Vita est ludus
The thin line between fantasy and reality...













Hermon - Stats

Here is Hermon as a D&D V3 character.

V3.5 changes already in:

  • cloak of the bat gives +5 to Hide and no AC bonus.

Here is where I will have a paragraph describing Hermon's appearance, personality, and, perhaps, his usual tactics. A DM should be able to take everything below the horizontal line and have a fully usable NPC.

Copyright © 2003 by Eden Celeste
All rights reserved.
Hermon: Male human Ftr10; CR 10; Medium-size humanoid; HD 10d10+30; hp 104; Init +7; Spd 20 ft.; AC 30, touch 13, flat-footed 29; Base Atk +10; Grp +15; Atk +19 melee (1d8+10, +3 longsword, critical 17-20/x2), or +19 melee (2d6+12 +1d6 cold, +3 greatsword, frost brand, critical 17-20/x2), or +17 melee (1d8+8 +1d6 fire, +1 longsword, flametongue, critical 17-20/x2 + 1d10 fire), or +14 ranged (1d8+4, masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus), critical 20/x3); Full Atk +19/+14 melee (1d8+10, +3 longsword, critical 17-20/x2), or +19/+14 melee (2d6+12 +1d6 cold, +3 greatsword, frost brand, critical 17-20/x2), or +17/+12 melee (1d8+8 +1d6 fire, +1 longsword, flametongue, critical 17-20/x2 + 1d10 fire), or +14/+9 ranged (1d8+4, masterwork composite longbow (+4 Str bonus), critical 20/x3); AL CG; SV Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 15. Height 6 ft. 6 in., weight 192 lb., age 37.

Skills and Feats: Heal +11*, Hide +8*, Listen +4, Ride +16, Spot +7, Swim +10, Use Rope +8*; Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (Greatsword), Improved Critical (Longsword), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword).

Languages: Common.

Possessions: +3 full plate of the deep, +3 large steel shield, +1 helm of natural armor, +3 longsword, +3 greatsword, frost brand, +2 longsword, flame tongue, ring of protection +2 and resistance +2, ring of spell turning, spellcache ring (stoneskin), spellcache ring (dispel magic), winged boots, cloak of the bat*, dust of disappearance (5), glow gem (50 charges of continual flame), iron flask, potions of clairvoyance, cure serious wounds, heroism, healer's kit*, silk rope*, xxx,xxxx gp.

*Already figured into statistics above.

Hermon's unusual or unique magic items:

+3 full plate of the deep
This full plate is decorated with a wave and fish motif. The wearer suffers no pressure damage from being deep underwater and is treated as unarmored for Swim checks. Can also breathe underwater and converse with any water breathing creatures.

Copyright © 2003 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn.
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