The thing that impresses anyone when first seeing Tigerblade is that he is large, both in height and girth. He stands 7 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 345 pounds without clothes. For all his bulk, however, he carries himself gracefully, and when called for, has a cat-like quickness that surprises many. He has black hair that is now graying around the temples. With his gauntlets off it can be seen that the pinkie fingers of his otherwise normal (but big of course) hands are animal-like (tiger perhaps?) and have sharp claws. Tigerblade dresses well as befits someone who tries to impress the flock with Sif's message of Excellence and, of course, wears the holy symbol of a Cleric of Sif at all times. On his belt he wears a small woven gold pouch, which can radiate up to lamplight. When suited for battle he wears gold-edged blood-red dragon scale mail armor and wields two magnificent long swords. He is a renowned master of the two heavy blade form, and not many who face him in melee live more than a few seconds. Tigerblade has the reputation as a gentle giant who is slow to anger, but quite determined when moved to action. He is not fond of thieves and they are very wary of him, since he is likely to take matters into his own hands immediately if he witnesses a wrong - and even if he controls himself or doesn't observe a theft, his sentient magical pouch, who has a similar phobia, tends to lash out of its own volition. He has the reputation among several of his fellow party members of having a sort of split personality: "Mr. Tiger" is his good side, and "Mr. Blade" is his evil side, names originally assigned to him by Malarky after he'd learned of the numerous incidents where Tigerblade attacked his own party members. Except for an intentional attack on Alphonso early in his career when he (correctly) believed that the latter had stolen something from him, all such behavior resulted from baleful magical items afflicting him with insanity. Those who really know him realize that he doesn't actually have an "evil side" - but even his allies tend to have contingency plans to deal with - or escape from - an insane Tigerblade running amok. As a devoted priest of Sif, the goddess of excellence, Tigerblade founded and operates a "School of Excellence". This is located in a region of farm lands and forests on rolling hills about an hour's ride from Mansfield along a good road. The school itself is situated upon a high hill with a good view of the city in the distance. Even from afar the school is an imposing sight with a grand stone building and a smaller stone chapel near it. While it is clearly a work of fine architecture, it is only when someone gets close, do they see the extent of the artistry that went into it. Everything is designed, constructed, and embellished with great skill. Even such normally overlooked things as the stone fence and the wooden stables are works of art. The grounds consist of 25 acres of former farm land and 50 acres of light forest and have all the facilities needed for lodging and training students in the non-scholarly arts, from fighting and horsemanship to the highest mastery of various crafts. The school attracts the most gifted students (many on scholarships) and teachers from not only Mansfield, but also all over Anglia. In addition to regular classes there are learning and spiritual retreats for all ages sponsored by the Temple of Sif in Mansfield. Students and teachers at the school need not be followers of the goddess Sif (although many are), but must be non-evil and devoted to excelling in their chosen field(s). Tigerblade's wife, his cohort Hermon, and his old friend Ivan (the latter two of whom serve as fighting instructors at his school) also live in quarters at the school. Of his other early companions, Marga, a priestess of Sif at the temple in Mansfield, is probably the only one who visits him often, now that Vandis has ascended. Of his current adventuring companions, Mambo visits him frequently, and would probably live at the school if she could, and Brianna and Zhaji always stop in to see him when they leave Sigil to visit Dargas.
