or -1 to hit and -2 on AC if endowed with infravision or heightened visual senses. At the same time the victim endures 1-2 points of damage per round as surface blood vessels burst all over the body (giving a blotched, reddened appearance to the skin). Each round a successful saving throw will avoid such damage, but if the victim suffers an injury through combat or misadventure during the round, no saving throw is allowed (the cause and shock of the injury aggravates the sudden fluctuations in blood flow and pressure prespra causes; it works by alternately and erratically constricting and expanding blood vessels throughout the victim's body).

Belpren is a luminescent blue, acidic substance that does 1-12 points of dam age instantly upon contact with skin or internal tissues. (No save.) Further applications of belpren to affected areas do not cause any further harm but the damage given above is for a roughly hand-sized area of body exp sure; for each additional such area of skin affected, an additional 1-12 points of damage will be suffered. However no additional damage from ingestion is possible; immediate and involuntary vomiting will be induced by any further belpren applied to affected internal areas. Belpren does not corrode metal nor does it harm cloth or cured leather It dries and becomes ineffective in just over one round when exposed to air and so cannot be used on weapons. Belpren can be neutralized by the application of lamp oil. It is effective on creatures.

Orvas is a translucent liquid with a green cast and a bittersweet taste. It does 1-6 points of damage upon entering the bloodstream (immediately if insinuation, which must be through scrape or wound, or in 19-24 turns if by ingestion), and 1-4 points of damage each round for the following two rounds. A successful saving throw means that orvas is ineffective against the target creature. Orvas is an antidote to varrakas (see above) if introduced into the bloodstream before varrakas has run its course. Orvas works in all mammals.

Huld (also called "Leap" or "Deathdance") is an odorless oil that is effective on non-humanoid creatures (it is not effective on demihumans and humans) and works only by insinuation. Its effects are the same regardless of dosage, and appear 1-4 rounds after the application. (Save for no damage.) Huld causes severe muscle spasms involving nausea and the loss of motor control, balance, and speech, lasting for 1-6 rounds. During this time a victim is helpless but by no means an easy target for physical attack, since he or she is usually thrashing and moving about rapidly and wildly. Mental processes are entirely unaffected (psionic or other communication can be initiated or continue, and in some cases can be used by the victim, as well as others, to control the poison's effects). A particular individual will be 95% resistant to huld for a period of 11-20 days after an exposure to it, and thus repeated dosages in a single encounter will almost always not be effective. Huld is generally thought to affect all individuals, but some apparent immunities are reported and conjectured.

Jeteye is a glossy (i.e., reflective) black liquid that affects all mammals upon ingestion. (Ineffective if insinuative contact only; save for half damage.) It causes the pupils of the eyes to go black (although this does not affect vision) and causes 1-8 points of neural damage immediately. No pain is felt by the victim, however, for jeteye kills all pain and tactile sensation for a period of 9-16 rounds (the "black eyes" sign is of the same duration as this anesthetic effect). Jeteye is sometimes voluntarily used before torture or immediately after battle injuries (preventing a system shock survival roll). It has a bitter, black walnut-like taste and is hard to conceal in food or drink.

Ulcrun is a milky-white, viscous liquid that is effective on all warm-blooded creatures, by insinuation only. (No saving throw.) Two rounds after contact, it causes 1-4 points of muscular damage, weakening and softening tendons, ligaments, bones, and cartilage. On the following round it causes 1-12 points of damage, and 1-4 points on the round thereafter, whereupon its effects pass. Until healing processes (natural or magical) counter its effects, the creature affected will have lost 1-4 points of Strength and one point of Dexterity.

Dwarfbane is a rare, gummy oil that is poisonous only to dwarves. Insinuative, it is commonly smeared on weapons. It does not dry out, but prolonged exposure to air lessens its potency; it is effective only for 26-31 days. Upon contact, dwarfbane does 1-8 points of damage with a pain "like blazing skewers," and a further 1-6 points on each of the following three rounds. (A successful saving throw reduces all damage by half.)

The Glyphs of The Nathlum

The glyphs of warding found in The Nathlum reflect its evil nature. All may be used only by those of evil alignments, and will harm only those of good alignments. Anyone of good alignment may pass a glyph's location unharmed by speaking its name or by destroying the glyph. The passage of neutral or evil characters will not trigger any of these glyphs. They are as follows:

Zuth Zuth can be cast only by a cleric of 6th or higher level. It is cast upon a door or the frame of an opening. Anyone of good alignment passing through or under the portal will suffer 2-12 points of electrical damage. The electricity arcs from side to side of the frame at many points.
Yammas Yammas can be cast only by a cleric of 8th or higher level. When activated, from 11-18 screaming, chittering mouths appear all about the glyph, and shoot forth on long (up to 20 feet long) snakelike necks to bite at the creature activating the glyph. The victim must save against each manifestation or be struck by it, suffering 1-4 points of damage. The fangs dig in, much as a lamprey attacks, and the mouths drain 1 hit point of blood each per round thereafter until they or the victim are destroyed. Each neck/mouth is AC 13 and can be severed by inflicting 7 points of damage on it (as long as at least the seventh point is caused by an edged weapon), or by the victim pulling free of its grasp. Any character with a Strength of 16 or more is allowed to attempt saving throws against three of the mouths each round; if a particular save is successful, the mouth's grip breaks, it does not drain blood on that round, and it shrinks back into the wall or hangs lifeless. This glyph does not vanish after one activation; it retracts its surviving mouths and waits for the next victim, until all the mouths have been destroyed.
Hlack Hlack can be cast only by a cleric of 9th or higher level. This functions as a magical barrier preventing those of good alignment from passing. This barrier of force will stand until the actual area on which the glyph was cast is destroyed, thus breaking the glyph, or until a knock, erase, or similar spell is employed. Anyone of good alignment attempting to pass the glyph strikes an invisible wall and suffers 1-6 points of electrical damage. Further contact with the barrier causes 1-6 points of electrical damage per round (no save).
Curtal Curtal can be cast only by a cleric of 10th or higher level. Attempts to pass this glyph cause arms of fire to burst from its three pointed ends and strike the creature or creatures attempting to pass. Each arm inflicts 4-16 points of damage. Each arm of fire strikes a different target if there are three or more targets available; otherwise two will strike the nearest target and one another, or all three will strike at a solitary target. (Save for half damage.) Activation of this glyph always alerts a guardian, sometimes summoning a demon or devil to the spot instantly, but more often warning spellcasters or beast-keepers to ready their charges. The glyph remains until erased, striking out with its arms of flame every time it is activated. Dispel magic causes one of the arms of fire to shrink back and not strike for that activation. In each round that creatures stand before the glyph but do not speak its name (ie. not having passed it, but within 15 feet), curtal activates, so slow-moving creatures could be struck several times.

Copyright © 2016 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
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