Here is Hermon as a D&D V3 character. V3.5 changes already in:
Here is where I will have a paragraph describing Hermon's appearance, personality, and, perhaps, his usual tactics. A DM should be able to take everything below the horizontal line and have a fully usable NPC.
Skills and Feats: Heal +11*, Hide +8*, Listen +4, Ride +16, Spot +7, Swim +10, Use Rope +8*; Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (Greatsword), Improved Critical (Longsword), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword). Languages: Common. Possessions: +3 full plate of the deep, +3 large steel shield, +1 helm of natural armor, +3 longsword, +3 greatsword, frost brand, +2 longsword, flame tongue, ring of protection +2 and resistance +2, ring of spell turning, spellcache ring (stoneskin), spellcache ring (dispel magic), winged boots, cloak of the bat*, dust of disappearance (5), glow gem (50 charges of continual flame), iron flask, potions of clairvoyance, cure serious wounds, heroism, healer's kit*, silk rope*, xxx,xxxx gp. *Already figured into statistics above. Hermon's unusual or unique magic items:
+3 full plate of the deep
Copyright © 2003 by Brianna Sollandry <brianna at hambo dot com> |
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn. |
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