Male human ranger 3/fighter 9/cleric (Sif) 20 CG Medium-size humanoid Divine Rank 0 Init +15; Senses darkvision 60' (from goggles); Perception +32 Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarven Height 7 ft. 2 in., weight 345 lb., age 46. XP: (ECL 32) 496,000 + 31,999 = 527,999 + 1 = 528,000 (ECL 33) AC 51 (56 vs. ranged attacks), touch 40, flat-footed 49 (53 vs. ranged attacks), Dodge hp 466 (32 HD); DR 10/epic, 15/adamantine Immune critical hits and sneak attacks (from armor); hold, paralysis, slow (from freedom of movement); transmutation (polymorph, petrification, any attack which alters form), energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects) (from divine rank 0 and do not apply to effects from beings of divine rank 0 or higher); Resist SR 40 (32), evasion, acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, fire 30 (5), sonic 30 Fort +29, Ref +29, Will +34 (+39 vs. mind-affecting) Speed land 70 ft. (14 squares), fly 70 ft. (perfect), burrow, swim 60 ft. (12 squares), climb 30 ft. (6 squares); freedom of movement Melee "Huntress" +10 keen transmuting longsword +46/+41/+36/+31 (1d8+23/15-20) and "Ranger" +10 keen transmuting longsword +46/+41/+36/+31 (1d8+23/15-20), or Ranged masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +33/+28/+23/+18 (1d8+4/20x3) or spiritual weapon +36/+31/+26/+21 (1d8+5/19-20) or Base Atk +23 (BAB +16); Grp +34 Attack Options spells, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Dual Strike, favored enemy humans +2 Special Attack turn/destroy undead 6/day at CL 23, spells Combat Gear normal metamagic rod of quicken spell (3/day up to 6th level spell), greater metamagic rod of quicken spell (3/day up to 9th level spell), greater metamagic rod of maximize spell (3/day up to 9th level spell), greater metamagic rod of extend spell (3/day up to 9th level spell), greater metamagic rod of reach spell (3/day up to 9th level spell), pearl of power (1st level spell), pearl of power (2nd level spell) (2), pearl of power (3rd level spell), pearl of power (4th level spell) (3), pearl of power (5th level spell), pearl of power (6th level spell) (2), pearl of power (7th level spell) (3), pearl of power (8th level spell) (2), pearl of power (9th level spell) (2) Magic Rating 32 Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 32 penetration 34 or CL 33 penetration 35 for Good spells): 9th energy drain, mass heal (DC 32) (2), miracle (2), power word killD, undeath's eternal foe, (recall 2/day via pearl of power) 8th brilliant aura, greater spell immunity (2), heat drain (DC 31), holy aura (DC 31), mass death ward, power word stunD, (recall 2/day via pearl of power) 7th brilliant blade, fortunate fate, holy word, mass restoration, power word blindD, radiant assault (DC 30) (2), (recall 3/day via pearl of power) 6th blade barrierD, bolt of glory (2), greater dispel magic (2), heal (2) (DC 29), (recall 2/day via pearl of power) 5th break enchantment, flame strikeD (DC 28), life's grace, righteous might (2), spell resistance, subvert planar essence, true seeing (2), (recall 1/day via pearl of power) 4th assay spell resistance (3), divine power (2), holy smiteD (DC 27), recitation, sheltered vitality, spell vulnerability, (recall 3/day via pearl of power) 3rd dispel magic (2), know vulnerabilities (2), magic circle against evilD, mass conviction, mass resist energy, remove disease, searing light, (recall 1/day via pearl of power) 2nd augury (2), divine insight, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, resist energy, spiritual weaponD (2), silence (2), (recall 2/day via pearl of power) 1st detect evil, detect undead, divine favor (2), healthful rest, protection from evilD (2), remove fear, shield of faith (2), (recall 1/day via pearl of power) 0 create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, purify food and drink D Domain spell. G Good spell at CL 22. Domains Good (Cast good spells at +1 caster level.) 1stprotection from evil, 2ndaid, 3rdmagic circle against evil, 4thholy smite, 5thdispel evil, 6thblade barrier, 7thholy word, 8thholy aura, 9thsummon monster ix (good only)) War (Free Martial Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with diety's favorite weapon (longsword)) 1stmagic weapon, 2ndspiritual weapon, 3rdmagic vestment, 4thdivine power, 5thflame strike, 6thblade barrier, 7thpower word blind, 8thpower word stun, 9thpower word kill.) Abilities Str 20 (32), Dex 22 (28), Con 17 (23), Int 20 (32), Wis 24 (36), Cha 18 (24) Inherent Bonuses Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Constitution +5, Charisma +5, Intelligence +5, Wisdom +5 SQ quasi-deity powers, wild empathy +10 Feats Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Dual Strike, Endurance, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades), Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (Heavy Blades), Improved Initiative, Improved Two Weapon Defense, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, Overwhelming Critical (Heavy Blades), Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster (+9), Shield Proficiency, Sif's Boon (+1 Wis), Tower Shield Proficiency, Track, Two Weapon Defense, Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend, Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades), Weapon Group (Basic), Weapon Group (Bows), Weapon Group (Crossbows), Weapon Group (Heavy Blades), Weapon Group (Light Blades), Weapon Group (Spears), Weapon Specialization (Heavy Blades). *Dargas Feat. -1/6 General Feat Points available. Epic Feats Devastating Critical (Heavy Blades), Epic Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades), Great Wisdom, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Rend. Skills Acrobatics +9, Appraise +15, Bluff +7, Climb +11, Concentration +28, Craft (Jewelry) +15, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +9, Fly +9, Handle Animal +12, Heal +21, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +29, Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering) +15, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (Geography) +16, Knowledge (History) +15, Knowledge (Nature) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +46, Knowledge (The Planes) +32, Listen +58, Profession (Herbalist) +17, Ride +19, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +46, Stealth +19, Survival +21, Swim +19, Use Rope +13 Possessions: combat gear plus "The Big Red Suit": +5 called aporter greater fire resistant nimbleness ghost ward heavy fortification red dragoncraft scale mail equipped with a greater crystal of mind cloaking, +10 called animated ghost ward heavy shield equipped with a greater crystal of arrow deflection, "Huntress" +10 keen transmuting everbright sizing longsword equipped with a greater truedeath crystal, "Ranger" +10 keen transmuting everbright sizing longsword equipped with a greater fiendslayer crystal, "Life Shielder": intelligent +5 transmuting collision longsword, masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus), +1 arrows (50), headband of epic intellect +12, undead turning and charisma +6, goggles of night, aware, penetrate, and conceal, periapt of epic wisdom +12, adaptation, teamwork, warning, second chances, and fortune prevailing x3, bolt shirt of freedom of movement, health +6, and natural armor +5, belt of battle, immutability, and strength +12, mantle of epic spell resistance, phoenix cloak, protection +5 and resistance +5, deathstrike strongarm might maximized healing bracers, ring of superior invisibility, ring of epic protection +10, ironskin, evasion universal greater energy resistance, and spell-battle, boots of striding and springing, translocation, and dexterity +6, Ormond's pouch, ioun stone (dusty rose prism), ioun stone (orange prism), rod of extend spell (greater), rod of maximize spell (greater), rod of quicken spell (greater), rod of quicken spell (normal), rod of reach spell (greater), pearl of power (1st level spell), pearl of power (2nd level spell), pearl of power (2nd level spell), pearl of power (3rd level spell), pearl of power (4th level spell), pearl of power (4th level spell), pearl of power (4th level spell), pearl of power (5th level spell), pearl of power (6th level spell), pearl of power (6th level spell), pearl of power (7th level spell), pearl of power (7th level spell), pearl of power (7th level spell), pearl of power (8th level spell), pearl of power (8th level spell), pearl of power (9th level spell), pearl of power (9th level spell), scepter of the netherworld, tome of worldly memory +10, portable hole, silver holy symbol of Sif (25), augury bones (25), reliquary for holy aura (500), healer's kit (+2 Heal) (25), silk rope (+2 Use Rope) (10). 79,129 gp. Equippable Possessions crystal of bent sight, greater crystal of adaptation, greater demolition crystal, greater demolition crystal, greater fiendslayer crystal, greater truedeath crystal Other Possessions: manual of gainful exercise +5 (used), manual of quickness of action +5 (used), manual of bodily health +5 (used), tome of clear thought +5 (used), tome of leadership and influence +5 (used), tome of understanding +5 (used). Quasi-deity powers Creatures of divine rank 0 are sometimes called quasi-deities or hero deities. Creatures that have a mortal and a deity as parents also fall into this category. These entities cannot grant spells, but are immortal and usually have one or more ability scores that are far above the norm for their species. They may have some worshipers. Ordinary mortals do not have a divine rank of 0. They lack a divine rank altogether. A divine rank of 0 provides the following effects:
Divine rank is a factor in several other effects, but has no visible effect for a quasi-deity:
"The Big Red Suit": +5 called aporter greater fire resistant nimbleness ghost ward moderate fortification red dragoncraft scale mail Tigerblade found this suit of Red Dragon Scale Mail in the horde of the Sharrakan the Great Wyrm Black Dragon. It was in a chest emblazoned with the seal of Alex de Chandon, High Paladin to Emperor of Raensia. "The breast plate, arm guards, leg guards, loinguard and neck guards are all edged with gold, which lends a luxurious contrast to the deep, blood-red color of the dragon scales." Aside from being extremely gaudy, it grants Tigerblade a +9 armor bonus and Fire Resistance 30. It's worth 172,200 gp.
scale mail: 50 gp
Armor Check penalty = 0
"Life Shielder": intelligent +5 transmuting collision longsword
Alignment: NG. Ego: 27.
Ormond's Pouch
Description: Pouch of woven gold, 4"x6"x2". Radiates up to lamplight (controllable). Crystal of Mind Cloaking, Greater This crystal is black as a clouded night sky. A crystal of mind cloaking protects you against mental infiltration.
Least: This augment crystal grants you a +1 competence bonus on saving
throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Demolition Crystal, Greater (weapon crystal) (MIC 65) This blue-white diamond bears a tiny adamantine emblem of a hammer. Demolition crystals were designed for those who fight constructs, particularly for the servants of wizards who battle enemy golems.
Least: A weapon with this crystal attached deals an extra ld6 points of damage to constructs. Price (Item Level): 1,000 gp (4th) (least); 3,000 gp (7th) (lesser); 6,000 gp (10th) (greater)
Fiendslayer Crystal, Greater (weapon crystal) (MIC 65) This perfect crystal sphere emits a faint white glow. A fiendslayer crystal helps you fight creatures infused with evil.
Least: A weapon with this crystal attached deals an extra ld6 points of
damage to evil outsiders. Any evil creature that grasps a weapon bearing a fiendslayer crystal gains one negative level, which remains as long as the weapon is held and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Price (Item Level): 1,000 gp (4th) (least); 3,000 gp (7th) (lesser); 5,000 gp (9th) (greater) Truedeath Crystal, Greater This amethyst is carved in the shape of a humanoid skull. Clerics craft truedeath crystals to aid themselves and others in sending undead to their final rest.
Least: A weapon with this crystal attached deals an extra ld6 points of
damage to undead. Price (Item Level): 1,000 gp (4th) (least); 5,000 gp (9th) (lesser); 10,000 gp (12th) (greater) manual of bodily health +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Constitution, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical. manual of gainful exercise +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Strength, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical. manual of quickness of action +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Dexterity, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical. tome of clear thought +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Intelligence, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical. tome of leadership and influence +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Charisma, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical. tome of understanding +5 As a result of reading this, Tigerblade has a +5 inherent bonus to Wisdom, accounted for in the stats above. Since it has been used, the book is no longer magical.
tome of worldly memory +10 (6,000) (MIC 190) This small book is bound in hammered silver and engraved with the continents of the world. By studying the book for 1 minute, gain a +10 competence bonus to a single Knowledge check. If you have at least 5 ranks of the Knowledge check in question, you can peruse it as a standard action to gain the benefit. The tome functions three times per day.
Book of Exalted Deeds (Minor Artifact) Tigerblade no longer actually owns this item, as he has used it and it vanished, as such items do when read. As a result of reading it, he gained a cleric level and a half and a +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom, both of which are accounted for in the statistics above.
Copyright © 2015 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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